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Drew McDonald


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Remember him getting buried online when Revival was on the telly for being slow and old and everything else. I also remember my Dad (a casual viewer who cares more about how hard the wrestler looks than what they can do in the ring) thinking he was the best thing on the show when watching it on Bravo. Which is the exact type of fan you want to attract. Character wise, he blew everyone away. His promos were excellent on that show, and he was smart enough to bring two sets of gear for each matches he wrestled. Made him totally stand out. Sure he wasn't flying off ladders, but he filled the screen up when he was on TV. Drew and Dino Scarlo were a cracking double act around that time. I genuinely got duped into thinking he legit smashed Alex Shane's head in with a chair at (I believe) High School Hell in Harrow back in 2001, unplanned mind you. I just remember hearing Drew didnt like the FWA and all of a sudden he's shooting on folk in the ring. Hey, I believed it. Sorry.


All I hear about him is funny stories. Like taking the piss out of Ross Hutchingsons Paul Heyman-esque speech at the UCW show in Coventry in 2001. Or threatening to rip Ryan Hewsons throat out when he cancelled his booking because McDonald wasn't late-90s enough for WrestleXpress. Remember him cutting promos on people on Tommy Boyd's radio show. They set this competition up to cut a promo on Drew McDonald, not knowing he was on the other end of the line. The "Highlander from Hell" is a fantastic nickname as well.


Lost a good one there. Seen him a few times at shows, and always looked like he was a real villain. Always enjoyed seeing him live. I know he was a staple of the old British scene of the 80s and early 90s, but when I think of the internet boom over here of the 2001-04 period, he's one of the names that pops in my head.

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Just heard about this - never saw him in person but he was larger than life and genuinely frightening. I think the British wrestling scene is doing fine these days but my God are we losing the old school greats at an alarming rate.


Drew was trending worldwide after Paige tribute last nite on raw, a great tribute to a great man


I did see a picture of it but haven't caught Raw yet, a great gesture. Did the commentary team mention it?

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I had the honour to call Drew McDonald a friend. It wasn't always an easy relationship and we fell out a couple of times over the years, but if I had to sum him up I would say that he was interesting (the stories he would tell) intelligent, obstreperous, proud and passionate about pro wrestling in a career that had taken him all over the world. He wasn't the greatest technical wrestler in the world, but he was the best heel in the business, and knew how to stir up an audience with the best insults and one liners I've heard.


He was also quite a humble man. He didn't believe that he was a "legend" in the world of wrestling the response this sad news has generated, proves that he will be remembered by wrestling fans everywhere he wrestled, and that would have made him happy. As a heel you don't get to feel the crowd's love or admiration, and I think he found that hard some days. He loved wrestling in Germany for example, where he could be who he wanted to be. But with his body and looks he was a scary proposition, to opponents and the audience. In real life, he was softly spoken, loved his fishing and adored his animals, dogs especially. He once said to me that if I was in a river drowning, and there was also a dog drowning in that river, he would rescue the dog. Didn't surprise me for a second :-). He had been in hospital for three months fighting stomach cancer, there wasn't much hope but he kept on fighting. I'm just glad that he died at home surrounded by family.

I will always remember making his entrance to the ring, solitaire swaying over his shoulder, face set with a determined grimace. The way he would have wanted to be remembered? As a professional pro wrestler, doing the job to the best of his ability. I will miss him.

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He wasn't the greatest technical wrestler in the world, but he was the best heel in the business, and knew how to stir up an audience with the best insults and one liners I've heard.




I'm sure Drew once said in a promo 'Listen buster, if I wanted to hear an arsehole talk, I'd fart', which made me laugh out loud.

May not be a Drew-ism but it's a good line which I am going to attribute to him from now on.

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Nice to see WWE.com just added a little write up for him.

Yeah, nice touch that. Am I right in thinking that him and Brookside were the main links between WWE and the British scene? I'm sure I read that they scouted for them and also brought the odd development guy over to work for All-Star. Stevie Lewington for example, who they sent over here to 'learn the British style'.

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