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smackdown spoilers


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Brett Hart entered the ring as the guest general manager of Smackdown. He spoke about the live Smackdown next Tuesday and said it was his decision. Sure, it was. He said Mark Henry vs. Randy Orton will take place on that show. Out came Christian, who said it was not his fault for losing at SummerSlam. He blamed Edge and said he couldn't concentrate during the SS match. Christian wants his rematch Tuesday on live SD.


Bret told Christian to stop being a crybaby. He said he's an embarrassment to the WWE Universe and to Canada. Yikes! He said he has to work his way back up. Christian called Bret an embarrassment and said he's the only relevant Canadian. Christian presented a court order to Bret that says he gets his rematch before anyone else gets a title shot. Bret gave it to him for next Tuesday and added that it will be in a steel cage match.


Mark Henry came out and said he's been here for 15 years. He said this is disrespect and that he earned his shot. He said someone's gonna get hurt. He wants the winner of the cage match. He was trying to bully Bret. Out comes Sheamus, who tells a story about how his uncle castrated a black bull. He is gonna do the same. He clears Henry from the ring.


They did a retake of Sheamus and Henry.


1. Christian defeated Daniel Bryan. Christian won with the Killswitch. An excellent match, just as you would expect from these two.


Wade Barrett came out for a match against a local wrestler. He said he is responsible for attacks on John Cena and others. He said he has shaken WWE to its very core (get it, Corre?). He says there is no way he will face this guy. He said it was an embarrassment and then left. That was the end of the segment. Seriously.


2. Sin Cara beat Heath Slater. There were a couple of botched moves and a quick roll up for the win. They had to reshoot the finish because it was so bad the first time. The kids love Sin Cara, though.


3. Randy Orton defeated Ted DiBiase (w/Cody Rhodes). Cody said he performs miracles and is resurrecting the Intercontinental Title. The paper bags were handed out. It was a nice match with lots of great spots. They had obvious chemistry with one another. Orton got the win with the RKO. Cody was pissed and hit CrossRhodes on DiBiase after the match. He put a bag on his head and their relationship appears to be finished.


4. Kelly Kelly beat Tamina. Kelly Kelly won with her new finisher.


Jinder Mahal was schooling The Great Khali and telling him he needs to take care of Ezekiel Jackson, which is coming up next.


Randy Orton vs. Christian in a cage match was officially advertised for the live Smackdown show.


5. Ezekiel Jackson defeated The Great Khali. Jackson broke out of the Vice Grip and put Khali in the Torture Rack. Impressive.


Randy Orton cut a promo on the big screen. He basically asked how many times he has to fight Christian.


6. Sin Cara defeated Heath Slater. They redid the match completely. No kidding. And, shockingly, it was way better the second time.


7. Sheamus defeated Mark Henry by countout. This was a slow plod. Sheamus scored the countout victory after throwing Henry into the announce table. Afterward, Henry killed Sheamus with the World's Strongest Slam onto the ring steps.

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Ai, I hate listening to show reporters constantly chipping in with not-so-funny quips and unnecessary put downs of the show.


Anyway, seems like a decent enough show. My only thoughts:


- Christian getting another title shot? I appreciate Christian technically has a rematch but I really wish they left it at a high from Summerslam.


- Shame they wasted Christian vs. Bryan. Could of been a great PPV match and fued over the MITB briefcase.


- Also, although I wouldn't call it being "buried", I am concern for Bryan having now lost to Del Rio, Barrett and Christian in quick succession. :(


- Speaking of which... Barrett beat Bryan at Summerslam. Wouldn't it be logical to continue that fued? Maybe have Barrett "demand" a shot at the MITB briefcase since he believes himself to be a superior competitor?


- They didn't cover it in this report, but on another site their was a segment with Cody Rhodes claiming hes going to bring prestige back to the IC devision. With the recent "big" tag title change on Raw, the Diva champ getting loads of matches and now a pledge for the IC belt, its seems WWE are serious in rebuilding their titles. Fingers cross!


- Im glad Jackson won vs Khali. It always annoys me when a guy loses a championship and suddenly he is losing left right and centre.



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Sounds like they're finally doing something on Smackdown with Wade Barrett. If they build him up he could easily be the top heel on the brand, and either get involved in the Smackdown World title match at Wrestlemania (either as champ or challenger) or maybe he could even face Undertaker, assuming Triple H will be taking on CM Punk.

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Sounds like they're finally doing something on Smackdown with Wade Barrett. If they build him up he could easily be the top heel on the brand, and either get involved in the Smackdown World title match at Wrestlemania (either as champ or challenger) or maybe he could even face Undertaker, assuming Triple H will be taking on CM Punk.


I think Barrett vs Undertaker will happen at HIAC. They seemed to have teased Undertaker going after Nexus in a WWE magazine (the reason being he never got revenge over Nexus helping Kane bury him) so if that was the case then Taker vs Barrett would make sense.

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5. Ezekiel Jackson defeated The Great Khali. Jackson broke out of the Vice Grip and put Khali in the Torture Rack. Impressive.


Shit, I have to see this!

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I think Barrett vs Undertaker will happen at HIAC. They seemed to have teased Undertaker going after Nexus in a WWE magazine (the reason being he never got revenge over Nexus helping Kane bury him) so if that was the case then Taker vs Barrett would make sense.


A Undertaker hunting down Nexus angle won't happen. Its been far too long now, and besides, the WWE magazine is full of more inaccurate rumours than ANY dirtsheet website I've ever read.


Don't get me wrong, I too would love to see logic being applied to storylines (I mean... why did Nexus interfere in that match anyway?!!?) but that story is done.


Mind you I reckon a Barrett vs Undertaker fued has legs.

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I have always wondered how do they explain things to the live crowd if they have to retape things?

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I have always wondered how do they explain things to the live crowd if they have to retape things?

I guess with entire matches it's easier- they can announce a rematch or something, it's when they only re-tape certain spots that gets me. Weren't they always re-taping parts of Smackdown back in '03, because Angle & Brock kept blowing spots? Notably spots that end up with a tornado DDT counter.

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I have always wondered how do they explain things to the live crowd if they have to retape things?


They re-taped a finish to a CM Punk/Kane match in London a couple of years back. They didn't explain anything, CM Punk was walking up the ramp celebrating, someone went over to him and he just walked back down and did the last 20 seconds of the match again (which they messed up just as bad as the first time).

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I remember YEARS ago (like 1996 i believe) that there was a episode of WWF SUPERSTARS, and in a tag match, someone botched a spot. Not too horrendous, but then they went on to do the spot again immediately afterwards and got it right. Obviously it was weird because (a) the commentators acknowledge the repeated spot and (b) they didn't edit it out.


Really weird.

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I remember YEARS ago (like 1996 i believe) that there was a episode of WWF SUPERSTARS, and in a tag match, someone botched a spot. Not too horrendous, but then they went on to do the spot again immediately afterwards and got it right. Obviously it was weird because (a) the commentators acknowledge the repeated spot and (b) they didn't edit it out.


Really weird.



That reminds me of Raw in Earls Court in 07 (Michaels Vs Cena). Heat had Masters Vs Venis and when Masters won Venis dared him back into the ring or somethign similar which I thought was a "redo the finish" type deal, they did some spots again and then Venis won. I expected on heat to see Val win end of but they showed it in its entirity which was really weired

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Out comes Sheamus, who tells a story about how his uncle castrated a black bull. He is gonna do the same. He clears Henry from the ring.


I can't work out if that is brilliant, casual racism or a little bit of both


Regardless, I'm absolutely loving Sheamus' work right now

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