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Game of Thrones - Season EIGHT (No book wankers)


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The Actor Kevin Eldon was spot on, as was the little bit of Richard E Grant that we saw. All that was needed was Thoros of Myr to turn up and ask him if he put the E in his name to appeal to the Braavosi.


Why do you keep calling him The Actor? Of course he's an actor!?

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The Actor Kevin Eldon was spot on, as was the little bit of Richard E Grant that we saw. All that was needed was Thoros of Myr to turn up and ask him if he put the E in his name to appeal to the Braavosi.



Why do you keep calling him The Actor? Of course he's an actor!?

It's a Stewart Lee and Richard Herring thing Herbie. When Kevin Eldon started out he was a stand up comedian but he thought of himself as an actor. They generally refer to him as The Actor Kevin Eldon and fans of theirs do as well.

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With Brann being touched my the king White Walker dude, does this now mean they can travel South past the wall? Shits about to kick off.

I dunno, did anything really stop them before? Other than that big fuck off wall, but that should be a doddle to them. God knows where Bran and Meera are going to end up. Maybe they might bump into his uncle Benjen, who popped out in series 1 only to never return.

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With Brann being touched my the king White Walker dude, does this now mean they can travel South past the wall? Shits about to kick off.

I dunno, did anything really stop them before? Other than that big fuck off wall, but that should be a doddle to them. God knows where Bran and Meera are going to end up. Maybe they might bump into his uncle Benjen, who popped out in series 1 only to never return.

Wasn't the wall previously magicised (eh) by the Children of the forest which kept the whites from passing it. Got the impression that's all fucked up now though as they were able to enter the tree after Brann was touched.

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Perhaps it is more of a marker on Bran than anything else. The White King can follow wherever Bran goes is how I read it. If Bran goes south of the wall then the Night King can follow?


Surely the wall has to come down at some point. That has to be what this is building too.

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I don't see her like that at all. She certainly has her own agency now, rather than simply being a pawn, but I don't think she knows what she's doing. She's going to fuck it up.

I think the opposite, I think she will be the one who outsmarts littlefinger, she knows she is being played, this is why she doesn't;t tell Jon Snow it came from littlefinger.


On the subject of Richard E Grant, was this a surprise cameo? I can't remember it being reported he's going to appear


Hands down my favourite season since the first so far, pretty much every episode has had a major moment and with the promise of more to come

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Richard E Grant was definitely announced that he was cast, he was only one of two names I recall (admittedly I tried to avoid casting news). The other one I knew, who is yet to appear, was

Ian MacShane- which should be awesome


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Alfie Allen Island is like that shit village at the bottom corner of the map in Final Fantasy you only go to at the end of disc three to buy medicines for your chocobos. We all watch Game Of Thrones together on a Monday evening after work and routinely change favourite location and they won it last night. Let's steal the fleet when the lads are down the beach putting a bit of driftwood on the new kings head. Cue the new gaffer telling six absolute scrubs to go build a thousand ships.


As someone who is terrible at remembering names and story arcs with this show it's the most fun season since the first three because it's clearly undergoing a bit of a madcap written for television transition away from the more patient, constructed narratives of the books. I'd rather sheer madness over the last season where nobody bothered to light candles in any of the scenes. At this point I hope the show ends with a post credits sequence which shows the red lady coming out of the sea and onto the beach in Dorn only to complain about how the climate here plays havoc with her complexion and wink to the camera.

Edited by Gay as FOOK
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Is Brann the Lord of light?


Is he the whispers that turned the mad King, erm, mad? (burn them all, possibly relating to burning the white Walkers with wild fire, and not actually innocent people.)


My head hurts.

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The theory that he whispers to Aerys to turn him mad doesn't go down well with me. Really don't want this show to get all Christopher Nolan. Next thing you know, Hans Zimmer will show up scoring every minute of every scene.

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Got to say Euron Greyjoy is great at coming up with plans that sound magnificent as long as you don't question the practicalities.


Your kingdom's on its knees and has no political or military weight? "I'll just marry that dragon lady and get control of her armies."


Nephew and niece sailing off to the horizon with all of your ships? "No problem lads, we'll just build some new ones and then catch them up."

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