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2011/2012 Scottish Football Thread


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Except they haven't really rised. ;) I can't be in the mind of every hearts fan all I can say on the message board the average fan dosen't have that attitude, but do's it really matter? it's like you are argueing for the sake of it.


on a side note that statment from clyde is beutiful.

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A couple of things over the past few days which bothered me:


Either way, I don't feel the fans should be penalised. The collective Rangers witchhunt and the "Sporting Integrity" party which has been started has been nothing short of saddening. There should be better support for the fans who are being penalised for wrongdoings of individuals.


Under Murray and in the early days under Whyte, a large chunk of the fans acted like Brownshirts outside the Reichstag threatening violence whilst Hitler passed the Enabling Act which allowed him to become F

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A couple of things over the past few days which bothered me:


Either way, I don't feel the fans should be penalised. The collective Rangers witchhunt and the "Sporting Integrity" party which has been started has been nothing short of saddening. There should be better support for the fans who are being penalised for wrongdoings of individuals.


Under Murray and in the early days under Whyte, a large chunk of the fans acted like Brownshirts outside the Reichstag threatening violence whilst Hitler passed the Enabling Act which allowed him to become F

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I don't know if everybody is "Pro-Rangers". If this was happening to Celtic, the same things would be happening. Don't let them fool you otherwise. "Pro-Rangers AND Celtic" if you ask me.


There is no conspiracy.


Sevco do not meet the criteria for election to the SPL or SFL. Rangers are dead and their successor club should be applying to the East of Scotland League for entry for the 2013/14 season.

Rangers aren't in the east of Scotland. Wouldn't happen. If they move to Edinburgh, then yes.

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SJFA West then.


What I cannot understand is why the fans aren't starting or even suggesting starting up their own new club?


After all thats gone on that would seem the one way to guarantee it won't happen again. It would also turn the current negative feeling into a positive one. I am sure the fans and owners of the other clubs will get behind this idea. Rangers would still have to start from the bottom but it would be done the right way.


AFC Wimbledon is the perfect example. Give it another year or so and the true successor will pass the zombie club.

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I don't know if everybody is "Pro-Rangers". If this was happening to Celtic, the same things would be happening. Don't let them fool you otherwise. "Pro-Rangers AND Celtic" if you ask me.


I'm not old enough but from what I've been told, everyone was quite happy for Celtic to die in 1994. There was no "Scottish football needs Celtic" back then.


What I cannot understand is why the fans aren't starting or even suggesting starting up their own new club?


I think a lot of Rangers fans will admit their fans haven't come together to save the club at all. They've been too busy blaming everyone else.

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A couple of things over the past few days which bothered me:


Either way, I don't feel the fans should be penalised. The collective Rangers witchhunt and the "Sporting Integrity" party which has been started has been nothing short of saddening. There should be better support for the fans who are being penalised for wrongdoings of individuals.


Under Murray and in the early days under Whyte, a large chunk of the fans acted like Brownshirts outside the Reichstag threatening violence whilst Hitler passed the Enabling Act which allowed him to become F

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A couple of things over the past few days which bothered me:


Either way, I don't feel the fans should be penalised. The collective Rangers witchhunt and the "Sporting Integrity" party which has been started has been nothing short of saddening. There should be better support for the fans who are being penalised for wrongdoings of individuals.


Under Murray and in the early days under Whyte, a large chunk of the fans acted like Brownshirts outside the Reichstag threatening violence whilst Hitler passed the Enabling Act which allowed him to become F

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FUM is right. Most Rangers fans were quite happy to watch Celtic die in 1994. The club's only crime at that time was horrendous mismanagement. When wee Fergus came in, he was ridiculed as penny-pinching and ignorant of Scottish football. The difference between him and Murray is that he had a business plan that involved making a legitimate profit. It was in no way an ego-stroke for him. He saw a distressed business that could be turned round. He put in time, money and effort and walked away with a tidy profit and Celtic have been a. one of the most financially well-run clubs in Britain since and b. turned a profit more often than not. Yes, we haven't always beaten Rangers, but now we know how much Rangers cheated to achieve their successes I think we feel less bad about that. At this stage of the game, though, why should we - and even more so, any of the other clubs that we helped shaft in the foundation of the SPL - give a fuck what happens to Rangers? Rangers as a club and Rangers fans on the whole have rarely, if ever, cared about anyone else. "Nobody likes us and we don't care," remember? Well now we know the truth, don't expect us to suddenly start liking you now.

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I don't know if everybody is "Pro-Rangers". If this was happening to Celtic, the same things would be happening. Don't let them fool you otherwise. "Pro-Rangers AND Celtic" if you ask me.


I'm not old enough but from what I've been told, everyone was quite happy for Celtic to die in 1994. There was no "Scottish football needs Celtic" back then.


Different times though. TV wasn't as an important part of the game and there was far more competition, talent and support in the League.


Certainly, there was no clause that both Rangers and Celtic have to be in the League for Clubs to receive their biggest source of income, which is the crucial factor.


What I cannot understand is why the fans aren't starting or even suggesting starting up their own new club?


I think a lot of Rangers fans will admit their fans haven't come together to save the club at all. They've been too busy blaming everyone else.


I think it's more to do with how splintered our support is to be honest. There's been no central figure that everybody could rally around and, as you said, the groups that HAVE been running have been far more concerned with blaming everybody else than actually trying to save the Club. Not that it realistically could've been saved without a CVA, which was never going to happen.


I think there will be a supporter's Club started eventually, possibly even two or three. And they'll all hate each other.

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FUM is right. Most Rangers fans were quite happy to watch Celtic die in 1994. The club's only crime at that time was horrendous mismanagement. When wee Fergus came in, he was ridiculed as penny-pinching and ignorant of Scottish football. The difference between him and Murray is that he had a business plan that involved making a legitimate profit. It was in no way an ego-stroke for him. He saw a distressed business that could be turned round. He put in time, money and effort and walked away with a tidy profit and Celtic have been a. one of the most financially well-run clubs in Britain since and b. turned a profit more often than not. Yes, we haven't always beaten Rangers, but now we know how much Rangers cheated to achieve their successes I think we feel less bad about that. At this stage of the game, though, why should we - and even more so, any of the other clubs that we helped shaft in the foundation of the SPL - give a fuck what happens to Rangers? Rangers as a club and Rangers fans on the whole have rarely, if ever, cared about anyone else. "Nobody likes us and we don't care," remember? Well now we know the truth, don't expect us to suddenly start liking you now.


No Rangers fan is wanting or expecting Celtic's support. I wouldn't give a flying fuck about your club if they were in the same position. The problem you have is this ingrained bitterness about us. Even with us in the shite and not knowing where or even if we will be playing next season you can't just let it go and enjoy it. I'd love to know where all this imagined favouritism towards us has come from. I don't feel like we have been treated favourably and I certainly neither feel we have been victimised. We have been badly managed and lied to as well not just every other club. It's not like we knew all along and decided to keep it a secret from everyone. We are being held responsible and will pay for it for a very very long time. From reading your posts you won't be happy until we are written out of history just like Benoit in WWE and Ibrox is burned to the ground. Even then you would probably complain about the air pollution from such a big bonfire!

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Absolutely hilarious. You compare Rangers fans to Nazis then reveal that you don't even know where Glasgow is on a map. You claim "a large chunk of fans" acted in a certain way - where did you read that, the Daily Mail? Fuck off and don't come back until you actually know what you're talking about.


I know where Glasgow is. I know how senior football, junior football, amateur football and welfare football all work. I also know that if they wish to start again in senior football, they'd join the stronger of the two lowland leagues, the East of Scotland League. I know these things because I read, I listen and I learn without prejudice.

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Again, no they wouldn't. Unless Rangers move to the East, they wouldn't join that particular league.


If they can't get into the SFL, they'll just die probably. Can't see a Rangers team in the Juniors.

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I'll never understand the apparent desperation of Celtic fans to see their biggest rival die. Football is all about rivalry and the thought of winning a league without defeating your biggest rivals doesn't sound too great.


The thought of no Old Firm games for a while is pretty awful.

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