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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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As soon as we saw them, everyone mentioned them being a shit LOD rip-off, like we were catching WWE out at pulling the wool over our eyes. At least if Animal had been involved, it would've been less that and more "these are shit compared to the originals" -- which has already happened all the other times Animal's been involved in a New Legion of Doom scenario, so WWE are used to that one.

Edited by King Pitcos
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To me this BS ending which we've become a custom to rears its head on the Authority return. A ratings killer I'd like to think with having Steph and Hunter yawning the crowd to submission of nothing.


This is the same Hunter that people are raving about with the NXT product. Granted he's being scripted by 64 writers with no direction of hardly anything we want to watch and be drawn upon. Surely to goodness he must know what they are giving is total shite. A three way at the Rumble threw me to be honest.

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It is interesting that HHH appears on Raw as an actor, doing storylines that he must surely think are pretty shite, and at the same time book a very different product down at Full Sail.


How different do we think his and Steph's visions are?  I always got the impression that she was very "sports entertainment" like her Dad.

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It is interesting that HHH appears on Raw as an actor, doing storylines that he must surely think are pretty shite, and at the same time book a very different product down at Full Sail.


He must be frustrated as fuck, because Kevin Dunn is apparently keeping his influence on Raw to a minimum I think, going by what others have said on here.

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I'm really hoping for this years WrestleMania HHH vs the Rock (or less likely Stone Cold) with Vince in their corner with the winner ownership of WWE on the line. Vince for me these days is probably stuck in his ways and lacking in fresh creative thinking. It would be very interesting to see HHH and Stephanie in charge and see what changes they make and what new things they can bring to the table as far as creativity. WWE for me is getting very stale, very fast these days and seems to be peaked as far as creativity is concerned.


I think a fresh perspective and pair of eyes is just what WWE needs at the moment to really draw back some much needed interest and excitement.

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Well the if Vince looses or should I say the wrestler representing him looses then the next night on Raw, Vince signs the company over to HHH and Stephanie and legit steps down as owner marking the start of a new generation. But then again from what I have read I struggle to believe that Vince would really step down as he is a work-a-holic but any thing cam happen in the World Wrestling Federation, I mean Entertainment.


Or have HHH v against Vince himself but not long after the action kicks off have Sting come out leading everyone to believe he is going to help Vince but instead cost Vince the match and the next night on Raw explain his actions as he wants to ignite the fire again that WWE once had, the same fire that over come WCW and drove it in to the ground and the reason he cost Vince the match is because he believes HHH is the man ignite that fire thus turning Triple face and along with Stephanie obviously the new owner of WWE.

Edited by C-Rock
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So between them, Vince, HHH and Stephanie are going to organise an angle/storyline in which the final result is that Paul Levesque and Stephanie own the company in real life? (Sorry for the use of real names)


Can you not see how stupid doing a storyline which ends in you losing your real life business is?


Edit: Also, you'd have Sting, who originally got Triple H fired, give the company to Triple H just because RUSSO SWERVE? I'm not the best poster on here by any stretch of the imagination but I can see why you get a lot of flak on here.

Edited by neil is brill
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Its wrestling anything can happen and often does. Vince could be obviously so certain he/or the person representing him is going to win that he takes the match and agrees to the stipulation. Obviously that would all happen only if Vince actually did want to step down as CEO and pass WWE and its control over to Triple and Stephanie.


It has to happen some time, Vince isn't getting any younger and just like his dad passed the company down to his son, Vince will one day pass it down to Stephanie or Shane but obviously if its Shane then my idea goes out of the window, unless Shane returns to WWE and gets involved in the storyline.

Edited by C-Rock
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