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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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Isn't that the case with most wrestlers though? I do think he needs to add another cool move to his matches though. Some kind of power move.


I'm pretty sure the only reason they are going with a 40 man Rumble this year is so that Reigns can top last years record.


They aren't going with 40. It's been confirmed as 30.


Ryback's pop last night was brilliant. He is over as fuck.

Edited by GavinSAFC
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Just starting watching last night's show - read on Twitter though that Big Show pinned Rowan clean.


Now, let me get this straight - they put that old fat cunt over Rowan on Sunday and then over him again on Monday? WHY?


Behave, Big Show is still quality.  Seems a bit harsh on Rowan but losing to the giant isnt going to do him any serious ong term damage.  He's in an unfortunate position where he's the only physically big face with any momentum at the moment so they need him to put Big Show over so he looks credible for Reigns - Big Show KO'ing Ziggler wouldnt really do him many favours.

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Just starting watching last night's show - read on Twitter though that Big Show pinned Rowan clean.


Now, let me get this straight - they put that old fat cunt over Rowan on Sunday and then over him again on Monday? WHY?


Behave, Big Show is still quality.  Seems a bit harsh on Rowan but losing to the giant isnt going to do him any serious ong term damage.  He's in an unfortunate position where he's the only physically big face with any momentum at the moment so they need him to put Big Show over so he looks credible for Reigns - Big Show KO'ing Ziggler wouldnt really do him many favours.



In your opinion, maybe. I've got absolutely zero interest in watching a lumbering 40-odd year old bloke waddle around a ring, using a knockout punch. What a load of shite. 

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I fell asleep with Raw on in the background at about 3am and then dreamt the main event was a retirement match for Goldust vs Val Venis* (who the crowd went insane for.). Now I've not actually looked at the results or anything, so I'm just going to have to wait for Linus' wrap up to see if was a dream or actually happened. It's about 50/50 in my mind right now.


The opening segment felt like an age, and was so ringey that I had to mute half of it. Jericho is hard to watch in front of a crowd, he just seems to push for a reaction too much.


Which is my review of Raw as I switched over hoping to catch the main event before realising it wasn't worth it and fell asleep.






*who had the towel on and was rock hard, it was a tent as he was walking down the ramp... Really don't want to read into that part of the dream too much.

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I fell asleep with Raw on in the background at about 3am and then dreamt the main event was a retirement match for Goldust vs Val Venis* (who the crowd went insane for.). Now I've not actually looked at the results or anything, so I'm just going to have to wait for Linus' wrap up to see if was a dream or actually happened. It's about 50/50 in my mind right now.


The opening segment felt like an age, and was so ringey that I had to mute half of it. Jericho is hard to watch in front of a crowd, he just seems to push for a reaction too much.


Which is my review of Raw as I switched over hoping to catch the main event before realising it wasn't worth it and fell asleep.






*who had the towel on and was rock hard, it was a tent as he was walking down the ramp... Really don't want to read into that part of the dream too much.


That wasn't a dream.


Elsewhere - that Kane and Rose promo was painful. The match got over though, hopefully it's WWE's way of writing Rose and the Bunny off telly for good.

Edited by GavinSAFC
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Had enough of it and went to bed the second Fandango appeared backstage. Not even bothered I missed Lesnar, the show itself sounded like the same old shit. Why are they having Lesnar appear unadvertised anyway? He's the champ ffs, how is he meant to draw if they don't announce one of the 5 times a year he's booked to appear.

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I'm up to the Miz v Usos match. Why can't we have just one tag feud where the wrestlers are kept apart until they have a pay per view blow off? Say, if Usos and Miz/Mizdow are to go at it for the tag belts, why dont they have both teams destroy every one in their path until they meet, giving the match more credibility in the long run. Instead we see any combination of the four competitors fighting on every show, rendering the PPV match pointless as we've already seen the good spots one million times over.


I hope they book the Ascension properly and have them hold onto the belts for a while in order to give the titles some credibility again. 

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The Ascension are awful and probably the worst thing in NXT at the moment (so good riddance to them, in that respect). I'll be pretty surprised if they get over on the main roster and will likely fall into the trading wins rotation in no time.

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I hope they book the Ascension properly and have them hold onto the belts for a while in order to give the titles some credibility again.


I'll disperse any chances whatsoever these two get over on the main roster. Konnor is fucking awful. Viktor has the better chance out the two. But he'll be another Zac Ryder in 6 months time.

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That was half a fucking great Raw. I'm not going to say it would have been great if it was 2 hours though. You just know that if it was two hours, they'd have left in the three years of Chris Jericho talking, the bunny shit and the 450 PPV rematches!


Reigns was fucking awesome. God I love that guy. His promos might be shit but there's more charisma in his smile than in most of the roster put together. He works best when he's just threatening to punch someone in the mouth. Fantastic sell job from Show too. Credit where it's due.


Lesnar was an ace surprise and lit up two segments. Loved the crowd too. They were great and the fact that they reacted "properly" to Brock killing Cena made it better. Glad he remembered the title for the second appearance too!


Rollins is now with Heyman. That should make for some decent stuff before the Rumble. IF they focus on Rollins and he's not just an excuse for Heyman to talk about Lesnar. Rollins did well in that opening segment. It's just a shame it was sooooooo long. Jericho trying to get his $200 back off Heyman was the most entertaining he's been in about 10 years too.


I think I got a bit wet when Ryback came out to oppose Rusev. And not just because Lana is filthy. This should be fucking awesome when it happens. Can they hold it off for the Rumble? Or should they?


I quite enjoyed the New Day skit. Match was meh but the interviews are decent.


Wasn't all good. Rowan jobbed again. Back to sniffing panties for him. There were Bella's and Bunnies. Oh and this fucking soap opera shite with The Miz that makes me want to stab myself to death.


Still, miles better than it has been for weeks.

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People on the internet can talk shit about Roman Reigns but going by the crowd reactions from TLC and tonight the main audience seem to fucking love him.

They don't hate him though, do they? He's still popular on here. I do think a lot of fans (myself included) see him potentially being booed by certain fans down the line, because he isn't CM Punk or something. I hope I'm wrong, because I still really like him. His return at TLC was done very well I thought and the crowd were really behind him.


So he's clearly eliminating Big Show last in the Rumble, right?

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That was half a fucking great Raw. I'm not going to say it would have been great if it was 2 hours though. You just know that if it was two hours, they'd have left in the three years of Chris Jericho talking, the bunny shit and the 450 PPV rematches!


Reigns was fucking awesome. God I love that guy. His promos might be shit but there's more charisma in his smile than in most of the roster put together. He works best when he's just threatening to punch someone in the mouth. Fantastic sell job from Show too. Credit where it's due.


Lesnar was an ace surprise and lit up two segments. Loved the crowd too. They were great and the fact that they reacted "properly" to Brock killing Cena made it better. Glad he remembered the title for the second appearance too!


Rollins is now with Heyman. That should make for some decent stuff before the Rumble. IF they focus on Rollins and he's not just an excuse for Heyman to talk about Lesnar. Rollins did well in that opening segment. It's just a shame it was sooooooo long. Jericho trying to get his $200 back off Heyman was the most entertaining he's been in about 10 years too.


I think I got a bit wet when Ryback came out to oppose Rusev. And not just because Lana is filthy. This should be fucking awesome when it happens. Can they hold it off for the Rumble? Or should they?


I quite enjoyed the New Day skit. Match was meh but the interviews are decent.


Wasn't all good. Rowan jobbed again. Back to sniffing panties for him. There were Bella's and Bunnies. Oh and this fucking soap opera shite with The Miz that makes me want to stab myself to death.


Still, miles better than it has been for weeks.


Yeah, I enjoyed it in the main. The show felt that much more important with Lesnar, Heyman - and to some degree Jericho - on in various segments.  The cage match was decent (though they still allow pinfalls which to me totally defies the point of having the cage but there we go), and I loved the pop Ryback got.


I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought that re: Rollins and Heyman. Rollins promos have been all about how he wants the Authority back in power etc etc, as though he wants his daddy - it looks like Heyman is going to side with him, which is great as it elevates Rollins and gets Heyman on TV more regularly while Lesnar is at home.

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it looks like Heyman is going to side with him, which is great as it elevates Rollins


Don't count those chickens. Heyman's track record is dodgy. For wrestlers who are already great (Lesnar, Punk) he's great. For ones who are shitehawks (Axel, Cesaro), Heyman's a kiss of death. And he derailed Ryback just when the big guy was starting to find his groove as a heel as well. If Paul E and Rollins are together now, hopefully it ends better than the last few.

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I stand by what I said months ago. I don't like Reigns. The chap looks the business - absolutely wonderful, in fact -  but is utterly trite.

There's really nobody on the roster at the moment that gives me the peaky helmet.

I think the NXT PPV spoiled me and then to watch TLC and it's accompanying Raw was a bit of a comedown.
Lesnar was magnificent though.

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