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Raw 3/6/13


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Was a good show tonight I thought, Vince and Steph both showed up. The Bryan/Kane/Orton v Shield was great as was Bryans match with Ryback, Bryan is the best thing in WWE for me and the cloest thing they'll ever get to another HBK. I also love Curtis Axel they've built him really well and another count-out victory over Cena suits him but they'll have to have him start beating people soon.

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Bryan was on fantastic form, he's really going to new lengths of awesome at the moment. Loved the backstage bits with him Kane and Orton too, when Randy and Kane are the two more sane people in a room you really do have to love everything that's going on.I'm totally in love with AJ Lee, their really is something quite attractive about a crazy person, it slightly worries me.


Payback is a week on a Sunday and there are two matches announced so far. Gonna be a good one that..Hope they put the title on Ryback and put Bryan in the WHC picture with Ziggler after this shite PPV. I'd also like to see a Del Rio Vs Daniel Bryan feud which would be top notch workrate wise over the summer. I'd also like to see Ryback Vs Orton sometime over the next 12 months. None of this really has much to do with RAW.


Payback is a week on a Sunday and there are two matches announced so far. Gonna be a good one that..Hope they put the title on Ryback and put Bryan in the WHC picture with Ziggler after this shite PPV. I'd also like to see a Del Rio Vs Daniel Bryan feud which would be top notch workrate wise over the summer. I'd also like to see Ryback Vs Orton sometime over the next 12 months. None of this really has much to do with RAW.

After Del Rio's match with Ziggler for the title, he needs to be kept away from the title picture for a while. He's been feuding over the belt for almost a year pretty much none stop. I was over-kill a long time ago.D-Bry vs Ryback or Cena depending on how it goes has far more potential in my eyes. Ziggler can play about with Orton until the inventual Big E split happens.

I'm hoping they might use Cena coming out and saving Bryan as seeds for a feud after Ryback fucks off. Have crazy Bryan as he doesn't need saving, and that he had it covered. Though, wouldn't necessarily turn him heel,, pumped up Bryan is far too much fun.Ryback was awful last night. His backstage promo was like watching season mode on an early Smackdown video game.


Daniel Bryan is freaking amazing.Parts of Raw just feel like the same old boring shit, but then you have Daniel Bryan, The Shield and the incoming Wyatt family. All filling me with genuine excitement. The Triple H stuff was god awful, Im not really bothered with Ryback or Cena. Axel might be a bit duff but at least they are trying something with him, its good to see the Uso's too and again at least they are trying stuff with all these guys they have now. Its feels like Del Rio and Langston have wrestled each other about 20 times now so that can bugger off. I'd be nice to see Fandango win the Intercontinental Title soon and get him away from Khali. A Triple Threat with him, Miz and Barrett at Payback might be fun!


Looks like a stellar show. But where was Cesaro - or did I skip his part of the spoilers?My biggest grip with wrestling right now is how they try to build new stars yet keep the old stars safe. Sheamus and Orton always win - so no room for the Sandows or Rhodes to get a win. Same kinda goes for Axel - yeah he has 2 victories over Cena and one of Trips, but he hasn't 'beaten' them. I appreciate they are trying to build him up, but he needs some definitive wins over big names. I just don't think it will hurt to occasionally have these guys lose. It's what has made the Shield effective as a unit, now can we get some singles victories?


The Triple H stuff was god awful

Glad I wasn't alone in thinking that.Daniel Bryan, The Shield (I take back what I said last week) and the incoming Wyatt Family are pretty much the only thing keeping me watching right now.

It's obvious to anybody that watched this that this show was all about Daniel Bryan and was arguably a show which will be looked back on as a star making moment, or I could just be getting carried away after finding a TV match to be completely compelling and exciting. I'm keen on Bryan keeping the deranged unreasonable aspects of his personality yet not ushering into heel territory. The 'inferiority complex' storyline has legs and could be the perfect catalyst in presenting Daniel Bryan as the hungriest (sorry Ryback) superstar and the man that goes above and beyond to prove himself and will die trying. ...also, thank fuck we have moved away from Team Hell No vs PTP every other week. Other notable performance was Orton and that he was loving it in the six man match and has the crowd on his side these days a lot more than I can remember during some off the duller days of his last year or so. Good showing from Randy. Curtis Axel is growing on me somewhat too, he doesn't look that 'cookie-cutter' either as he has a glowing tan which sets him apart (in one of the smallest ways possible). His hairs quite fine too and I'm sure I noticed a bald patch coming on. A nice bick razor to the hairline would make him look that much more menacing.

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Randy Orton's alot easier to like when he's just Randy Orton having good matches on Raw rather than one of the focuses of the company or some huge storyline. He's been in cracking form in ring for a month or so.


Having watched Raw:Daniel Bryan is the by far the best part of WWE right now, followed closely by the Shield. Proof wrestlers should take time to hone their craft in the indies before 'rushing' to the big time.I'm glad they've changed Axel's music back to his original 'Pefect' Remix.Not only am I sick of Del Rio being in the title picture, I'm sick of him vs Big E. I don't need to see it again. Also, why does Ricardo carry a bucket with him? He doesn't use it.. it's a useless prop.Sandow was good on commentary - only good part of that match.Paul Heyman and Jericho are doing a great job of selling Jericho/Punk Chicago II. Not as good as last week, but still enjoyed. I wouldn't be surprised if they replace Punk with Axel on the night to draw some massive heat.Fandango deserves better than Khali - and I'm hopeful he'll walk out of Payback Intercontinental Champion


Paul Heyman and Jericho are doing a great job of selling Jericho/Punk Chicago II. Not as good as last week, but still enjoyed. I wouldn't be surprised if they replace Punk with Axel on the night to draw some massive heat.

I thought they'd replace Punk with Axel too, but didn't they announce Axel vs. Jericho for Smackdown this week? Wouldn't make much sense to have them wrestle each other on a throwaway Smackdown episode then do it again at the PPV, kind of loses the 'shock' of him replacing Punk.

Was it actually announced for TV then? When I saw it online, I assumed it was a dark match. Hmm - still wouldn't surprise me. Maybe a screwy finish on Smackdown or a non-starter?


Is there any doubt that Bryan is the best thing in WWE if not wrestling as a whole right now.This man needs to be in the WWE title picture and soon!


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