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Raw 05/03/2012 - Pre/Post Discussion


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Watching the highlights from Raw it felt like I was watching Raw from early 2000's with Shawn Michaels, the Rock, Triple H etc.


Is it a bad thing that WWE are having to rely on Superstars from the past who are in their twilight years to boost their ratings? it doesn't fill you with hope for the future of WWE when you look at the WrestleMania card and your still seeing the Rock, Shawn Michaels, Triple H, Undertaker, perhaps even Chris Jericho taking up the top spots. Whats going to happen in 5 years time when those guys will most likely past it.


WWE is really going to have to start creating Superstars from its batch of generic young stars they have now to carry the WWE in the years to come. WWE can't continue to rely on Superstars from the past to generate interest...there not going to be around forever

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The Rock hasn't wrestled regularly for 10 years and hasn't had a one on one match for about 8 years. Why would Cena be scared of him?


Because on paper, The Rock is better.


He's faster, he's more athletic, he knows way more moves than Cena does! (sarcasm, maybe)


Survivor Series proved that The Rock hasn't missed a beat. Regardless of whether he's been regularly wrestling for years or not, The Rock still has 'it' and they're saying he's the best there's EVER been .. so why wouldn't Cena be scared of 'the best'..?


Plus actually, why does not wrestling regularly have to be a bad thing? Maybe his conditioning is better. Maybe his body is in better shape, and hasn't had the shit knocked out of it on a nightly basis for the past 10 years.


The Rock is a fucking machine. Seriously though, it's the 'best' thing clearly.

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That's nonsense, though.


You can regard someone as the best ever, without being frightened of them now.


There's probably a 90 year old sprinter out there who i'd defer to as the best ever, i'd still fancy myself in a race against them.

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You can regard someone as the best ever, without being frightened of them now.


There's probably a 90 year old sprinter out there who i'd defer to as the best ever, i'd still fancy myself in a race against them.

True, but if you went for warm up jog with him a couple of months ago, and he left you for dead, you might not still fancy your chances in that race anymore, right? Which is essentially what happened at Survivor Series, going on your analogy.

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Not really, not if he'd tripped me up from behind. I'd be more determined to run the arse off of him.


I'd perhaps interpret the need for underhandedness as a sign that he couldn't do it up front and properly anymore, too.

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Good Raw this week, it's 'Mania season and they generally always do well.


Wasn't a fan of the HBK/Triple H segment. It wasn't as good as previous weeks and parts dragged a little.


The first two Rock history segments were good fun, he was a bit in 'Hollywood Rock' mode. I must say I resent the people on here saying you can't enjoy The Rock anymore because you're not 14, that's ridiculous. I don't enjoy The Rock is much as I used to, but to say folk who do have some growing up issues is a goal kick (or it's poor trolling). I've seen people on here enjoy stuff much worse than what The Rock has delivered in recent weeks and always post about bits of childhood nostalgia that they still enjoy, doesn't make them a sup-par person either.


Cena, again, schooled The Rock. As enjoyable as The Rock segments were, Cena made them look weak with his fine promo. He needs to ditch the "I like the old Rock and I want to fight him [insert Rock catchphrase]", makes him come across like a super fan, rather than an enemy. I bummed the part where Cena grinned and started egging The Rock on to. His empty arena segment was missing a Morgan Freeman voice over.


Jericho needs something badly. He got little reaction, again.


The Miz's downfall is wonderful, I've never rated him but he's a good midcarder.


This Ace/Long feud is good fun and the live crowds are really into it.

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Is that then Truth flat-backed it? ...Yeah, I remember I think.


if i'm honest, i've never bought in to The Miz and whilst the show wouldn't be better without him, I don't think it'd be any worst. Certainly puts paid to dirtsheet reading mongs who, when he was champion, were predicting a big face turn because Vince saw him as the next Rock.


I'm not a sheet reader, but I saw huge potential in Miz as a face after the incredible video package he had at Mania. Lifelong fan makes it, and makes it big. It would only take A-Ry turning heel on him, rather than face, and Miz beating up baddies instead of goodies, and the rest of the story was in-built. I'm a big Miz fan, and it disappoints me how it seems to be turning out for him. Ian's right, if he doesn't get a Mania match, they're seriously up against it if they want to rebuild him. Fuck it, I'll have him on NXT looking like Rock, Hogan and Austin combined compared to my gang on the yellow brand.


I love Miz. I really believe him, which I think is a near-impossible trait in today's generation guys who are of cookie-cutter in the first place, then do their social networking completely out of character anyway. Cena and The Miz are the two guys who I am able to accept are 100% for real when they're in their wrestling gimmicks. Like how you felt about your favourites when you were a kid. His last 8 months or so has been gutting to watch.

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The problem with Miz as a face is the same as Orton originally. He cannot cut a face promo because he's so naturally condescending and he just looks like such a cunt. Orton has matured and has made it eventually but Miz just looks so much more arrogant than even Orton.


I wouldn't care if they let Miz go. Never particularly liked him. He was way above his station last year.

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Just watched the Cena/Rock encounter. Cena was on top form! Best in the biz. He's really outclassed Dwayne on the mic throughout their feud. To be the man, you've gotta beat the man. And Cena's put in a good shout for himself as the best ever now, unless you're in the "Dwayne's crap on purpose" club. Also, Cena isn't quite as good as crazyshady. In fairness, though, crazyshady did have all the notes for his "I change my IP address every 10 minutes, you'll never get me neil" promo written on his arm. In his own shit.


Edit: I'm definitely with lovely NEWM on the subject of The Miz. But not on the subject of Undertaker vs HHH from last year.


Edit 2: Forgot about Kane and Randy Orton. What a shit feud that is. I have hope that Daniel Bryan and Sheamus might start something of note before WrestleMania, but Kane and Orton is the most blatant "well, they had nothing else on" feud ever. When I predicted it based on those house show lineups a few weeks back, I didn't expect it'd be so, so bland. At least the boring Orton vs Punk feud last year had a "well three years ago, you did this" premise.

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I don't get how anybody is criticizing Cena for laughing at Rock during his "I'm gonna tear your throat out" stuff, to look scared at that just doesnt fit Cena's never back down character and he is responded by shrugging it off and being overly arrogant/cocky which is personally how I think I would respond in that situation. The stuff when Rock left made Cena look like he was the most likeable guy in the world and it was great to see him having a genuine blast. Firmly in Team Cena's corner for this.


The empty arena promo sucked though.

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Is it a bad thing that WWE are having to rely on Superstars from the past who are in their twilight years to boost their ratings? it doesn't fill you with hope for the future of WWE when you look at the WrestleMania card and your still seeing the Rock, Shawn Michaels, Triple H, Undertaker, perhaps even Chris Jericho taking up the top spots. Whats going to happen in 5 years time when those guys will most likely past it.


WrestleMania 33: Lesnar vs Batista

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Orton, about this time last year, on the Rock-Cena feud:


I think Cena will own The Rock. I think Cena is wittier and can go off the cuff. Cena writes his own stuff while The Rock has stuff written for him. It just all comes down to who you are in the ring and what kind of performer you are in the ring, and I think Cena is ten times the performer in the ring that The Rock is.
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Not really, not if he'd tripped me up from behind. I'd be more determined to run the arse off of him.


I'd perhaps interpret the need for underhandedness as a sign that he couldn't do it up front and properly anymore, too.

But are you really comparing The Rock to a 90 year old?


Obviously it's not as simple as 'fearing the best the business has ever seen' but coupled with the fact that actually The Rock isn't over the hill, and he is a fine physical specimen of a man, and he clearly hasn't forgotten how to wrestle/fight/whatever you want to call it - yeah, it makes perfect sense that he's still viewed as 'the best' or close to it.


If it was Cena now vs a 90 year old Rock .. obviously it'd be different. Regardless of how he's handled himself, the SS performance spoke for itself.

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