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I Love Gameshows

John Matrix

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I've always been a big fan of any gameshow that Bruce Forsyth hosts, The Generation Game, Play Your Cards Right, The Price Is Right all tremendous when Brucie was at the helm. In fact i think as far as brilliant gameshow hosts go Brucie is right up at the top. He had everything, the suits, the corny jokes, the catchphrases that you knew were coming a mile off but still joined in with anyways and most importantly he could have a laugh and a joke with the contestants but without sounding like he was taking the piss yet at the same time if say someone didn't win the dream holiday, the quad bike and the fitted kitchen on The Price Is Right he always seemed genuinely gutted for them rather than just saying 'Well you lost, bad luck now fuck off' or words to that effect.

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It's not a classic by any means but there was a short lived Game show less than 10 years ago presented by Nick Hanckock called Duel which I remember really liking. The premise was something like two people have to answer the same multiple choice questions against each other but can put down more than one answer to make their odds better -but they win less for it if they do or some typical convoluted shit like that.

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It's not a classic by any means but there was a short lived Game show less than 10 years ago presented by Nick Hanckock called Duel which I remember really liking. The premise was something like two people have to answer the same multiple choice questions against each other but can put down more than one answer to make their odds better -but they win less for it if they do or some typical convoluted shit like that.


I was about to jump in an lambast you and say that it was only a couple of years ago hardly 'less than 10', but a quick google shows me it was 2008. Fuck me where is the time going.


Also, +1 for Every Second Counts, which was absolutely fantastic.

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Without wanting to harp on about it, that site i linked to earlier compares the two nicely..




contestants were told in advance where the holiday would be during the Daniels-era, but when Monkhouse took over, they could choose where they wanted to go - provided that it was within Europe.


Monkhouse was smooth as fuck presenting game shows. Although as a child, and even now, i always got him and Des O'Connor mixed up for some bizarre reason and nearly just typed how much i liked him presenting Take Your Pick.

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Monkhouse was smooth as fuck presenting game shows. Although as a child, and even now, i always got him and Des O'Connor mixed up for some bizarre reason and nearly just typed how much i liked him presenting Take Your Pick.


That's because Des O'Connor is like Woody Allen in Zelig

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I used to love Big Break when I was a kid. I can remember watching one maybe in the early 2000's with Jamie Theakston and I honestly have no recollection of what happened on there. The Weakest Link was the worst, all those questions for a shit amount of money at the end.

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I had to stop watching Golden Balls after a while because the amount of infuriating greed that took place on the show wound me up to no end.

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I used to love Big Break when I was a kid. I can remember watching one maybe in the early 2000's with Jamie Theakston and I honestly have no recollection of what happened on there. The Weakest Link was the worst, all those questions for a shit amount of money at the end.


Family Feud in the USA is an embarrassment in that way

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Being in Scotland we would often get the 9.25am quiz shows instead of kids TV at the start or end of school holidays (due to ITV/BBC following the English holiday timetable which was often a week earlier/later than us), Chain Letters and Lucky Ladders were ones I remember fondly.


Chain Letters was another one which seemed to go through presenters like nobodys business, i've seen Challenge running the Dave Spikey episodes, but it was never better than when presented by Andrew O'Connor. I used to love Andrew O'Connor, he did Talk About as well which was another good'un. He made Chain Letters with his, "Just a second while i check with the judg....NO" gag.


Wasnt Lenny Bennett the original host?


Ive always had a spot in my heart for Supermarket Sweep

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Quiz shows were ace, but the ones today are generally naff. I enjoy the 15 to 1 reboot with Sandi Toksvig, but it will always be a William G and Laura show and random Roman pottery for winning it.


Quiz shows really struck a chord growing up and stuff like Masterteam, and First Class in the Pre Neighbours 5.30-6pm slot on BBC 1 enthralled me as a kid. Master team looks well dated now,

LOOK AT ALL THAT BROWN! Angela Rippon's not aged a day though.. :O


First Class to some was all about Debbie Greenwood, all I gave a shit about as a kid, was the fact it was the first quiz that played Computer Games! Hypersports, 720 and Paperboy, meant that it was an instant hit with me! The rest of it was probably horrendous, but here's some



Cheggers Plays Pop, Beat The Teacher and whatever thing that Gary Wilmot did as well as Gyles Brandreth (predictably about trains) were also class



Moving on from that Keynotes was always a must when ever I was off sick from school https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=szoS65VbQ5s


I could go on but not got time and dont wanna bore people to tears :)

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First Class to some was all about Debbie Greenwood, all I gave a shit about as a kid, was the fact it was the first quiz that played Computer Games! Hypersports, 720 and Paperboy, meant that it was an instant hit with me! The rest of it was probably horrendous, but here's some

I loved First Class. Partly because of the computer game element, but also it used Mike Oldfield's Platinum as it's theme and incidental music (or Agfa Super 60, as I knew it for years, because my Dad neglected to write anything on the cassette that the album was recorded on).

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