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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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I think he'd be suited to a run in NXT full stop. I wouldn't let him go and being on main event every week is pointless. Having a run in NXT with some of the talent down there while finding a look and a spin on his all-american character that isn't completely out-dated could be good for him.


It might not work but you never know. I think he's good enough to be worth a little effort.

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Jack Swagger had a nice little match the other week with Rusev on Smackdown, where given the two's respective spots I was expecting a nothing squash but they made him look decent, almost powering out of the accolade. It was actually pretty exciting even though my head told me "Swagger's not going over in a million years".

Why he did that on Smackdown, and the only thing he's done on Raw lately is lose to Barrett in a minute, I don't know

Edited by sj5522
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Just got to October 1995 with my Network watch.   I'm trying to watch every PPV in order with the pre and post PPV Raws and Nitros thrown in there as well.  


Gotta say that while creative wasn't particularly strong with either side at this point, Nitro was a much slicker show.   Bischoff wasn't a brilliant play by play man, but he had a better energy about him than Vince did at that point.  

Edited by Doctor Whos Next
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Owen Hart through 1998 was midcard at best, and through 1999 to his death he was less than that, he was a lowercard bore who did nothing.

When was he meant to be good or was it just a myth because he died?


Personally, I think Owen was one of the better wrestlers and characters of his generation within WWE. Especially 1994-1996. 


No one ever said he was overrated when he was alive and this whole thing about him being regarded as so has only been around for the last 5 years or so. I think the new generation of wrestling fan may not appreciated him now, but for anyone who saw his rise from the Blue Blazer to genuine main event material at time that the roster was piss poor will agree that he was great. I always think this whole "he's overrated because he's dead" thing is just to go with the crowd a lot of the time.


Watch back some of Owens matches. Any of the matches with Bret from 1994, WM, SS or the lumberjack match from Raw were great. Bret/Bulldog vs Owen/Neidhart was a great match. Owen vs Bulldog for the Euro title, Owen vs HBK before WM12, Blazer vs Dibiase, Owen vs 123 Kid at KOTR 94 all great matches and worth watching more than once. Plus his mental foaming at the mouth promo after beating Bret at WM10 is as real as it gets, just someone so proud of what he had just done and proved everyone wrong.


Fuck now I need to go back and watch his entire 1994 back catalogue!

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I think the "Owen was over rated" stuff stems from the "Owen should have been WWF champion" train of thought. I don't think Owen should have been WWF champion, he wasn't at the level, but he sure as hell isn't over rated if you judge him on his own merits. As PSF stated, he has a great back catalog of matches. He made a fine opponent to be in the mix with the top dogs of 1994 / 1997.

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Owen was in a strange spot from 1995 onwards really where he was all over the card.

He was stuck in a brilliant tag-team with Davey Boy for a large chunk of the time, but could have slotted in nicely into any spot on the roster. I'm sure he main evented a few Raw's and houseshows chasing Shawn for the WWF title, but fit in just as well in that memorable feud with Austin for the I-C belt.

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In fairness, they were the only good tag team throughout their run. They had to put up with the likes of the Smoking Guns, the Godwinns, Rick Bogner and Kane and the relics that were the LOD. The matches generally depended on who their opponents were.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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In fairness, they were the only good tag team throughout their run. They had to put up with the likes of the Smoking Guns, the Godwinns, Rick Bogner and Kane and the relics that were the LOD. The matches generally depended on who their opponents were.


I didn't find the Gunns too bad really (okay, I'm biased as I loved their Sidewinder finisher so much). Its just that they were on so bloody much that it got to overkill by the end.

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In fairness, they were the only good tag team throughout their run. They had to put up with the likes of the Smoking Guns, the Godwinns, Rick Bogner and Kane and the relics that were the LOD. The matches generally depended on who their opponents were.


True. The best thing about their run was their relationship with each other. That says all you need about the oppos.

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With UKFFers Grado (TheLostScot) and Tom Irvin (mid 00's poster Penis Suplex) making waves in the BritWres industry at the moment, I wonder which current or former UKFFer will be the next breakout star in the Pro Wrestling business (in the UK at least).


It could be one of you!

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With UKFFers Grado (TheLostScot) and Tom Irvin (mid 00's poster Penis Suplex) making waves in the BritWres industry at the moment, I wonder which current or former UKFFer will be the next breakout star in the Pro Wrestling business (in the UK at least).


It could be one of you!


I think it's you!

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That's nothing compared to when British promotions used to do angles on here. Main event angles featuring imports from the US would be started via Alex Shane posting a thread. So odd.


How did they work? Threads saying "D'Lo Brown's shit" and that kind of thing?

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