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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently 3 - The Final Insult

Devon Malcolm

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I was going to slag off your taste in women because it's usually pretty bad and/or boring but I googled her and she is pretty rough, with her thin lipped sallow sunken face. So, as you were.


It's not just women, ultimo's taste in everything is questionable.


Regardless of whether you find her attractive, which I do, she's an absolutely wonderful actress. I'll watch anything she's in without hesitation. As long as it's not Superman or something.

Edited by Devon Malcolm
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I was going to slag off your taste in women because it's usually pretty bad and/or boring but I googled her and she is pretty rough, with her thin lipped sallow sunken face. So, as you were.

I take the actuation of boring very seriously, bad taste i can handle but boring never!


It's not just women, ultimo's taste in everything is questionable.


Regardless of whether you find her attractive, which I do, she's an absolutely wonderful actress. I'll watch anything she's in without hesitation. As long as it's not Superman or something.

You finding frosty the snow wife attractive (i miss Martin Crane) calls your opinion on everything into question

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The Grand Budapest Hotel was wonderful. Wes Anderson is my favourite director anyway, so I was destined to love it, but it truly is the best film I've seen in ages. Every time a new one comes out, I always internally argue with myself whether or not it's my favourite. This definitely is a contender. Ralph Fiennes steals the show, but nobody puts in a bad showing. If he, or this film don't get nominated for a load of top awards I'll be very shocked.

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Still not sure about Wes Anderson. I find his films leave me a bit dissatisfied. They're very charming and different, but not substantial in any way and quickly forgettable.

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I implore you, I beg of you D-Mal to watch Rushmore. It just gets better and better with each watch. A lovely movie.

One of my all time fave flicks, to the point that a picture of Herman Blume (Bill Murray) hangs proudly on the wall in the guest room of my gaff.


Rushmore and Life Aquatic took a couple of watches each before I truly began to love them. I still crack up at that dinner scene in Rushmore. "O.R you?"

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I find them all hard work. Wes Anderson falls squarely into the "kookie" category of film that I really struggle with, as I want to hit the main characters upside the head and tell them to sort themselves out. It's an unfair comparison, but that's the same category that Garden State is filed in, along with Little Miss Sunshine.

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