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Yes. Normally the tours are announced at the shows and go on sale the following week.


Not sure how true it is but apparently Destination America didn't like TNA filming the last set of Impact shows in the UK.

WON reported that they were ok with the set of tapings just gone because it had already been arranged, but apparently the idea of doing 2 or 3 sets of tapings per year in the UK was mooted and that's what didn't go down well. Although really it plays into the "Destination America" thing more, because that would have been 3 times a years they would have actually had America as a destination.

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He didn't feud with Jarrett but he had a backstage brawl where Jarrett sold it like he had no idea why he was being randomly attacked. I piss myself everything I watch it.


That was a great angle. Basically, Bischoff hated Jarrett and decided to demean him by making him to really horrible jobs like selling hot dogs and ticket stubbing, but Jarrett excels and loves it. So Bischoff tells him to clean the bogs, but Jarrett enjoys that too so Morley gets a referee and jumps Jarrett in the toilets. It was one moment and I think Venis left after that. 

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TNA are now advertising that a former TNA World Heavyweight champion is returning on Friday's "live" show to referee Angle vs. EY for the World title.


PWInsider are saying it's someone who's currently not on the roster. If that's indeed true these guys fit the description: Sting, RVD, Foley, Joe, Styles, Bully and Sabin. Obviously, a couple of those are not possible.

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Could be RVD I suppose, but the smart money is on Bully Ray surely. He's pals with Billy Corgan as well. I wonder if Sign Guy Dudley and Nova will turn up in TNA in a backstage role now. They usually go where Corgan goes in his wrestling ventures.


Although, did they state it was in a wrestling role? They need a colour commentator. Wouldnt shock me to see them bring in Raven as a colour guy. You can easily spin him as a former TNA World champion. I'd say it has to be one of the ex-ECW wrestlers with Corgan involved. He even had the ECW belt in a feud in his company out of Chicago a few years back. He's big into that stuff.

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I think I remember Val Venis left Heat for TNA and immediately became a main eventing champ, with the same ol' gimmick which was pretty pathetic.


I don't remember that at all. The only thing I remember of Val Venis in TNA was him coming in with Hogan and Bischoff, and doing a promo about how he wasn't a porn actor any more, he was a porn director. Then he had a bit of a crappy feud with Christopher Daniels (when he was just going by the name "Daniels"), and left straight after. He didn't hold any belts at all, and he certainly didn't become main event.



I remember he beat Daniels clean on PPV and the front row regulars in the Impact Zone at the time literally turned their backs on the show. As in, they actually turned and faced the other way. 


This may have been the same PPV where Bischoff and Hogan ripped into the fans after the show and a lot of them never came back. The regime was less than a month old at this point. 

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Getting rid of a six sided ring and beating Christopher Daniels only mattered to the same people who would NEVER stop watching. Only that fanbase could get worked up about that. Everybody else (sadly) just got on with not paying to see TNA on PPV or going to see them live, because the shows were just mindless TV filler. If you that irrational of a fan, you'd have given up on TNA at the barbed wire Christmas tree or the time that dwarf with the big forehead had a wank in the bin.

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Eh, TNA was actually pretty good during the end of 2009 when they were locked in a holding pattern, waiting for the Hogan/Bischoff regime to kick off. Russo or whoever was booking seemed to be under orders not to do anything too ridiculous and keep things ticking over. Turning Point in November of that year may be their best PPV still to this day.


Then, the first PPV under the new regime featured Daniels slipping from the main event the previous month to jobbing to Val Venis in the second match, The Band wrestling for the tag titles and the debut of fucking Mr. Kennedy. Not to mention Hogan and Bischoff berating the crowd for being a bunch of fuckwits. And of course the hilarity that had been taking place on Impact leading up to it. 


The entire promotion changed overnight. I think that Daniels/Val match might have just been the last straw for some of them. It was essentially a TNA lifer jobbing to a WWE reject whose gimmick expired ten years prior. I'm sure they had the Nasty Boys slopping around at this point too and other relics from a bygone era.


And Abyss shoving a WWE Hall of Fame ring down Hogan's throat. And Orlando Jordan rubbing cum all over his body. 

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