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Rey Mysterio


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I've been watching him a lot recently, but looking at his performances last night I couldnt help but think the bloke is retardedly good. Not that that is saying anything a lot of people dont already know, but the blokes knees were destroyed in 2000 for WCW and that was over a dozen knee surgury's ago. God knows what his condition is like in 2011, but his performance level is so consistant. I know he's not everyones cup of tea these days, but I have to give special mention to how good he still is. The matches he had with The Miz and John Cena were cracking, and if you consider how different those two opponents are, thats saying a lot. And I've read he's a genuinely great bloke in real life as well which is always nice and he's popular with the audience every wrestling company wants to get. He's an asset to any promotion he works for. Anyone agree with this? People say he's overrated and shite these days, but I dont know which bloke they are watching if they think that. I'm still hard pressed to find anyone as consistant as he is.

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I've been watching him a lot recently, but looking at his performances last night I couldnt help but think the bloke is retardedly good. Not that that is saying anything a lot of people dont already know, but the blokes knees were destroyed in 2000 for WCW and that was over a dozen knee surgury's ago. God knows what his condition is like in 2011, but his performance level is so consistant. I know he's not everyones cup of tea these days, but I have give special mention to how good he still is. The matches he had with The Miz and John Cena were cracking, and if you consider how different those two opponents are, thats saying a lot. And I've read he's a genuinely great bloke in real life as well which is always nice and he's popular with the audience every wrestling company wants to get. He's an asset to any promotion he works for. Anyone agree with this? People say he's overrated and shite these days, but I dont know which bloke they are watching if they think that. I'm still hard pressed to find anyone as consistant as he is.

couldnt agree with you more, he was excellent last night, as were both of his opponants. I think really shone last night too, especially with his selling Punks return.

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I have to admit that I've not really seen him wrestle since the days he was all lardy and painted himself silver. At that point, I was genuinely concerned for his health and hoped he'd retire as soon as possible.


I did catch a match of his a year ago or so, and whilst he seemed to move well, his whole thing seems to have boiled down to a basic 3 or 4 move moveset and lots of selling. It just doesn't interest me really.

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For some reason I found the first few minutes of his Cena match to be a little bit clunky and as if their two styles were just completely unable to produce the expected goods but once they worked each other out (I can't recall them facing each other before) it was pretty damn good, especially when you consider that Cena doesn't really ever fight cruiserweight style guys. As for his real life, I recall reading previously that he was a bit of a cunt in real life?

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I sometimes find him boring, but you'll find no argument from me as to how good the guy is. This is why I've been saying WWE should have assigned him to help train up Sin Cara to get him ready for TV - if there's a luchador who adapted to working the WWE main-event style almost perfectly, it's Rey Mysterio. He has everything going for him in terms of how to work matches, how to sell, etc.


I would even go so far as to say that, in terms of storytelling ability (even with the crappy 619 set-ups), he's almost as good as HBK. The main reasons why he's not are the set-ups, and, more importantly, the fact that, because he seems to be barely capable of playing a heel, he doesn't have much of an edge to take the saccharine off his work - at least, with Shawn, it felt like he was "working from a darker place", if you get what I mean. With Rey, it feels like, after his day's work is done, he goes back to a house painted with rainbows and lollipops, and Oompa Loompas do his washing-up while his kids play in a river of chocolate.

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This is actually a good topic .. i always have respected rey's ring work but it wasn't untill i bought his autobiography and gave it a read that i looked into some of his matches a bit more and yeahh i'd agree with you that he is consistently good the summerslam 2002 match with angle is widely underated and also he had many quality matches with dean malenko in his wcw days....

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I think he's been fantastic for a good few years now, his Eddie stuff in 2005 wasn't as good as it could have been then he was a bit fat and shit through his injuries after that, but since then he's been cracking. From about the stretcher match with Finlay onwards for me.


He's had loads of standout matches in that period but what instantly springs to mind for me is the Jericho feud in 2009 which was superb and his Elimination Chamber performances for the last three years, seems to really give it his all in them and gets better and better in them. He's also had fantastic matches with lots of the younger guys like Ziggler, Morrison, Rhodes etc.


So yeah i'm a big fan and nowadays he falls into that 'never has a bad match' category for me. Probably doesn't get enough credit at the moment.

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I usually can't stand him and refuse to watch anything he's a part of, but his match with Miz on last nights Raw was surprisingly quite good (until the finish) as was his performance at Money In The Bank.

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Well, he's certainly able to connect with his young fans, with the masks and mild bumping of skulls on his way to the ring. Going back to the WCW thing, I have, and always will remember Rey primarily as that little wizard who helped carry Nitro with the rest of the Cruiserweights, and I instantly think of the night where he was planted into the side of the truck like a dart. I remember the matches he had with Nash, which would ultimatley lead to losing his mask, and they were incredibly dramatic, at least that's what I thought, and the size and style differences provided a great story for those matches. Also, we didn't know it then, but those matches were a sign of things to come during his WWE run, and becoming the star which he is now.


I believe that, if he had retired from wrestling when WCW folded, then he would still be remembered as a brilliant performer, and participant in some of the finest matches of the 1990's. However, after breathing new life into his career when he joined WWE, he has added a massive amount to his legacy. He also has a great image, and he must shift enormous amounts of merchandise for WWE. Thinking back, he has always had a brilliant image, and seemed to always take pride in his mask designs etc, I always remember thinking how cool he looked everytime he came out on Nitro, and I always felt that he fit right in with WCW's image and production values, he looked brilliant emerging from the entrance way of events like the graveyard of Halloween Havoc especially. That's just a personal favourite memory of mine though, really.


All in all, I think he has done extremely well, and I think that when today's young fans who buy all of his gear are grown up, I feel they will hold him in the same regard as someone like me and a lot of guys on here now see guys who were heroes from our childhood, as a symbol of a bye-gone era of which we have so many fond memories.

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There's few things more exciting in wrestling than a motivated Rey Mysterio. I have to admit though, I was sick of him by about 2004, the few years after that are just a blur, he looked quite lazy, and just content to go and do his routine without much effort, or any attempt to make it look convincing (although it was always to one of the bigger pops of the night). Then at some point he got drafted to Raw and it seemed to light a fire under him, his moves had that added "snap" to them again, and he regained some of his speed that it looked like he'd lost over the couple of years prior.




His performance in that Elimination Chamber in 2009 was world class, and he seemed to be on that form every week having great matches with everyone, before he got injured/wellnessed around summer time. After he returned it was like he'd lost that step again, and aside from a few matches (that cracking ppv match with Taker, the Punk series, and that HBK tv one), he looked like he'd settled into that routine again, and he stayed that way for a while..



For me, this move to Raw has rejuvenated him, again, he's been a joy to watch most weeks, that match with Cena last night was amazing. I have no problem with him being near the top when he's on this form. The problem is what can WWE do to add a hook to his matches now?.



I'd like to see a feud with R-Truth. Rey fits Ron's "pandering to the kids" stuff perfectly. The matches would probably be of a high standard as well.

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I'm surprised Vito. Your usually such a positive chap.

Nice try.


I don't like Rey because I can't suspend my disbelief to the point where I can take him seriously anymore, he was fantastic in WCW and his first few years in the WWE before his knees gave up because he could move around quickly and catch bigger guys unawares with his incredible death defying moves. His matches now involve bumping like crazy, then hitting the 619 in a preposterously contrived way (even by wrestling standards) and then hitting a stupid splash which for a guy of his size shouldn't really even hurt his opponent. As Carbomb said, Rey comes across as so saccharine that I just don't even want to see him win matches anymore, in fact I take a certain satisfaction when the Elimination Chamber comes around because there's a good chance I'll get the pleasure of seeing Rey be picked up and thrown headfirst into something.

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I don't like Rey because I can't suspend my disbelief to the point where I can take him seriously anymore, he was fantastic in WCW and his first few years in the WWE before his knees gave up because he could move around quickly and catch bigger guys unawares with his incredible death defying moves. His matches now involve bumping like crazy, then hitting the 619 in a preposterously contrived way (even by wrestling standards) and then hitting a stupid splash which for a guy of his size shouldn't really even hurt his opponent. As Carbomb said, Rey comes across as so saccharine that I just don't even want to see him win matches anymore, in fact I take a certain satisfaction when the Elimination Chamber comes around because there's a good chance I'll get the pleasure of seeing Rey be picked up and thrown headfirst into something.

His entrances get good reactions though dont they?

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