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Dean Ambrose is bottom of the pile in almost every respect in my eyes. He sounds like a sex pest that's phoned a late night chat line and is trying to convince the "Lay-dayz to come on ova. That's right because i'll take on any comers brutha. Anytime, day or night!!!". His downright bone idle, witless rhetoric in his promos is as empty as that monstrosity of a character. As well as being a crashing bore to listen to I just don't like the way he moves around. I do wonder if Wrestling is for me anymore when this flaccid gobshite is considered to have the cool, likeability factor. You could apply this to most characters past and present but it's striking with him, if you met someone like that in real life almost everyone would come to the concussion that he's a massive cock. The sooner this overrated dickhead fucks off back to the midcard the better. 

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if you met someone like that in real life almost everyone would come to the concussion that he's a massive cock. 

whereas who doesn't want to be best mates with a guy who talks about himself in the third person all the time and consistently abruptly interrupts you when he's just asked you a question?

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I find Top Dog Dean very satisfying personally, and pretty entertaining. After the months of under-utilization it's rewarding to see him given the ball and I think he's doing a pretty good job. I liked the dynamic of the Dolph feud a lot, and this AJ one should be corking too.

Loads of his matches have been disappointing this year and I'm not keen on a lot of his moveset, that's my only gripe with the guy

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if you met someone like that in real life almost everyone would come to the concussion that he's a massive cock. 

whereas who doesn't want to be best mates with a guy who talks about himself in the third person all the time and consistently abruptly interrupts you when he's just asked you a question?


Are you on about The Rock, you are comparing Rock and Dean Ambrose? This is pretty simple, Rock is a very likeable guy, he has an innate charisma that even if you were in the boozer with him and he's being a dick, he's a very funny likeable dick, the sort of bloke that takes the piss out of you but you laugh along with him and just go "you cunt you got me".


Dean Ambrose however is a massive fuckwit, his aloof, arrogant demeanor, the way he is outside of the WWE bubble, "just gonna go with the flow mannnnn", "wherever the wind takes me mannnnnn", YOU ARE THE FUCKING WWE CHAMPION you prick, grow a set of bollocks and show some fire. You are holding the same belt that Hogan, Bret, Shawn, Austin and the aforementioned Rock have held and you walk around like you have just been woken up from a pot induced sleep coma, I find him the most cocky, ignorant, unlikeable performer that's come down the pipe in a long time, the way he was with Stone Cold on the podcast was pathetic.


From a work perspective everything about him is mid card at best, I think I'm being kind to him there, his move set is shite, he looks shit, nothing he does has any kind of impact or believability and he wrestles in a cotton vest and jeans.


I hate Dean Ambrose, not as much as Will Ospreay but I hate him.

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Why does will Osprey hate ambrose? :p


Ambrose is never the man. many around are surpassing his work in both the ring and in character development. Get the belt on Styles ASAP

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The only issue with giving Styles the belt is how you'd keep him heel?


Even if his heel work has been stellar and it has, his ring work is just too good for the vocal smart fans to boo him. He does need the belt for sure but they have to think about how to go about it carefully. This is why he should have stayed with the club. Easy to come off a lot more heelish when your henchmen keep helping you win.

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if you met someone like that in real life almost everyone would come to the concussion that he's a massive cock. 

whereas who doesn't want to be best mates with a guy who talks about himself in the third person all the time and consistently abruptly interrupts you when he's just asked you a question?


Are you on about The Rock, you are comparing Rock and Dean Ambrose? 


I'm pointing out pretty much all big wrestling characters are dicks in some way or another, if you put it in Real Life terms. Rock? utter sociopath. Austin? really needs to work on his anger issues. Cena? overbearing sycophant. Taker? stinks of formaldehyde. Wouldn't wanna hang with any of them.


The rest of your post is a matter of taste. He's an old EC-Dub head who did a shitload of drugs as a teen, did mad shit on the indies and now finds himself at the top of the pile. I can dig it.

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Health Slater is the king. How great was he on this show?


What the fuck happened to AJ Styles in the last few months? He's went from being someone who they were terrified to put on the microphone, to leading the brand. As a character, I doubt you'll find a better version of AJ Styles ever.

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Do you reckon they hired him knowing that in less than a year they'd be building an entire brand around him, making him amongst the top 5 stars in the company?


Surely their plans never amounted to anything like this, yet he's been on absolutely fucking blistering form since they signed him.


They took a punt on him, throwing him straight on the main roster, on the basis of him being arguably the best wrestler in the world at the time. Within a year he's added 'one of the best character workers in the world currently' to his arsenal.


If he's given the title and becomes officially the blue figurehead, surely he's a lock for 'wrestler of the year'?!?!

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Absolutely Daz, and I hold the same regard for the IC division with the likes of Owens.

Shit to the wall stuff as you'd expect, in a way they have to do it that way, because if they push someone in the only way they Know how, it tends to backfire.


AJ has been fucking brilliant.

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I dont think WWE plans anything to that degree to be honest. They paid Del Rio shocking money to come in and look at him. And you can hardly blame Del Rio for being shit. He is shit. Its their own fault for conning themselves into thinking he wasnt.


Probably brought in AJ in the hope he'd end up getting hugely over and turning into their new Daniel Bryan/CM Punk type. Which he has in fairness.

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He's got to win the title at Backlash, he's more than deserved it since his arrival. His performances have always been excellent since his debut, but as others have said he's been bloody brilliant on the mic. I thought his heel turn wasn't a good idea at first, as he was so over, but man has it enabled him to show so much more.


He's the top guy on Smackdown by far. Fuck it, he's the top guy in WWE full stop. Ambrose is stealing a living in his position right now, AJ is far more superior in every possible way. He's just won a feud against Cena, he needs to ride that momentum. Stick him at the top.


Someone mentioned that although Joe VS Styles has been done to death elsewhere, they'd love to see it in a WWE environment. I echo that sentiment. In fact, that's probably the one match I want to see more than anything at the moment that doesn't involve Nakamura.

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I'll say a variation of this in every thread till I run out of steam, but this is what should happen;


AJ wins title.


On smackdown he cuts firey promo about the miles he's travelled, the battles he's fought and how he's now recognised as the best wrestler of all time. He stresses how there is no one, past, present or future, that can reach the levels he's at right now. He's got it all. The fame. The skill. The glory.


Hang on? Did he say glory?


Lights dim. Podium appears...



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