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You're Match of The Half-Year?

Ez Money

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So it's better for me to carry on saying Lesnar was the bigger draw despite their being numbers to prove otherwise? And I'm the idiot here? If my opinion was that Manchester United didn't win the league in 2010/11, would I be more respected if I carried on battling the argument out despite there being concrete evidence that Manchester United did win the league?

Steve Austin drew more money than Hulk Hogan, but he isnt the bigger star and was never a bigger draw than Hogan. If your that passionate about your opinion and how right you are, you dont roll over and die like that. Drawing money in wrestling isnt like winning something for real. There's a lot of factors to look at. Just because he outdrew him at WrestleMania didnt make him the bigger star, but thats the thing that ended your argument. Its just the factors you were looking at were so obviously wrong, you'd have thought if you couldnt spot them as soon as look at them, you wouldnt be so easy to change your opinion. Bringing up Man United winning the league is so fucking mental. What an outthere statement.


"And this a thread about matches of the year so far. What has your musings about Lesnar failing to draw as the companies top star got to do with that Masters and Mcintyre masterclass on Superstars?" - You brought it up you bloody idiot. Don't act like I dragged this rubbish argument in here. I said 'end of topic' after one of the posts hoping to put it to bed. I'd like to think me getting the better of you here has put it to bed at least.

I brought up an example of you not knowing the difference between something, I didn't ask for a discussion on the merits of Brock Lesnars ability to draw did I? Did I ask for a discussion on it? Nope. Stop making things up. I was actually giving you advice on the similarities between you not knowing the difference between someone taking the piss or having an honest opinion. Same could be said about some of the shite you come out with.


I don't know where this is going anymore. But you brought this up to provoke me. I'd imagine you expected some kind of response from it. I still honestly don't understand why I'm being deemed as an idiot.


So now you're saying Brock was the bigger star? And if so, why hold that back when we were discussing it? I'm baffled by most of that.

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Ian - You're a fucking brilliant poster, but sometimes you do take things a bit to far to "win" an argument. You've given Johnny a right good shoeing, but just give it up now for Christ sake. You're like Christiano Ronaldo - you've beaten your man but instead of putting the cross in, you've gone back to beat him again and again and again.


As for the topic - its a toss up between the Bully Ray/Styles and the HHH/Taker matches mentioned. IMO of course.

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I don't know where this is going anymore. But you brought this up to provoke me. I'd imagine you expected some kind of response from it. I still honestly don't understand why I'm being deemed as an idiot.

I brought it up because on your similar attitude in this thread toward people liking what they want to like. Hows it "ironic" (your words) if someone wants to nominate a match they enjoy? Your the one going off topic trying to stirr shit instead of discussing the topic at hand (something you accussed me of earlier on in your original post "ironically" enough).


So now you're saying Brock was the bigger star?

I never said that. I said Lesnar being outdrew at Mania didnt make Batista the bigger star, but if you go and look at the thread, that was the only proof you needed to be proved wrong after all those "I know nobody cared about Batista more than Lesnar" etc.


Ian - You're a fucking brilliant poster, but sometimes you do take things a bit to far to "win" an argument. You've given Johnny a right good shoeing, but just give it up now for Christ sake. You're like Christiano Ronaldo - you've beaten your man but instead of putting the cross in, you've gone back to beat him again and again and again.

Your right actually, now you mention it. I'm annoying myself now.

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Without seeing any 2011 PWG, Best In The World or much from Japan I'll say these for now


Kotaro Suzuki vs Katsuhiko Nakajima was a fun match, up there with the Edwards match for me.


Obviously Taker vs. HHH


Strong vs. Richards and Chris Daniels vs. Eddie Edwards from Honor Takes Center Stage I thoroughly enjoyed

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Just watched the Masters v McIntyre match. It is a little cracker alright. If Masters had lived during Ole Anderson's booking reign he would probably be a multiple time world champion and in the hall of fame.

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I don't know where this is going anymore. But you brought this up to provoke me. I'd imagine you expected some kind of response from it. I still honestly don't understand why I'm being deemed as an idiot.

I brought it up because on your similar attitude in this thread toward people liking what they want to like. Hows it "ironic" (your words) if someone wants to nominate a match they enjoy? Your the one going off topic trying to stirr shit instead of discussing the topic at hand (something you accussed me of earlier on in your original post "ironically" enough).


So now you're saying Brock was the bigger star?

I never said that. I said Lesnar being outdrew at Mania didnt make Batista the bigger star, but if you go and look at the thread, that was the only proof you needed to be proved wrong after all those "I know nobody cared about Batista more than Lesnar" etc.


Ian - You're a fucking brilliant poster, but sometimes you do take things a bit to far to "win" an argument. You've given Johnny a right good shoeing, but just give it up now for Christ sake. You're like Christiano Ronaldo - you've beaten your man but instead of putting the cross in, you've gone back to beat him again and again and again.

Your right actually, now you mention it. I'm annoying myself now.


So I weren't willing to concede defeat according to you despite being pummeled with facts (or words to that effect), but at the same time I shouldn't have conceded defeat because if I have a strong enough opinion I should keep battling it out. I don't see what you wanted me to do. Unless you mean this, which is a bit of both?


I'm willing to concede defeat that Batista was the bigger star but if we're talking who would be the bigger star if they were both big at the same time, maybe it would have been Lesnar. Saying that though, by nature of the massive push he got in a short space of time, he may not have had the longevity that Batista did. I think it helped that Lesnar had gone so they had space for another big bastard to headline. No knocks on the story that built him though. On the Mania buy rates, I think there's a lot of factors like the build to most of the matches compared to 21 and that McMahon/Hogan took precedence on build. Booker and Triple H was a rubbish build as was Brock/Angle. Was the Eric Angle swap angle before Mania or after? If I remember, they over exposed the two together in match scenarios.


I don't think Batista would have drawn as much as Lesnar had he gone to UFC but then again Lesnar was an amateur wrestler and younger at the time whereas Batista fancied giving it a go.


The bottom line is Batista was a bigger star in the WWE though.


Was I being unreasonable in that post? Is it consistent with my opinions earlier in this topic?


Well done on being such a bloody brilliant poster, Ian. Let's hope you get the Wrestling Poster of the Year 2011 accolade to stick below your avatar to show everyone who's boss, eh?

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There was just too much dull shit in the entire match though so I didn't like it all that much.





It was a crime how little they used Nash in that match. Who cares that it was for one night only - there were a bunch of cool prospects for first-time meetings or old friends meeting with Nash involved. His stint was way too short!

There weren't that many old meetings that could've been revisited -- Big Show, which they did, but who else? Undertaker and HHH were away, Jericho and Michaels gone. There aren't that many wrestlers in WWE now who've got history with Nash. I'm probably forgetting a few but he'd have had way more opportunity to bump into old friends in, say, 2010.


Fully agreed on the first-time meetings though. I reckon everyone underestimated just how excited people would be to see Nash back -- had they known fans would be that receptive, I bet he'd have had a bit more to do in the match.


I liked a lot of stuff in the Rumble (Cena and Hornswoggle were brilliant in their bit) and thought it was really good, but it wouldn't be my favourite match of the year or anything. Punk's stint this year was nowhere as good as his 2010 Rumble.

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Well done on being such a bloody brilliant poster, Ian. Let's hope you get the Wrestling Poster of the Year 2011 accolade to stick below your avatar to show everyone who's boss, eh?

He might do. He was only one beaten by one vote in the 2010 awards, and that was by the best poster in the forum's history.

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I'd completely forgotten about the El Generico vs. Daisuke Sekimoto match from the wXw 16 Carat Gold Tournament. There were a lot of matches from that weekend of shows that I was looking forward to seeing and thought "okay, that wasn't all that great", but this match was every bit as good as you'd hope for between the two men.

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Well done on being such a bloody brilliant poster, Ian. Let's hope you get the Wrestling Poster of the Year 2011 accolade to stick below your avatar to show everyone who's boss, eh?

He might do. He was only one beaten by one vote in the 2010 awards, and that was by the best poster in the forum's history.


I don't actually care about the awards. If that's what you strive for, good luck to you. For the most part, he's a good poster but is petty.


Which event was AJ vs. Bully Ray? Was that Slammiversary?

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Pretty much all of WWE's best matches of the half-year have been mentioned, I'd probably go with HHH vs 'Taker as well, as much as I also liked the Smackdown and Over The Limit matches between Orton and Christian, Edge vs Dolph Ziggler at Royal Rumble, and the Smackdown Elimination Chamber. Drew McIntyre vs Chris Masters was a tremendous TV match on a show hardly anyone watches, but categorising it with the others is a bit weird.


Beyond that, I wouldn't consider anything from TNA in my top 10 of the year, and I haven't seen any US indies from 2011 beyond my live attendance at ROH and DGUSA in Atlanta. From those shows, Richards vs Edwards definitely runs some of the WWE matches really close for me, but it's very dependent on my close following of ROH and wanting Richards to win - I understood that at the time just from seeing how my Atlanta travel buddies didn't enjoy it in the same way as I did. Not that they didn't enjoy it, but it very much played to the ROH faithful, and wouldn't convert a non-Richards fan. Expecting everyone to enjoy it like I did would be unrealistic, init.


On a similar note, I probably enjoyed Zack Sabre Jr vs KENTA from NOAH in Wolverhampton as much as anything this year, and I'm not in the slightest bit ashamed of being firmly in the Zack cheering section throughout. Bring on the DVD.

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