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Is there anyone worst in wrestling than the Ascension?


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As a result I imagine that there are some talent (such as Rose and the Ascension) who are seen more as "sink or swim" prospects, which are sent over allowing more development time for the more promising talent. There has to be a point where you don't see certain talent improving anymore unless they are thrown into the deep end of Raw and Smackdown, and some guys your happy to take a gamble on.


With Adam Rose, I expect it was a case of he started the gimmick and someone thought it'd translate perfectly to proper TV and be a cracking post-WrestleMania debut. I'd have made the same call, I think. He'd been in Florida four years as well, and they probably thought he was as good as he's getting.


With the Ascension, there was nothing else for them to do in NXT, and the main roster's crying out for tag teams.


What was the word on Rusev when he was in NXT? 


Triple H can't only send up top guys, particularly as the Shield boys and Bray Wyatt are still establishing themselves at that end. So it's a balance between who seems ready enough to go to TV without flopping (at any tier of the card), and who has done all there is for them to do in NXT. I'm not sure there's anyone that ticks both boxes. Neville has pretty much run his course in NXT and done brilliantly, but he's by no means a surefire thing for the main roster. Sami Zayn is good enough, but there's easily another year in him being the face of NXT so he's a hard one to know when to pull the trigger on. And it's tricky to know how to debut him, he's the sort of wrestler who needs that familiarity with the audience, I don't think he's a day one superstar. Tyler Breeze could go either way, not had a title run or anything yet but spent a good while at the top of the developmental card, has he peaked in NXT and just killing time now until the big roster's ready for him?


Itami's next to useless at the moment, Finn Balor's still got a long way to go to be WWE-ready, Owens has only just got there and seems primed for a good developmental run for a while. I don't see much in Baron Corbin. The Vaudevillains probably wouldn't work when Adam Rose didn't. Enzo and Cass have some potential, but same story there, will it translate as it is or should there be more tweaking for a bit?


I'd be inclined to look at CJ Parker or Bull Dempsey as a lower card shithead heel as the next call-up. Oh, and Kalisto to do something with Rey Mysterio while that can still happen. Other than that, it's finding a decent way to repackage Neville, be it the plucky underdog hero or something else.

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I can see the Lucha Dragons getting a call-up at some point soon. The Ascension are up there to add something to the tag division, whether they're actually doing it or not, so it'd make sense to bring up another team.

In terms of singles, I wouldn't mind seeing Enzo Amore given a shot. He has a catchphrase, he has a good look, he'd work in the mid-card IMO.

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Completely forgot about The Dicks. I remember Tazz getting in a pun at every opportunity.

There was an absurd promo on Smackdown once where Steve Romero interviewed them about their match next week with Animal and Heidenreich, where they talked about being "rock hard", and ended with Romero saying "We'll find out next week - can L.O.D....beat The Dicks".

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I can't believe they have managed to get a spot on a PPV already. Surely their match with the NAO would've been more at place on the kickoff.

Maybe on a normal PPV by this one has thirty people in one match and three in the title match.


What other red hot feuds are going on at the moment anyway other than the one between the people in the title match?

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