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Smackdown Discussion Thread

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Well they did that on this show as well, with Ambrose and Wyatt hyping up their match for tonight that was recorded last week.

 Yeah but on this occasion the Lesnar beat down hadn't even taken place when Henry cut that promo about it. They would've looked stupid had Lesnar not made it to Raw the next night.

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Well they did that on this show as well, with Ambrose and Wyatt hyping up their match for tonight that was recorded last week.

 Yeah but on this occasion the Lesnar beat down hadn't even taken place when Henry cut that promo about it. They would've looked stupid had Lesnar not made it to Raw the next night.


They'd have just cut the promo before it aired.
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Well they did that on this show as well, with Ambrose and Wyatt hyping up their match for tonight that was recorded last week.

 Yeah but on this occasion the Lesnar beat down hadn't even taken place when Henry cut that promo about it. They would've looked stupid had Lesnar not made it to Raw the next night.


They'd have just cut the promo before it aired.



Yeah true. In wrestling terms if something didn't happen on TV it never happened at all.

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Hey, it's Smackdown! Last week was a TERRIBLE show! Let's see how this week goes...

Show started with a match! Fandango versus Roman Reigns. Apparently I missed Fandango's entrance on Raw. To make up for that they didn't show it here. I'm certain on that.

Because Roman Reigns came out of the crowd and punched Fandango for NO REASON on Raw, they're fighting tonight. Shades of grey.

Fandango actually got some offense in this. I know! And, a sleeper that took FOREVER apart, his offense was quite good. I don't get it. He can talk. He has a good size and a good look. Yet this? I know, I know...

Anyway, Roman Reigns won with the, ugh, Superman Punch. Crowd seemed to like him so what the fuck do I know.

They announced Ryback versus Seth Rollins as our main event, and promised Ambrose and Wyatt later, too.

Hey, it's Dean Ambrose! He comes to the ring and does a decent enough talky considering he jobbed to some indoor fireworks and his own stupidity on the PPV. He challenged Wyatt to a Boot Camp match on Tribute To The Troops. Wait, let me look this up...

Webster's Dictionary defines a Boot Camp match as THE SAME SHIT THEY ALWAYS DO ON THESE SHOWS. No rules, no DQ's, pinfall finish.

Wyatt appeared on the screen and said he was enjoying this game. I think he pretty much promised that Ambrose would be killed when he stopped enjoying it. Call the police.

Okay, it's whacky match time! It's Miz & Mizdow and Luke Harper versus the Usos and Erick Rowan. Yeah, I know.

They did some good comedy at times, and the match was okay and didn't outstay its welcome. Harper's interactions with Mizdow were funny. Miz did a bit where he bawled out Mizdow for being whacky and Mizdow just repeated the same stuff back at him. Cole said they weren't having a disagreement, they were having an agreement.

Rowan won the match for his team with a - yes, you read it right - splash off the top rope. The Usos then tried to get him to join in their celebrations but he just lightly congratulated them on their part in the victory.

After the commercial, Jimmy Uso found Naomi staring into space. She has a Divas title match tonight which was set up on Main Event. Do I have to watch that, too, now??? Oh, wait, I just read that - SPOILERS - Big Show pinned Erick Rowan clean again on this week's show, so it can fuck off.

He was pumped about his victory, and pumped for her title shot, and said he wanted to be ringside. She said she'd rather he wasn't, for some odd reason. I think it's because she is stupid. He was okay with stuff. This makes her look like a dick.

Hey, it's Ryback versus Seth Rollins, which is our main event! But, wait a minute, we're only halfway through the show. I smell shenanigans.

Sure enough, Ryback came out and was jumped by Rusev. Rusev shockingly pushed Ryback off a four foot drop. The BASTARD.

Rollins, in the ring, waiting for the main event that never came, said this was an example of the lawlessness that no Authority produced. He gave himself the night off in the most hokey way. BUT NO! Dolph Ziggler came out...

Ziggler did a decent talky, and ended up making a match for himself against Rollins in the main event tonight. *Shrug*

Hello? It's the 1980s! We're sending you The Ascension. You're welcome!

Hmm, it's the women. It's Naomi versus Nikki Bella for the Divas title, and Nikki has Brie Bella in her corner. Naomi, of course, has no-one, because she's a fucking idiot.

They have a match. It is better than Nikki versus AJ but that doesn't mean much. Naomi cannot bump. How can that be?

Halfway through the match, Miz came down and ENCOURAGED Naomi. At one point she was pinned and he told her to kick out. She did. That was funny.

Jimmy Uso must not have been watching backstage, or he was in the toilet or something, because it took him an age but he ran out to PUNCH Miz, who was doing nothing but encouraging Uso's wife. To be fair, Albanian blood feuds have started over less.

Naomi got distracted by all this going on and fell victim to a small package for a Nikki win. Awful.

After the commercial, Adam Rose was out with his Rosebuds. Jimmy Jacobs was still with him. If I was Adam I'd start teaming with Jacobs rather than That Fucking Bunny, but I'm a mark for HUSS.

Rose, for some odd reason, is fighting Kane again. *Shrug* That Fucking Bunny is out there IN A NECKBRACE. Fuck off.

Rose gets some offense in and celebrates. This makes Kane mad and Kane KILLS him and wins. Kane leaves the ring and walks past the Rosebuds, but stops and walks back, dragging That Fucking Bunny with him. He delivers ANOTHER tombstone piledriver to That Fucking Bunny and leaves. RIP everyone's career.

The Dust Brothers hate Christmas. The fuckers.

Backstage Renee interviewed Seth Rollins. He said his aim was to make sure Cena fails at everything, and I imagined him trying to get Cena in trouble with the crusty old Dean at whatever college they go to together.

Rollins said that until The Authority come back he will make everyone's life miserable. Wall-to-wall drive-bys it is, then!

Hey, it's the REAL main event! It's Dolph Ziggler versus Seth Rollins, with nothing at stake except these two guys can't destroy their bodies enough!

I liked it. What can I say? It was their usual match but it was fun and it was professional wrestling. Finish came when Noble punched Ziggler and the ref caught him and threw the goons out of the match (that they weren't even in). Rollins got all pissy and Ziggler hit the Zig Zag from behind for the pin. Show went off the air with Ziggler looking happy and Rollins annoyed.

This was an Okay Show. I liked it. It wasn't great and it had it's problems but it flowed like Raw hasn't done in weeks. Okay is Good for WWE lately.

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Ziggler's promo was so bad. Way better than the likes of Morrison and Cesaro, but you can easily see why he doesn't get to talk much on Raw. He's not wooden exactly, but for wrestling talk, he's atrocious. I didn't watch the match, because we've all seen Ziggler vs Rollins enough times already.

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Ziggler's promo was so bad. Way better than the likes of Morrison and Cesaro, but you can easily see why he doesn't get to talk much on Raw. He's not wooden exactly, but for wrestling talk, he's atrocious.

Was only thinking (again) earlier reading that Gallows thread about how they're failing to get across real personalities on the shows. In Gallows case it's not just WWE. You've got a guy who seems fun and engaging and yet in both WWE and TNA he's been exceptionally dull both in and out of the ring.


Ziggler seems a cool enough guy on YouTube and DVD contributions but is so wooden on TV.


It's not easy to do what they do. How many other untrained people are expected to go out and convincingly deliver a monologue to a live audience of thousands of people. How many trained thesps even work to crowds of that size?


Makes you appreciate just how good a Dean Ambrose or Bray Wyatt is.


Not sure if know the answer either. More in-ring promos on house shows?

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Hey, it's Smackdown! I've been jonesing so much for stuff to watch that it's an actual pleasure!

Show starts with Hogan coming to the ring. Man, he looks ridiculous. I guess he always did but still. He said he was in charge again and Seth Rollins came out with his goons.

Rollins put Hogan over big, but then said he was the Seth Rollins of the 80s, which is funny on so many levels. He tried to get Hogan to endorse him as the future of the company, but Hogan suggested another name... Dolph Ziggler.

Ziggler came out and told Rollins to come back in ten years. I'd take that deal if it came with pay, like the Undertaker gets. Big Show came out and said he was going to punch Dolph and Hogan. Then Reigns came through the crowd (seriously?) and threatened to punch Show again. That's a lot of punching at a time of peace and happiness.

Reigns actually made a good funny, pointing at Rollins and the goons and calling them Show's wife and kids. He also didn't stumble on his lines. Good lad. Hogan booked a tag match for the main event.

Oh, Christ, it's Kane versus Ryback. They stumbled through a match and Rusev came to the ring and Ryback knocked him off the apron and then pinned Kane with the shellshock. Ryback 2 Geeks 0.

After the match, Rusev got back up and lost his shit. This allowed Kane to sneak attack Ryback and two chokeslams later he was dead. Rusev put the Accolade on and further killed the corpse of Ryback. Geeks 2 Geek 0.

Backstage, Rusev was looking pleased with himself and Hogan came up and told him off. He booked Rusev versus a mystery opponent later in the show for the US title.

Alicia Fox was in the ring for a match with Naomi. This was not good. Some stuff - mostly by Naomi - worked, other stuff really didn't. Miz was watching on a monitor backstage. Naomi won with a split-legged moonsault.

Backstage, Naomi and Jimmy were happy. Good for them. Incidentally, I watched 5 minutes of Total Divas yesterday by accident. Good Lord is that show bad! I guess it's not aimed at me.

Hey, it's R-Truth! He did his rowdy rowdy shit and only fat kids in Cena shirts were into it. Twas always thus. He's fighting Adam Rose.

The Rosebuds came out, without That Fucking Bunny. They were all party party happy but then Adam Rose appeared and they looked scared. What IS going on here? Rose told them to party and they did. Intriguing.

Rose was more aggressive and more ace and killed R-Truth. I like this. They better not end it with a return for That Fucking Bunny.

Rusev and Lana came out. Lana is still brilliant. They said no matter who Rusev's opponent was he'd be crushed. It was Dean Ambrose!

These two had a really good little match, so much so that I was actually annoyed with Bray Wyatt for causing a DQ at the end. Ambrose and Wyatt brawled for a bit and THIS FEUD MUST CONTINUE. It's Raven versus Sandman, innit? Crucifixion, please.

Because they don't have many wrestlers, it's Miz (with Mizdow) versus Jimmy Uso (with Jey) up next. This does not have the heat you;d think a match featuring a man trying to steal another man's wife might have. Miz offered to help the Usos like he's helping Naomi and Jimmy teased being interested but then superkicked and splashed Miz for the win. DO SOMETHING WITH THIS FEUD, PLEASE.

The Ascension arrive from the 1980s next week!

The Dust Brothers did a whacky promo.

Hey, it's the main event! It's Dolph Ziggler and Roman Reigns versus Big Show and Seth Rollins. And the goons.

Ehh, this was okay. They did some stuff. Reigns cocked the fist for the Superman Punch at one point but didn't get to use it, which worries me that his fist is still cocked and might go off at any point. Good guys won with a really bad spear by Reigns on Rollins - like a cuddle for an old pal more than an offensive move - and that's your show.

This was okay. Once again, better than Raw, but I think we decided that's a time thing, didn't we?

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I still dont get Reigns entrance.


I mean why though the crowd? 


Other than that another loss foe Rollins, has a money in the bank winner ever had it so good? Say he cashes in on a broken/cena/brock and maina. Does anyone think he will hang on to the title past the next nights raw?

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Money in the bank winners always lose loads, I assume so everyone is shocked when they cash in and win, the only one its ever really fucked is Sandow as he lost the cash in


Nothing outlandish but I reckon it must be set in stone now for Lesnar to retain at the Rumble, probably through interference off whoever Cena's fighting at Mania, then Reigns wins the Rumble, beats Lesnar at Mania, Rollins cashes in straight away, there's your title feud for the summer

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Rollins cash-in will probably just be used to continue the feud with Reigns, like when Edge cashed in on Cena, it felt like the writers were just like:


"Cena's headlining Mania, but what about Edge? He still has the briefcase. Oh, well, cash it in and he can lose it in 3 weeks. Thanks for getting us out of that bind!"


Hasn't every MITB cash-in simply created a transitional champion instead of leading to a proper reign?

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