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WWE Wrestlemania XXVIII Discussion Thread


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Rock vs Hogan was indoors 90 minutes into the PPV, though. WWE's constantly had shit reactions in outdoor venues. I thought the main event was a huge reaction, considering the people had been there for ages as well. To get the kind of roar they got at the start and at the end was incredible.


Hogan's different to Rock and Cena as well. Cena and Rock at least try and work a match. Instead of moves, Hogan 90% uses manerisms and old school crowd working tactics to keep the crowd alive. If Hogan suddenly put a bearhug on the Rock 10 years ago, there would have been silence as well. Hogan whole act is that he demands the attention. Those last five minutes last night were awesome. Hogan was mostly a nostalgia pop and love from his supporters. It wasnt about Hogan winning or the actual match itself. I know that, because that was my reaction to it when he came back. The main event last night, the fans were big into the final result of the bout. The pop for Rock winning was incredible.


Just look at this bloke:


and this bloke:

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As I went, I can honestly say the pop for the rock winning was insane. As was last 5 minutes. The crowd did die slightly after HITC but that match was amazing and exhausting. For a outdoor show that place was loud. I'd happily compare that crowd to any high profile sporting event I've been to back home like the six nations ect.

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Thinking it over, I'm still not okay with Sheamus/Bryan. I watched WrestleMania with family and my brother-in-law (who is a casual fan at best and was watching mostly for Rock/Cena and the HIAC) noted during the entrances that the crowd "were booing the shit out of this guy". I know it was the show opener, but these are two guys people care about. The Royal Rumble winner and the World Champion. All those YES! signs and chants.


I would be a bit more prepared to accept it if they hadn't got bumped from the card last year. It's the fact that twice in a row now they haven't had the chance annoys me. I'm sure we'll probably see the match on every B PPV until SummerSlam now but it's not the same. I've wanted to see them have a match for a while and they deserved to have it at WrestleMania. Like someone else said, Rhodes/Big Show should have been the shambolic ten second effort.

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Begs the debate: Why does nobody get pissed off when it happens in MMA or boxing? Yes, pro-rasslin' is scripted and thus you can decide to build a 40-minute match if you so desire, but why do people not feel ripped off when the exact same thing happens in a real fight?


Personally, my initial reaction was, 'Aw, fuck. I wanted to see a match.' but narrative-wise, it was perfect.

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Begs the debate: Why does nobody get pissed off when it happens in MMA or boxing? Yes, pro-rasslin' is scripted and thus you can decide to build a 40-minute match if you so desire, but why do people not feel ripped off when the exact same thing happens in a real fight?


Personally, my initial reaction was, 'Aw, fuck. I wanted to see a match.' but narrative-wise, it was perfect.


In a legitimate sport like MMA or boxing, people want to see early knockouts because it is proof of the fighter's talent. If you pay

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Begs the debate: Why does nobody get pissed off when it happens in MMA or boxing? Yes, pro-rasslin' is scripted and thus you can decide to build a 40-minute match if you so desire, but why do people not feel ripped off when the exact same thing happens in a real fight?


Personally, my initial reaction was, 'Aw, fuck. I wanted to see a match.' but narrative-wise, it was perfect.


Exactly, that's what I've been thinking ever since the match took place.


Warrior demolishing Honky? Awesome


Diesel destroying Backlund? Ditto


Sheamus killing Bryan? Complaints. And why? Because now we are all really "smart", that's why.

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I'm not sure how to copy and paste peoples comments regarding my previous reply but what I was saying is the Undertaker/Triple H match felt a little to scripted and didn't really offer anything new or different to what we had seen at WM 27 except this time it had a Cell around it and Shawn as the referee.


I don't at all condone chair shots to the head to be used in every match but when a match is built the way the match last night was with so much drama and emotion I expected them to go above and beyond what they offered at WM27, an occasional chair shot to the head and some blood would make things seem a lot more real and make the superstars open to more offence with the chair instead of shot to the stomach and back. Maybe I'm wrong which a lot of you agree to but I don't know I just felt that the match could have had more to it like them climbing on top of the cage or something, I'm nit picking I do realise that but 10-15 years ago matches felt less scripted and more high risk and I miss that.

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I love Daniel Bryan as much as the next guy but not as much as those who supported him when he was in gyms, but come on. The notion that Vince puts him front and centre on the biggest show of the year, as champion, paying him a huge PPV sum in the process, just to bury him for the laugh... okay, fair enough, Vince might do such things, but it's in his interest that Daniel Bryan has momentum and the way that his championship began and eventually developed, for this to happen is that momentum.


Like Cody/Show, there could only be one result here. Getting a ten-minute back and forth before Sheamus wins, AJ's falt or not, doesn't provide the spark for more of a story. Also, he immediately stirred and was like, 'What the fuck just happened?'. He didn't get carted out like a pussy. He was cocky and made a mistake. He'll now blame it on his girlfriend, furthering his ego. It's a good story. I can live without the match.

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It's all in how they follow this up, Bryan is the best heel they've had in ages (well since Henry) and I hope he doesn't go the same way as poor Henry. I was miffed at first too (and frankly the show could have done with this match getting time, as it was rubbish up until the HIAC), but it at least adds something to the Sheamus/Bryan feud. Sheamus is Mr. Insipid, they need to give him something to talk about.

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Literally finished it two minutes ago. Buzzing off it really, as it was solid from top to bottom I felt.


Storyline wise I have no issues with Bryan/Sheamus though I did want him to hold on to the title as I do feel he's done a fantastic job as champ, but Bryan properly turning on AJ and other potential avenues have me excited for the future. I'd like to see him get a little more brutal.


Hard to remember everything to be honest. Taker/HHH was perfect, HBK was used exactly how he should've been used, and that was an amazing story told in the middle of the ring.


The Rock/Cena .. incredible atmosphere, great performances by both men, and a very interesting finish. I didn't have a clue who was going to win, and for Cena to lose like that gives us some potential character development in the near future, though who knows if they'll do it.


Basically the main events delivered, and everything else was solid. Pretty much all I'd hoped for.

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Begs the debate: Why does nobody get pissed off when it happens in MMA or boxing? Yes, pro-rasslin' is scripted and thus you can decide to build a 40-minute match if you so desire, but why do people not feel ripped off when the exact same thing happens in a real fight?


Personally, my initial reaction was, 'Aw, fuck. I wanted to see a match.' but narrative-wise, it was perfect.


Exactly, that's what I've been thinking ever since the match took place.


Warrior demolishing Honky? Awesome


Diesel destroying Backlund? Ditto


Sheamus killing Bryan? Complaints. And why? Because now we are all really "smart", that's why.


No, it's that Sheamus-Bryan could have been a really good match, and it's not unreasonable to want to see a really good match when you order the biggest show of the year. Warrior-Honky or Diesel-Backlund would have been horrendous if they'd gone 15-20 minutes.

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