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The MVP unveiling wasn't really a shock, but at the same time wasn't a major disappointment. If they do it right it could be good. For some reason though the main thing it got me thinking was is him coming in & 'making changes' a lead in to the 6 sided ring returning to set TNA apart?


I really hope they don't bring it back, at least, not in the way you're talking about. It doesn't set TNA apart at all, and doesn't make any difference to their ratings, revenue, turnover, profit or whatever.


There's only one scenario I would bring back the six-sider, and that would be for the Destination X event. Paint it all black to make it look sleek and state-of-the-art to reflect the style of the wrestling the division is supposed to represent, and make a big deal of the idea that matches in it will take on a different feel and be more dangerous in kayfabe - not true, but it doesn't need to be.




"The X-Division is where TNA stars push the boundaries of human capacity, where only the bravest and most reckless daredevils in wrestling are prepared to fight. The innovation and mind-bending feats of athleticism performed by these wrestlers are unparalleled in the entire world of wrestling.


Now, for the one night of the year, the battleground where it all began, the HeXagon, makes its return at Destination X. Even the X-Division athletes find this structure too intense to handle, but they will all tell you: the risk is worth the reward.


As if that weren't enough, we've added a cage for the main event - The Six Sides Of Steel. Think a cage match is brutal? You haven't seen brutal. More sides, more wrestlers, more steel, more PAIN. This isn't brutal, it's HeXtreme."



Alright, it may be a bit pony, but you get the general thrust of how I'd push it.



I like this.


I thought it may return & just be the usual bullshit of going back to roots etc etc, this makes us different blablabla & so on. But this idea actually makes me want to see it!

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Put it this way: TNA are severely lacking in speciality PPVs, which would add a bit of depth to the few they have. WWE have the Royal Rumble, the Elimination Chamber, and (sometimes) the Survivor Series, and (before) the King Of The Ring. WCW had WarGames and SuperBrawl (I think).


TNA have Lockdown, and that's it. And Lockdown isn't that great as a gimmick really. The Destination X event, if they're serious about the X-Division, is where they can differentiate themselves. But bringing back the six-sider permanently and regularly is overkill. People don't like it that much to want to see it all the time, and wrestling has been standardised too long ring-wise for people to be able to accept anything other than the traditional four-sider in mainstream promotions.

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Fair enough. Well, they can make Destination X one of those TV specials, then. I personally think they should ditch Lockdown in favour of a Royal Rumble-type gimmick match that leads to BFG. I'm not liking the series any more, mainly because it gives away too many fresh matches too soon.

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Put it this way: TNA are severely lacking in speciality PPVs, which would add a bit of depth to the few they have. WWE have the Royal Rumble, the Elimination Chamber, and (sometimes) the Survivor Series, and (before) the King Of The Ring. WCW had WarGames and SuperBrawl (I think).


Superbrawl wasn'r a gimmick PPV, and War Games was a type of match held and several different PPVs rather than an event.


Uncensored started out as a gimmick PPV, and Battlebowl was a shit one in 1993.

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Dunno how spoilers work in this thread so will tag and edit later. Feb 20th spoiler:


SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

Seems James Storm turned on Gunner at the tapings. They just can't help themselves with the swerve after they made up on this weeks show. They are screaming out for people to credibly challenge Magnus so it seems a very odd time to turn one of your most popular acts


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Put it this way: TNA are severely lacking in speciality PPVs, which would add a bit of depth to the few they have. WWE have the Royal Rumble, the Elimination Chamber, and (sometimes) the Survivor Series, and (before) the King Of The Ring. WCW had WarGames and SuperBrawl (I think).


Superbrawl wasn'r a gimmick PPV, and War Games was a type of match held and several different PPVs rather than an event.


Uncensored started out as a gimmick PPV, and Battlebowl was a shit one in 1993.


Once again, I stand corrected.


So WCW didn't have much in the way of gimmick PPVs, then? Very surprising when you read about all those reports of gimmick matches and insane booking, you'd think there'd be more of it.

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Velvet looks like a lass on her period in that photo with the tracky I can't be arsed make-up.


I watched the episode from Glasgow on Thursday night and enjoyed it. The Hydro looked alright but what is so stunning about it? It reminded me of the Hammerstein Ballroom for some reason. Overall the show was good and the reveal didn't disappoint. I thought the highlight of the show was Gunner's promo - One of the best I've seen for a while, I just thought it was ace and his theme tune is top notch. It's good to see the way they are handling Joe at the moment who appears to be motivated for the first time in a while. Even seeing The Wolves was nice.


Spud on the other hand is annoying as fuck but as I guess that's exactly how he's meant to make me feel. Dixie is horrible and that dress was even worse. Kurt Angle shouldn't be wrestling either.


I will certainly be tuning into the next UK Tapings when they air next Sunday.

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