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Vince McMahon is going blind.


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I hope it's just a case of him not wanting to wear glasses on camera/in front of an arena full of people.


Yeah, this is Vince, after all; the man who gets livid with himself if he sneezes. Don't all people his age need glasses? More likely than Vince actually going blind, I'd imagine he doesn't want to be 'weak' by putting contacts in, and would never, ever let himself be seen in public in specs.



Yet he's happy to walk around bumping into things, or having to use humans with flashlights like a guide dog on his TV show. I will never understand how his lunatic brain works.

In fairness, he would rather walk to his car with a torn quad with a 90% chance he'd tear the other one and end up on the floor like a turtle than get medical attention. Maybe he just thinks people wont notice.

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Sucks so bad how he's clearly the most psychologically fascinating human being who's ever lived, by a billion miles, but all but about 0.1% of the stories of his life happened behind closed doors or are too fucked up to appear in a biography, so will be lost to the mists of time.

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When he dies, its all coming out. It has to. God only knows what he's been up to in his life. Vince, Hogan, Piper, Savage and Warrior are just insane people. I geniunely think they are/were so far gone they believe the stuff they come out with. Its only when I read a transcript of Hogan's testimony for Warrior's lawsuit against the WWE that I realised how much the 80s took out of these guys. Hogan seemed under the impression that his run in WCW happened in the late 80s. They are either paranoid, mental, total liars, diviants or really angry nutjobs. Or all the above. Headlining for the WWF in the 80s, with all the coke, the lack of sleep, the steroid intake and everything else must have drove them all mad. Just look at those names. Hulk Hogan, Roddy Piper, Vince McMahon, Ultimate Warrior and Randy Savage. Each one of them wonderfully insane in their own unique way. All of them hated each other but forgot they hated each other when they could get something out of the other one. They dont make them like that lot anymore.

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I'm pretty sure that GIF is mis-representing the situation.  That's from the Roman WWE/24 documentary and Vince is trying to hold Brock back from getting too close to the edge of the stage at mania, as he doesn't want him to fall off the edge and jeopardize the Main event :)


still the rest of the story may be true

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During the Attitude era part of the Mr McMahon character is he had massive grapefruits.


But 5 years earlier the real man is rocking up to arenas for the jobber TV tapings with a broken neck and/or back. Completely no sold it.


Around the same time he's practically whistling dixie as the steroid trial went on.


The man isn't wired like the rest of us.

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I'm pretty sure that GIF is mis-representing the situation.  That's from the Roman WWE/24 documentary and Vince is trying to hold Brock back from getting too close to the edge of the stage at mania, as he doesn't want him to fall off the edge and jeopardize the Main event :)


Yeah watching it now and just came on to post. Some bell even edited it for the cut to that shot. 

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It doesn't add up. He can't see in front of himself but can see someone in the distance directing him. im no eye expert but I smell shite.

That's called being long-sighted.

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I'd like to think of him playing it out like Donald pleasence in the great escape, planting a HHH shopzone pendant or a couple of somas in the corner of a meeting room to prove his eyes are as sharp as ever before tripping over Pat Patterson's feet walking back to his chair.


Shortly after someone blows Rusevs gimmick as they wish him good luck as he gets on the coach outside a show.

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