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2011/2012 Scottish Football Thread


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Listening to John Brown being interviewed made me laugh. If he had a brain it would be dangerous. "jist gie us oor club back yous!!! yous invest and weel opin up ah bank account and en youll get a vote!!! its oors!!"


I'd like him and the fans to get the club actually to just laugh at how much (more) of a bumblin fuckin mess they would make of it.

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I think it's unfair that (The) Rangers should go straight into Division 1 but the point has been made that the infrastructure in Division 3 simply could not cope. It's completely immoral according to the rules as far as I see it, but whether that comes into it is another question I suppose.

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Listening to John Brown being interviewed made me laugh. If he had a brain it would be dangerous. "jist gie us oor club back yous!!! yous invest and weel opin up ah bank account and en youll get a vote!!! its oors!!"


I'd like him and the fans to get the club actually to just laugh at how much (more) of a bumblin fuckin mess they would make of it.


Seeing if there is a stumbling box.

Playing for a stadium.

Setting up a bank account....


The guy is hilariouos.

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  • Paid Members
Listening to John Brown being interviewed made me laugh. If he had a brain it would be dangerous. "jist gie us oor club back yous!!! yous invest and weel opin up ah bank account and en youll get a vote!!! its oors!!"


I'd like him and the fans to get the club actually to just laugh at how much (more) of a bumblin fuckin mess they would make of it.


Seeing if there is a stumbling box.

Playing for a stadium.

Setting up a bank account....


The guy is hilariouos.

I liked the "Yous buy the pies, you own the club" line.

I'd try to find it in the video but I gave up 45 minutes of my life listening to it last night. I'm not doing it again.


Wasn't Brown one of the ones that refused to speak to Mo Johnston when he signed for Rangers?

No wonder the knucklegraggers are right behind him then.

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And if they are not ready for Division Three? It should be stressed it is not just Rangers fans who do not know is going on. What about Stranraer, Dundee, Dunfermline, Stirling Albion, Queen of the South, Airdrie United, etc. There's still that confusion over what division teams will be in. Of course, they cannot sit and wait to find out so plan for the worst case scenario. It's a mess and one that needs sorted out rather quickly. Teams are back in pre-season training and have friendlies lined up. In the grand scheme of things, it's not that long until the cup games start, etc.

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Airdrie Utd and Stranraer would take the free spots in Division 1 and 2 respectively as play-off finalists if new Rangers enter in Division 3 so they are the only 2 clubs affected in that respect.

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I think it's safe to say that the goodwill the SPL was getting from me for telling Rangers where to go is gone. The transparency of the SPL is now out there for all to see with the document they sent to the 30 SFL sides...




Basically, let Rangers into the first or we'll try and fuck you good and proper.

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I think it's safe to say that the goodwill the SPL was getting from me for telling Rangers where to go is gone. The transparency of the SPL is now out there for all to see with the document they sent to the 30 SFL sides...

It was from the SFL.

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Nice bit of scaremongering in that press release, let them create an SPL2, wonder if the SPL clubs would break away back to the SFL leaving them clubless as that would be hilarious.


As it stands making The New Rangers or whatever they are called in to Div One, will be a complete and utter joke of the highest order considering what has happened to other clubs who have gone bust and been kicked out or amalgamated. Tough Shit Rangers, they fucked up let them deal with the consequences. No rules should be bent or made to accommodate them.

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I don't understand why SPL2 is being used as a threat, when the teams making up SPL2 will essentially be from Division 1 - where 6 Division 1 teams have already said they don't want Rangers in their division. Surely these same 6 will again state that they want Rangers punished and sent to Division 3?


Ultimately though, there's two separate things getting confused and mixed up here - the punishment for Rangers/the newco, and the reform of Scottish football. The latter is very important; surely the two issues should be separated?


Threatening to create SPL2 if clubs don't do as the authorities say is a very poor way to go about reforming the Scottish game.

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