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US Navy Shootings In Washington


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After reading the 19 conspiracy theories that actually happened that Harmonic Generator posted you have to think that if people suggested today that the CIA were actively importing drugs, or that the US government were infecting African American men with syphilis they'd be instantly dismissed as tin foil hat wearing nutters.

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After reading the 19 conspiracy theories that actually happened that Harmonic Generator posted you have to think that if people suggested today that the CIA were actively importing drugs, or that the US government were infecting African American men with syphilis they'd be instantly dismissed as tin foil hat wearing nutters.

Pretty much.


That's a good-ish point, but throw enough shit around and you'll eventually hit a sticky part of the wall. If you say EvErYtHiNg is a false flag operation, then you might well stumble across a false flag operation, and if you blame everything on mooslims, then something is bound to be mooslims.

Yeah, but that doesn't change the fact that that shit actually happened, does it? And it doesn't do anything to dismiss suggestions that if the Government were happy enough to do those things back then, what's to say they aren't still at it today?

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That's a good-ish point, but throw enough shit around and you'll eventually hit a sticky part of the wall. If you say EvErYtHiNg is a false flag operation, then you might well stumble across a false flag operation, and if you blame everything on mooslims, then something is bound to be mooslims.


TBH after the recent Manning/Snowden reveals & the shit surrounding Iraq I don't know who's more mental. Those who are questioning or disbelieving EVERYTHING or those who accept whatever their government/papers account of events is? I imagine (hope) the reality is somewhere in the middle.

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That's a good-ish point, but throw enough shit around and you'll eventually hit a sticky part of the wall. If you say EvErYtHiNg is a false flag operation, then you might well stumble across a false flag operation, and if you blame everything on mooslims, then something is bound to be mooslims.

Yeah, but that doesn't change the fact that that shit actually happened, does it? And it doesn't do anything to dismiss suggestions that if the Government were happy enough to do those things back then, what's to say they aren't still at it today?


No, it doesn't change that at all - of course the government are still up to their necks in shady subterfuge - they'll forever be under suspicion on any number of fronts, not saying that they won't. The fact remains that, if the people making the accusations tend to be shady lunatics, or sharp operators like Alex Jones or Glenn Beck, who are minting it to the tune of millions leading dribblers around with a ring through their nose, selling them t-shirts and getting sweet media deals all over the place (crazy Glenn has another fictional conspiracy theory book out today, and that's bound to rake it in from any number of gullible tosspots), then they are damaging the argument with their constant bleating and wolf crying.

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But preventing insomniac nutters who hear voices in their heads from getting access to guns is one step on the downward staircase to "Jackbooted government thugs" (as Wayne LaPierre, Executive VP of the NRA described government agents, causing George Bush Sr. to hand in his NRA card) sending their black helicopters to pick up patriots and true Americans.



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One of the first time ive really followed a conspiracy type deal as it was playing out was the Boston bombings and it drove me crazy. Infowars was spouting any kind of shit they regarded shady, then as soon as that was answered they were finding something else to question. I saw several people point the finger on facebook point the finder at those two military looking dudes that were shown in photo's, also what about the 'mysterious guy on the roof!'. It was fucking stupidity.


Sandy Hook was classic too, some the accusations thrown our during that one were insulting.

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One of the first time ive really followed a conspiracy type deal as it was playing out was the Boston bombings and it drove me crazy. Infowars was spouting any kind of shit they regarded shady, then as soon as that was answered they were finding something else to question. I saw several people point the finger on facebook point the finder at those two military looking dudes that were shown in photo's, also what about the 'mysterious guy on the roof!'. It was fucking stupidity.


Sandy Hook was classic too, some the accusations thrown our during that one were insulting.


I loved the fallout of the poor Arabic lad who got tackled to the ground, setting off an underground stupidity quake of epic proportions - the dumbtelligentia had him labelled as a high level House of Saud operative who was all up in the White House's personal business, and who was really good mates with Obama and the other Muslim Bro'hood gang. There was no link revealed at any stage, which just proves that there was definitely a link, yessir. And when the story evaporated, like the Benghazi situation's more conspiratorial links, then that's all the better - the lack of reporting allowed the crazypants squad to firstly surmise that this mean that the cover-up was on, and secondly, to go ahead and make up all of the shit they felt like, out of the stiffening breeze of the news cycle. By now, I assume that if you dig into the comments in the infowars/blaze/red state axis of eejits, you'd find that this Saudi kid was rigged to explode, if only Moochelle O'Blamer would whisper her codewords into his shell-like.

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The fact remains that, if the people making the accusations tend to be shady lunatics, or sharp operators like Alex Jones or Glenn Beck, who are minting it to the tune of millions leading dribblers around with a ring through their nose, selling them t-shirts and getting sweet media deals all over the place (crazy Glenn has another fictional conspiracy theory book out today, and that's bound to rake it in from any number of gullible tosspots), then they are damaging the argument with their constant bleating and wolf crying.

The likes of Alex Jones is simply an entertainer. Conspiracy theories are his gimmick. Anyone who takes him seriously needs help.


I know it's a bit off-topic, but check out the Red Ice Creations website & podcast. Some decent stuff, usually coming from people who aren't complete headcases.

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I think Jones disappeared down the rabbit hole a long time ago and never came back up, he's very much about causing controversy and loves the attention but he's well and truly fucking out there in my opinion...and the problem is, many people take everything he says very seriously.

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