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WWE Wrestlemania XXVIII Discussion Thread


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I'm sorry I'm asking this question, but I haven't bought Mania in years. If I buy from Box Office, can I record it? I'm planning on watching whenever I wake up tomorrow morning. I know there are countless repeats, but I'd rather have it recorded so I can watch when I like and skip bits if necessary.




If you buy the PPV through your sky box then you can record the event, however if you order over the phone then you cant record the event.


Yeah I just rang up and got that message, I ordered through the remote instead. Thanks though.


I am pretty damn excited about tonight, I was sold on the show anyways but all this Lesnar stuff is just so interesting and it's got me intrigued. Just reading this thread and seeing all the pics and Tweets being made, it makes such a big deal of the Wrestlemania experience. I spent several years as a non-fan and then started watching again properly after last years Mania, and it's been fantastic getting to love wrestling all over again. I didn't think I'd ever enjoy watching after falling off in 2005. But I'm glad to have been proven wrong. Fucking brilliant.

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Was heading round a mates, but came over all poorly over the weekend. Still looking forward to it.


All the hype of the weekend has brought back all the memories from my trip there last year. I'm insanely jealous of the people in Miami because there seems like an incredible buzz this year, but I'm excited all the same.


Having just watched 27 back, I conclude that actually it wasn't as horrible as people make out. The matches themselves are all perfectly serviceable (Cole.Lawler aside), it's just that only HHH/'Taker actually felt like a proper 'Mania match. But Del Rio/Edge would've been a great Raw or Smackdown main event, Cody Rhodes put in a great shift against Mysterio too. Orton/Punk was very good. The main event sucked a bit, but I'm a sucker for The Rock so I didn't mind all the shenanigans. Not the greatest by a long stretch, but brilliant fun live and the culmination of my favourite ever holiday so far.


What do people make of this seeming part-time culture that we seem to be on the cusp of in WWE, if rumour is to be believed? Rock on a limited schedule. Brock coming back for a few dates. Undertaker and Triple H only coming out for Wrestlemania. Austin potentially wrestling Punk next year. Is it ruining the chances of the regular active members of the roster of getting over?

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What do people make of this seeming part-time culture that we seem to be on the cusp of in WWE, if rumour is to be believed? Rock on a limited schedule. Brock coming back for a few dates. Undertaker and Triple H only coming out for Wrestlemania. Austin potentially wrestling Punk next year. Is it ruining the chances of the regular active members of the roster of getting over?


I think with the right people involved (Rock, Taker, Brock, even Big Dave all being the right people) it's a great idea. You can't go too far with it and you don't want too many old, part-timers, but ultimately you only really get over by beating people who are more over than you. The more big names for people to work programs with the better.


I don't think it will ruin the chances of anyone new getting over, the shitty writing, lack of long term planning (for undercard and midcard guys) and stop/start pushes will continue to do that, regardless of whether Buff Bagwell has a 22 date deal!

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Am in full Wrestlemania mode now. No matter how sucky the card looks (this years looks pretty good though), I'm always like a kid at Christmas the day before!


Spent the day so far watching last years show for the first time since last year. Better than I remember but again I still don't see the hype about HHH/Taker. Far too finisher/signature heavy for me. Fingers crossed HIAC tonight will be better.


Also just watched the Rock/Cena special that was on Sky Sports. Top stuff, really enjoyable documentary. Cena really does work his bollocks off for the company and he's got a lot of respect from me for that.


My Wrestlemania munch this year consists of a extra larage Chicago Town cheese pizza with sauce stuffed crust, a jumbo bag of beef Monster Munch, Rolos, and 2 litres of Dr Pepper!


Oh, and I am wearing my awesome Randy Savage tshirt as well :thumbsup:


Wrestle freakin' Mania, baby! Woooooo!

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Just ordered and really up for it now. Hopefully all the big matches get enough time to shine.


Must admit, a few more people do seem to be talking about this Mania they usually are so The Rock's return is doing its job.

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The set looks a bit cheap for a Wrestlemania. Looks more like a Summerslam set, and yes I know its in Miami.


I imagine the set is more wider due to the seating above and around the stadium and them wanting to pack the house as much as possible.

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