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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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One for the WWE Music in Other Places list.


Just watching a documentary on Hurricane Sandy and they used the same music WWE use for their Don't Try This At Home bits.


All the tattoo programmes on TruTV have had The Hardy Boys entrance theme on them at some point or another.

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Just to hopefully stop him being slagged off on here once and for all seeing as he's always getting called miserable and bitter, here's a question and answer from Lance Storm's website (from Nov. '10)


Q: It seems like your fans in your Q&A section are more insulted or bothered by you not receiving more of a push then you are what's your reaction to this?

A: I appreciate the concern, and sure a bigger push would have been nice but I think fans often forget the level of push I got earlier in my WWE run (IC Title, 4 WWE Tag Team titles) and only remember the crap they had me doing at the end, there is no point being upset over stuff you can’t change now.


See! He isn't bitter!


Oh and from the same Q and A, here's one for Pity


Q: Are there any wrestlers you can think of who never had a run with anyone's world title, but whom you think would have been successful had they gotten that chance? (I'm thinking specifically of Roddy Piper, though I'm sure there were other factors at work.)

A: I hate speculating on stuff like this so I won’t. There is always the problem of timing. There are a lot of guys who might have been able to pull off a World Title run if they were given the chance but like in the case of Piper, there was a better option available (Hogan) so he didn’t. That’s just the way it goes.






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Depends how you want to look at it. 


Roddy Piper could have been world champion, going off his talents and popularity, on his own standings. 


Roddy Piper was a better choice for World Champion than Hulk Hogan.


Two very different statements. 


Yeah but he couldn't have been world champion could he? I'm not having a go but whether it's could or should makes no difference, he couldn't have been champion because it wouldn't have dented Hogan's popularity and if you're going the Mania main event being Hogan v Piper in a rematch for the belt then it fucks the mainstream appeal of Mr. T being in the main event (which admittedly has been said in the other thread)

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