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Richie Freebird

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The even sadder thing about that gif is the fact that the skinny man in the lovely polo seems to be wearing a TNA VIP pass. Presumably meaning he's a plant.

TNA sell VIP packages that include backstage meet & greets as well as choosing where you want to sit in the arena. So yeah, that dude is one of these VIP folks, it seems.

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The even sadder thing about that gif is the fact that the skinny man in the lovely polo seems to be wearing a TNA VIP pass. Presumably meaning he's a plant.

TNA sell VIP packages that include backstage meet & greets as well as choosing where you want to sit in the arena. So yeah, that dude is one of these VIP folks, it seems.


The Impact Zone is full of plants in the audience. They have Earl Hebners daughter, before she's now part of the show Brooke Hogan and there's a few models who are plants that are brought in.

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The answer is The Impact Zone.



I wondered if anyone else noticed him! He looks like a character from The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2.

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Bully Ray will be making an appearance on Bischoff-Hervey Entertainment's new reality TV show on The CW network at same point during the show's season. He's featured in the season preview (around 0:27 and then again at 0:56):



And who said being a member of Immortal doesn't have its benefits? lol

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The even sadder thing about that gif is the fact that the skinny man in the lovely polo seems to be wearing a TNA VIP pass. Presumably meaning he's a plant.

TNA sell VIP packages that include backstage meet & greets as well as choosing where you want to sit in the arena. So yeah, that dude is one of these VIP folks, it seems.


The Impact Zone is full of plants in the audience. They have Earl Hebners daughter, before she's now part of the show Brooke Hogan and there's a few models who are plants that are brought in.


Cant blame them - its the only way to get good looking women (Or in fact, good looking people, full stop) to a wrestling show.

Edited by alanchiz
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Taz and Tenay are right up there with the Impact Zone, in the 'Things that make TNA a bit shit' list.


West wasn't great, but I'll echo that he's infinitely better than what we're getting from Taz.


There's something just not quite right about TNA that I always struggle to put my finger on, and I think the lack of a good commentary team might just be it. Even when they have ideas which sound good on paper they fall a bit flat for me in reality...nothing ever seems particularly momentous or important. The dubious production (particularly in the pre-Bischoff era) has never helped, but I think Mike Tenay in particular is one of the main culprits. He fills me with indifference.


The answer is The Impact Zone.

Echo MDH's thoughts on Tenay his passion and excitement come across so faux and the Joey Tribiani "smell the fart" acting he does when they are trying to lay down the importance of something is lame and always looks the same. The answer is the impact zone but Tenay should not be the voice of the company you need some one with a more attractive and exciting personality. We have never known TNA without TeNAy.

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Earlier today there was a 2-hour conference call with Dixie Carter and during it someone asked Dixie Carter if there was a possibility of a UK version of Ring Ka King. Her response? I quote: "We're working on something as we speak. Stay tuned. I hope something is announced soon."


Interesting. Very interesting.

Edited by pgi86
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I don't think there is a chance of that happening. For a million reasons. Wrestling promoters just say these things, like when she said she wanted a UK PPV just to pop the audience. Unlike in India, TNA is fairly big in the UK. Why would they want to do a UK exclusive thing, when they have a regular lucrative touring policy and consistently high television ratings over here? They'll surely want to continue to grow the TNA brand over here. Unlike in India, we are fed on American wrestling and American stars. We want TNA, not a UK promotion with a bunch of TNA wrestlers on it. I can't see the point in then even attempting it. At worst they'll confuse and over saturate the market.


Also, who would back it? TNA aren't backing Ring Ka King and Challenge certainly aren't going to.

Edited by The_BarbarIAN
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In the same conference call someone asked her about an Australian RKK and she flat out said that isn't happening but did tease a UK one so clearly she isn't just talking to pop whoever is on the other end of the line. There must be something there. The question is what exactly. "We're working on something" doesn't exactly clarify things nor does it suggest that it's a done deal. And hey, who knows, perhaps Alex Shane conned her into sponsoring an FWA TV deal with some TNA talent in the mix or something. lol I guess we'll just have to wait and see if something will come out of this. Either way, an intriguing statement there by Dixie. Certainly.

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