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Getting illegal downloads onto iPhone?


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Is it jailbroken?


No I got it from shop.

Aren't there major draw backs to having a jailbroken phone?

None to think off, I cant think of ONE fault having a jailbroken phone. Having cydia on my phone and having the sbsetting on my dashboard saves me so much time being able to turn my mobile internet off and wifi on when i get in the house all in one screen saves loads of time and battery.


If you have a tethered jailbreak then YES its annoying its a pain in the ass if your phone goes flat but 99.9% of people will have a Un-tethered jailbreak which means it works exactly as a non jailbroken phone works just with added extras to make life easier IE SbSetting or Installous

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Aren't there major draw backs to having a jailbroken phone?


Yes. But presumably there's also a draw back to not having a jailbroken phone, like having to pay for apps.

paying for apps thats insane.


Yeah, fuck the developer who made the game they ain't getting my 99p! You minky theiving fuck.

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Aren't there major draw backs to having a jailbroken phone?


Yes. But presumably there's also a draw back to not having a jailbroken phone, like having to pay for apps.

paying for apps thats insane.


Someone ought to push you out of a window. Some of my friends make their absolute pittance that way.

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I got an iPhone recently, and I haven't had a chance to go over the how and why of jailbreaking. I think that the main reason I'd do it would be to avoid paying the punative wireless hotspot charges that my carrier demands, but as I said, it's all a mystery to me.

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Hang on a minute. ajmcstyles is a bit of a dickhead but about 90% of people rip off film studies, record companies, software developers or TV producers at some point. Unless you're whiter than white, don't be a tit about it.

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