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WWE Wrestlemania XXVIII Discussion Thread


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Great opener. I could practically hear the ROH logos on black t-shirts being eroded by tears. Bryan should be an absolute hoot on TV responding to this.


The cell match was phenomenal. Masters of the craft. The Sweet Chin Music/Pedigree combo is one of the best near-falls ever.


Cena again showed himself to be the most unselfish megastar in wrestling. Good finish as well, I'm intrigued to see if he's doubting himself after this. I was rooting for JC big time, very much invested in the match by the end (although I wasn't into it for the first half). No idea who Cena will be be fighting next month, though. Triple threat with Punk and Jericho? The ending of their match was good, too.

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What can I say about that? The first hour was pretty dull, but I had to laugh out loud at how short the Bryan/Sheamus match was. Must be a running joke from when they got bumped off the card last year.


Hell in a Cell and the WWE title match were both really good.


Team Johnny vs. Team Teddy was fun for what it was, but Otunga and most of Team Teddy barely did anything. Such is the way with Wrestlemania multi-man matches though.


Really not bothered about Big Show getting the IC strap, wanted Cody to retain.


Cena vs. The Rock... I'm just proper gutted about the result. I was backing Cena all the way. Thinking about it though, someone said on here that Cena can't just go back into feuds with guys like Del Rio if he beats The Rock, but where does losing to Rocky put him? I think he still can't just go back to facing guys like Del Rio after losing the biggest match of his life.


Very good Wrestlemania none-the-less. I'm bloody exhausted now.

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Undertaker/HHH was great. The near-fall after the Sweet Chin Music was the first time I really thought the streak was over since Orton at WM21. Undertaker's new hair and his behaviour at the end of the match were unusually humanizing. Rock/Cena fell short of my expectations, but not by much. Rock going over was probably the right booking decision, a Cena win in Miami could've burnt the town down for future shows.


Didn't think anything else on the show was remarkable. Was annoyed by the World Title match like most others and got a kick out of seeing Naitch, albeit briefly.

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I fucking loved that. Absolutely loved the big matches on the show. Undertaker and Triple H was belting. And they got me AGAIN! I said before the match "Undertaker is winning, ignore all near falls", and for the second time running I thought Taker was losing. Loved the part where Undertaker was more or less begging for the match not to be stopped/ Really enjoyed it. The ending was a nice touch as well. Shawn Michaels is still the best worker in the business.


Jericho and Punk was alright up until the finish, which was extremely well done, I thought. Wasnt to into it, but then they had a cracking ending. The decision to add that stipulation which handcuffed them to doing no brawling didnt help matters. Right man won there, I thought. Good job from both (even though they were dressed exactly the same).


Rock and Cena was a spectical you rarely see. The fans just didnt want a result other than the Rock. Was very much like Rock vs Hogan, in the sense that the fans were reacting to who was doing the moves, not what the moves were. Matches like that mean nothing until the end. Its the opposite of a TNA PPV main event. Cena and Rock could have done a thousand things right, but if they got the finish right all was well. And thats what happened. I didnt mind who won. The scene at the end was probably the right one at the end of the day. Cant believe they let him go over Cena, though. Wow.


As far as Daniel Bryan goes, he'll blame AJ and it'll make his character even more brilliant. One mans burial is another mans success story. Sheamus looked great and the pop he got for the quick finish was just what the doctor ordered. I thought Sheamus was going to be in for a rough night.


Other things of note, Zack Ryder's a geek LOL and Team Johnny are the lads. Especially Dolph Ziggler. What a bump for the sunset flip! Maria Mano4wfeaobhrri9 (or something) is harder than any Diva. Sold worse than Jenna Morasca, but still got the win. Big Show and Cody was alright. Randy Orton vs Kane made me want to go to bed, though.


But a cracking WrestleMania.

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Thinking about it though, someone said on here that Cena can't just go back into feuds with guys like Del Rio if he beats The Rock, but where does losing to Rocky put him? I think he still can't just go back to facing guys like Del Rio after losing the biggest match of his life.


No idea who Cena will be be fighting next month, though. Triple threat with Punk and Jericho?


Ideally, now would be the time to give the guy a couple of months' rest. It seems likely the way they're going to go is Cena finally being broken up over a defeat (after the "I can't lose" promo, and the acknowledgment of the "I'm happy with my lot so I can shake off most disappointments" character aspect last week), and the way to really do that would be to have him walk away for a bit. Problem is, is the roster strong enough to lose him for a couple of months?


Anyhow, a pretty damn good show. Having seemed like an unecessary addition, Shawn made a real difference to the HIAC match with an excellent performance. The little things in the match were amazing - the reversal of the "Stay down!" roles from last year was a great bit of continuity, as was Taker making sure everyone walked out this year. I particularly liked the bit after one of the near falls where Taker, from his back, kept grabbing at HHH, who kept shrugging him off. Little touches that not many do, that really make a difference.

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Anyone else notice the skid marks on the back of Maria during the divas match, and the "Shes got skidmarks" chant through it too?


That was surely just from the stinkface to the made-up and spray-tanned Eve wasn't it?

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Anyone else notice the skid marks on the back of Maria during the divas match, and the "Shes got skidmarks" chant through it too?


Speaking of the divas match. Am I meant to cheer for Kelly Kelly or boo her? I mean, I know she's a face, but why does she act like a heel half of the time? E.g Just walking into the ring when she's not the legal woman and breaking up Beth's gorilla press. Nit-picking I know, especially for a divas match, but little things like that bug me.


Also totally forgot that Orton and Kane had a match by the end of the event.

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Problem is, is the roster strong enough to lose him for a couple of months?

No way. Of the four (five if you include Michaels) top stars of this year's show, Cena's the only one who isn't definitely sodding off. Without him, there's nothing. I'm not looking forward to Cena vs A-Train, either. And that wouldn't be happening yet anyway, surely. They'd be hard-pushed to get from "hey, that's that shit bald bloke from years ago" to "he looks like a threat against Cena" to "oh, Cena's beat him" in about four weeks without it being rubbish.

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Orton and Kane fucked my mates accumulator right up the arse. He left out Cena/Rock but everything else was fairly predictable and they all came in bar that. The more I thought about it, the more I think Vince nipped on SkyBet before the show, saw the odds, then agreed to go halfers with Randy if he was willing to do the honours as a last minute change of plans.

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As far as Daniel Bryan goes, he'll blame AJ and it'll make his character even more brilliant. One mans burial is another mans success story. Sheamus looked great and the pop he got for the quick finish was just what the doctor ordered. I thought Sheamus was going to be in for a rough night.


Even on the alledged grandest stage of them all? 8 seconds for that compared to the biggest pile of shite ever put on with Clay before the Main event? Fuck me the Divas had more ring time. Disgraceful.

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The Divas werent wrestling Sheamus were they? He shouldnt have been trying to pork AJ, and he wouldnt have been blindsided. Its not like it matters anyway. It was all forgotten about by the time Undertaker took his hat off. Daniel Bryan's character's an utter cock and a bully. He deserved something like that. AJ will probably win the Divas belt now and Bryan will be fuelled with comedy rage. And the world will keep turning.

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The Divas werent wrestling Sheamus were they? He shouldnt have been trying to pork AJ, and he wouldnt have been blindsided. Its not like it matters anyway. It was all forgotten about by the time Undertaker took his hat off. Daniel Bryan's character's an utter cock and a bully. He deserved something like that. AJ will probably win the Divas belt now and Bryan will be fuelled with comedy rage. And the world will keep turning.

But why short change us, especially at WM, it just doesn't make sense. Vince just continuously builds people up and simply buries them. Bryan's played his character well thus far, but to book this the way they did made no sense whatsoever.


You only had to look at the jobbers in the GM match. Ziggler is a complete unknown and a roster which is desperately thin right now.


At least the Miz is 2-0 :laugh:

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Wow! I just took a days holiday so I don't have to be up tomorrow to watch that!


Things that were longer than Daniel Bryan vs Sheamus, which could have stole the card!:-


Advert for next years Mania.

A regular SD performer being knocked over by a rapper and having no comeback.

Momma Clay and her Bridge Team dancing.

Fecking Diva's match

Crappy musical performances before JC and Rocky came out.

The entrance of the bloody cell!


Other stuff did annoy me, but not as much as a match I've waited a bloody year far being treated like a joke!

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