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This is nothing new. Jeff Jarrett has always been the guy in charge of TNA's international business when it comes to dealing with other promotions and new TV shows. That's never changed. Whether it's working relationships with NJPW, AAA and WRESTLE-1 or developing new shows like Ring Ka King & British Boot Camp - Jarrett has always been the main guy behind all that stuff.

Notice how all those things you mentioned, very rarely does any of this hit TNA's TV? Or is even acknowledged by TNA as having anything to do with them? Almost like there's someone trying to undermine Jarrett's work. AAA is never mentioned on Impact (unless Jarrett is there and he's pushing it). They never show footage, they never bring in any wrestlers from AAA. New Japan and TNA haven't had a relationship in years. Okada came over and look what they did with him? This is no coincidence that they announce this deal when Jeff Jarrett returns to TNA's tapings like Corporal Jones telling everyone not to panic. Bischoff and Prichard have actively tried to undermine Jarrett and its encouraged because someones got a hard on for Jeff for personal reasons. He's a huge asset to the promotion in his current state, yet he's fucking out doing stuff that TNA never gets behind. This is exactly what I hate about TNA and why its growth has been minimal for years. Whether its the deal with Bellator or the OVW thing or New Japan and AAA, the right hand doesn't know what the left is doing. The King Mo thing was a hatchet job if you've ever seen one. You'd think a promotion in TNA's position would try and strengthen ties with other companies and highlight it on Impact that Bobby Roode went to New Japan or something. Or that they flew out Samoa Joe and he beat Ricky Banderas. That's why there should be one head in TNA, as opposed to Dixie Carter telling every a load of power players whats up. These international deals are just pointless if someone in power doesn't like the person in charge of these deals, so wants to see them fail.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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I don't know shit about TNA, why does Dixie hate Jeff so passionately?

Its supposedly because Karen filed a sexual harassment lawsuit against them. A lawsuit TNA has never denied and it was during a period where Dixie Carter went "on hiatus" and Terry Taylor got fired. The lawsuit involved Dixie's husband as well oddly enough. And during a period where Karen Jarrett returned to Impact for the first time in 3 years.


EDIT: I think maybe the Torch confirmed the above to be true.

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Under those same circumstances, its weird that Jeff wants to hang around at all.


Though, don't WWE think he's a giant cock too?


I suppose that rules out a gig as a coach in the performance centre.

Edited by d-d-d-dAz
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Jarrett's a worker. He'll ride this shit out until its done and he can hop on whoever picks up the pieces of it. There will always be more use for Jeff Jarrett in the wrestling business than Dixie Carter. I mean, look at right now? They are in the shit and who did they ring to run the locker room? Double J.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Who's Lionheart?


Why do people keep throwing out these stupid suggestions? Even TNA must be able to rustle up a recognisable face from somewhere? It's hardly likely to be Davey Richards either. Those promos show some personality.

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Seems like Davey Richards. Shaved head, MMA bullshit, something about nobody knowing him. I'm fine with Richards coming in, but why wouldn't you just film some vignettes of whoever it is with "*insert name* coming soon to TNA". That way of establishing a new character that has worked for the last 3 decades. For example if its Richards, show him training in that MMA gym he works out at, show footage of him working for some promotion establishing his trademark moves, have him talk about why he's coming to TNA, tell us he's won World titles in other federations. I'm begging TNA to tell us who these fucking people are when they show up. But they never do. They just throw them out there.


Heyman said this before in an interview with Power Slam. You never get to know any of TNA's wrestlers. They always just throw shit out like when Sting mentioned about AJ's Dad slapping him about and the audience went "errr ... roll that back please?" They really need to have some imagination instead of this "I dont work for Impact, you wont see my face until Thursday" shite they ALWAYS do. Remember when Bobby Roode became over huge just by showing him with his family next to some ducks eating bread? Thats what I want more of. Humanize the characters and give them some depth. I know more about AJ Lee than I do AJ Styles. I know absolutely fuck all about Chris Sabin's character outside of the fact he's legs fell off last year. And he's been around a decade. He's got a band and he's shagging Velvet Sky in real life. Cant we know this as a viewer?

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Thing is you can't be too sure how tenious the claims in the video will match up to whom ever it transpires to be. The third video says it's not a person 99% of people don't know. Does that mean it's a household name or just that it's someone 99% of TNA fans know?


The whole profile of the person could be anyone if they just shaved their head so that it made it more difficult to identify them and I suppose we know it's not Batista or Jericho. It may well be a disapointing MMA cross over, maybe Lashley but with the unfinsihsed business side of things that wouldn't make much sense.


Hardcore Holly would be fucking awfull and I really hope it's not him.


Monty Brown would be...different.

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The reason why AAA is never mentioned on TV by TNA by the way, is because Lucha Libre USA has an iron clad contract with AAA which states it cannot be promoted in the US. Daft, but with AAA nothing suprises me.

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