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Dolph Ziggler is just tremendous


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I've really liked the fella ever since his re-emergence as Dolph Ziggler and debut match against Batista. My love has only gone on to grow since then and he's probably lucky enough to be considered my favourite now.


Most have always agreed the talent was there but that he was limited. Lately though, i think he's really been coming in to his own and almost has a new swagger about him *chortle* since his US title run on Raw began. He looks super comfortable in the spotlight, on the mic and opposite the likes of Triple H in verbal confrontations. I thought he looked like a total star when they briefly mingled in the ring a few weeks back. I think it resonates that he really, truly does believe he's got what it takes, that he's capable and that he really is the fucking best around today. 'Follow that! I'm begging somebody to follow that!'


His natural personalty and wit is finally beginning to shine through and he looks great for it. He's forever looked awesomopower in between the ropes when it's come to the physical stuff and that's only become more apparent over time. Over the past 12 months he's been pulling top drawer matches out of his bag all over the place. The really great thing about Zigs in these matches though is he has that tremendous knack for making both he and his opponent look superb in them. With zero build or purpose behind the match occurring he and D-Bry tore the house down at 'Bragging Rights'. He finished and started the year flirting with the main event scene getting tested against Cena, passing with flying colours and getting rewarded by having a series over the World title with Edge which once again really delivered the goods in the ring, giving Edge his best work of his disappointing last run. Edge seemed reinvigorated so late in his career in there with Dolph.


Had a slight setback when the CRIMINAL decision was made for him to go dark. But since rockin' the blonde locks again he's gone from strength to strength and had a fun US title run, gone on to have another absolute blinder this time against Orton (who's also had a really strong year wrestling) and for the first time, with others feels like he has a bit of purpose in the midcard with his developments with Swagger and others. And as mentioned, i think his confidence has grown with that over the last couple of months. I'm excited about his future currently.


Dolph Ziggler is just tremendous, isn't he?


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I think I started a thread on him before. I'm gay for him anyway, and he's probably the best guy on the mic at the moment for thinking on his feet and getting in perfectly-timed ad-libs.


Hes one of few things I really rate in WWE at the moment, very Rude/Perfect like in appearance and charisma, not bad in the ring either. Keep reading that he only gets heat from VG but its really not true, hes great.


I first became a fan of Dolph Ziggler after his terrific match with Rey Mysterio at SummerSlam 2009 and I still am to this day. Ziggler had great matches with Daniel Bryan in the last part of 2009 and a very good feud with Edge with this year. It's a shame his first World Heavyweight Championship win which came from the Edge feud was won in a shitty way. Dolph Ziggler deserves a main event push, he's not only the best bumper in wrestling but one of the best wrestlers as well. Ziggler can do no wrong with me.

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Yes. He's fantastic. He's so good that he might even make Swagger reasonably interesting.


I think it's because he reminds me so much of Mr Perfect, one of my all time favourites. It's also a little known fact that people who don't like him like to fuck goats.


People who say he relies on Vickie to draw heat need to get overthemselves. The man is brilliant. His new theme is incredible and matches his personality. He's bigger than he was before and really does believe in himself. #HEEL <3

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Add me to the list of Dolph-bummers. He started to really grow on me last summer and early this year he really started to look superb. Really enjoyed his feud with Edge. For me, he pretty much has everything. A decent look, physique, charisma, good enough on the mic and in-ring I think he is one of the best in the WWE right now. Has a great deal of intensity about him, which reminds me of Mr Perfect in the way that he utilises it.


I don't think he will ever make main event status, but why should that be a problem? I don't think Mr Perfect quite reached that status (although he came close in 1990) and that didn't make him less of a worker and is still held in very high regard. I think Ziggler will be one of these guys that finds a home in the upper-mid card and still go on to be one of the greats. A lot of people seem to think that every decent wrestler 'at some point' should be elevated to main event status, but with some guys it just isn't needed. Dolph is one of them, leave him where he is- that part of the card will always need a quality carpenter such as him (and the likes of Perfect, Dibiase and Rude). Too many people thrown into main event status these days, he's fine where he is.


Tonight they are either going to make Ziggler look stupid, or they are going to elivate him even more as a double title holder. I hope he wins both matches, he is awesome.


I'm a Dolphin. He's getting there, there's a presence to him when he appears now and he's a lot more comfortable on the mic now too. I'm a big Vickie fan for what she brings to the TV shows but I'm in two minds on whether Vic and Mr.Z should part ways. Maybe once her "stable" era reaches a satisfying conclusion. Ziggler has been getting pinned heaps lately though so his fate is still up in the air.


Jack Swagger has also benefited from teaming with Ziggler and I'm glad they haven't gone down the route of feuding just yet.


He is fantastic. His debut match against Batista was probably one of the most memorable in quite awhile, in that he was actually getting some good offense in on (at that time) one of the top guys in WWE.


The only time he has been poor is during the period when he had the dark hair early this year, the ultra-serious gimmick didn't suit him at all. Thankfully they didn't stick with it.


The past few months he has easily been one of the more consistent guys on the roster, his ad-libs are superb.

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Love him. Which makes WWE's determination to turn him into Eric Ecobar v2.0 all the more frustrating.




Ideally, tonight should be a breakout night for him with the chance to steal the show across two matches. Instead..... well, we'll see, but I doubt the focus will be on him.

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Ziggler is my favorite wrestler in the world right now. His matches Vs Edge and Orton stand out. Plus all of his matches on RAW have been entertaining bumps for fun does Dolph. Took charge of the 6vs6 on Raw the other week and was the stand out.


Wrestler of the year for me.

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His 'Ask The Heel' spot on Z! True Long Island Story is great fun too. It's so, very short but delivered so well that it could easily slip onto a main show somewhere in some way and i'm sure it would get over. The chance to rip on others on the roster is the sort of thing that could do wonders for him and it's something he's clearly really suited and quick with.


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