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NXT - Post NXT Takeover discussion in progress


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I guess that the plan was for Connor O'Brien to be called up to the main roster with Kenneth Cameron, before he fucked things up and got the sack. Maybe now they will pair him with Rick Victor and follow the original plan.


Edit... here's Bray's new look:



Edited by Arch Stanton
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Really enjoyed the show this week. I usually do with NXT, but this was a particularly good one.


Was reasonably impressed with, if not blown away by, Sami Zayn. My first exposure to him in any way as I confess to never having seen an El Generico match. Cesaro was always going to make a good opponent for him due to his experience working the same kind of places as Zayn (I presume they've wrestled before anyway?), and I'm a bit of a Curt Hawkins fan too. The crossbody catch into tilt-a-whirl backbreaker spot in the Cesaro match was very impressive.


Making his second NXT appearance with his samurai hair & spotlight posing, Mason Ryan looked far & away better than he did in his first a few months ago. Lovely trunks, and vaguely competent in the ring.


I've warmed to Corey Graves of late, and Bray Wyatt is the man, so the main event was great.


The updated opening sequence was really good too. And Regal was back on commentary. Thumbs-up all round for NXT this week.

Edited by Statto
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They must really see something in Sami Zayn, huh? I expected him to go over Hawkins, but what followed with Cesaro was a real surprise. He looks great in the ring, as expected. Looking forward to seeing where they go with him.


Enzo Amore was fun as a bit of a comedy jobber. Mason Ryan has a hell of a look, but his poundshop Ryback routine didn't do anything for me. I hope he does find a character that works for him though.

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Ah yeah, I forgot to mention Amore. Good fun, much better than I ever expected him to be, my opinion being based entirely on that shit tattoo he has on his midriff which is supposed to be a bullet, but looks like a cock.

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Enzo Amore is also (or rather previously) known as 'E.A All Day' Eric Arndt. He is genuinely from New Jersey and plays an entertaining trash talking Jersey character. He's an entertaining, fast-talking promo with a million different, new catchphrases every time you hear him. He's basically an infinitely better version of Zack Ryder in some respects. Enzo Amore is actually a fantastic name he has been given for his character. He's got a somewhat entertaining story, he's had a nice life, always being a massive pro wrestling fan, who used to run a Hooters bar and stick Raw on in there every Monday whether punters liked it or not. He began training at a gym in New Jersey that is a world renowned gym these days training many high level athletes, including much of the New York Giants team. Just so happened that some time later Triple H discovered the owner/trainer of this gym, contacted him and began training there too, fell in love with it and these days bigs it up all the time and rightly so. EA, believing this was fate made the most of the opportunity and begged the trainer to just give Triple H a video he'd put together selling himself and see if he'd give him a shot. The video featured EA training, wrestling and cutting a short promo, with a song/rap written and performed by himself playing over the whole thing. And Triple H signed him up and sent him to Florida.

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Yeah, he's fully aware of that and it's always a talking point around him. Totally the type able to laugh at himself and a joker. They are definitely fucking awful, not sure it will hold him back because he's one of those types that simply plays an amplified version of himself, which is often the best type and the tats could well add to that. He's got a lot of likeable qualities and is entertaining. I could see him doing alright, at least making it to the main shows eventually.

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And that's the video I was referring to.


That's like the perfect video to send to HHH, not surprised he got signed. I can't see the tats being a problem but then the video's a bit grainy so I can't see if they say anything stupid.

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