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Official list of WWE's banned terms.


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"Athletes or Sportsmen." Banned. I will admit, I was surprised to learn that "athlete" is a banned term, if only because for years and years I have heard wrestlers and fans say, "It might be fake, but these guys are tremendous athletes." No longer can you say, for example, "WWE Superstars are brilliant athletes," or "WWE Superstars are brilliant sportsmen." Nope. You must call them, and I am not making this up, "Entertainers with tremendous athletic prowess." They even give an example: "WWE Superstars are entertainers with tremendous athletic prowess." What normal person in their right mind would ever utter a sentence such as that?


And i quote: The WWE advertisements about don't try this at home need to be changed then seeing as they aren't professionally trained athletes any more they are professionally trained entertainers with tremendous athletic prowess.

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What do you think about this idea? I'm unsure if this would hold peoples attention, given some of the more ridiculous storylines we've had the prospect of these being stretched out to the length of an Eastenders episode could be unwatchable, I mean 30 minutes of Khali 'acting', even the segments that are widely regarded as 'gold' (Booker/Goldust, Edge, Christian & Kurt Angle, the APA etc) would wear thin if they were that long.

The idea of wrestling TV going back to jobber matches has always appealed, giving the 'marquee' matches appeaing on PPV a bigger feel & more of a reason for people to purchase the event rather than it being a rehash of matches already seen on TV. I don

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What is the story with fake Diesel and Razor? I always thought they were meant to be ironic jokes or something, but I don't remember hearing much ever said/written about them. Was he actually expecting them to pick up where Nash and Hall left off?

It was a cheap bit of publicity to see if they could score a huge rating. They announced that Diesel and Razor Ramon were returning to the WWF. And they thought if they announced this, WWF would be able to bring in an audience the following week and hopefully keep them around. It never worked, but WWF were on its arse at the time. They were desperate. Thats how the show closed as well, which was pretty rotten. Fake Diesel and Razor were the show enders two weeks in a row.

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Personally I kinda liked the fake Diesel and Razor angle, and sometimes wonder what would have happened IF they'd got over, like not just a bit, but main event level, what would have happened when the nWo arrived in 2002?

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It was a cheap bit of publicity to see if they could score a huge rating. They announced that Diesel and Razor Ramon were returning to the WWF. And they thought if they announced this, WWF would be able to bring in an audience the following week and hopefully keep them around. It never worked, but WWF were on its arse at the time. They were desperate. Thats how the show closed as well, which was pretty rotten. Fake Diesel and Razor were the show enders two weeks in a row.


Did they want people to actually think it was them though? Or did they want the people who tuned in to feel ripped off at the end of the night?


but WWF were on its arse at the time


That sounds very North West English! :)

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Saw this on numerous sites......


WWE has an information sheet titled "The Language of WWE" that they send out to people that do international voice-overs for their TV shows in other countries. The sheet includes a list of "Incorrect Terminology" and a list of "Correct Terminology."


"The Language of WWE" reads like this:


"World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) is a publicly traded entertainment company (NYSE: WWE) that creates and delivers a weekly action soap opera to its passionate fans.


WWE has been a recognized leader in entertainment for more than 25 years and has developed into one of the most popular and sophisticated forms of global entertainment today.


As a global entertainment brand, the language that we use when communicating on WWE is critical.


Please ensure that you are familiar and employing the below, effective immediately. "


Here's a look at some of the terms:


* "Wrestling" or "catch" is banned. Some European countries still use the term "catch" to describe pro wrestling and "catchers" to describe wrestlers. "The Language of WWE" states that the following phrases are incorrect: "Wrestling is broadcast in 145 countries," or "Catch is broadcast in 145 countries." The correct terminology is: "WWE is broadcast in 145 countries."


* "Sports" is incorrect. "Entertainment or Action Soap Opera" is allowed. For example, "WWE is exciting entertainment" or "WWE is an exciting action soap opera" is allowed. In the last example, "action soap opera" is printed in bold, presumably to make sure there's no confusion.


* "Catchers" or "wrestlers" are not allowed. Incorrect examples are "Catchers are unique characters" or "Wrestlers are unique characters." The term "WWE Superstars" is allowed.


* "Athletes" or "Sportsmen" are not allowed either. WWE gives the following example to use: "WWE Superstars are entertainers with tremendous athletic prowess."


* The term "fight" is not allowed. Matches must be referred to as "match" or "bout."


* "Fighting" is also not allowed but the term "action" is.


"The Language of WWE" printout concludes with the following "Key Soundbytes":


* WWE is pure entertainment


* WWE is an action soap opera


* WWE Superstars are entertainers with tremendous athletic prowess

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Vince has some serious issues. WRESTLING made him a billionaire, yet after all these years he's still terribly ashamed of it.


I know all the arguments why they do all this, for marketing reasons, branding, etc, but ultimately it boils down to them not being able to overcome the negative stigma of wrestling to the mainstream (which THEY caused, through 25 years + of promotion), so their answer is to try to HIDE what they truly are, as opposed to sell it.

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Vince has some serious issues. WRESTLING made him a billionaire, yet after all these years he's still terribly ashamed of it.


I know all the arguments why they do all this, for marketing reasons, branding, etc, but ultimately it boils down to them not being able to overcome the negative stigma of wrestling to the mainstream (which THEY caused, through 25 years + of promotion), so their answer is to try to HIDE what they truly are, as opposed to sell it.

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I can understand rebranding and branching out but the levels that Vince and company go to distance themsels from "wrasslin" is just rediculous imo and anyway does anyone seriously use the term "catch" amymore?


Honestly I'm a 20+ year WWF/E fan and its becomming harder by the year for me to stick with the company but perhaps its just age finally catching up with me and the WWE just isn't for me anymore.


You mean your age is "entertaining" up with you? :laugh:


Ha good arrows :laugh:

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I'm not sure about this new direction.


I think the standard of WWE TV has been pretty good lately (compared to most of the last decade anyway). I'm not sure about going forward though, Vince needs to do something radical and different. If WWE's adult audience is lost to UFC, then why not turn WWE into a MMA promotion that focuses mostly on build-up, characters, promos, music videos, interviews etc? You'd have to cut down the number of matches, save the main guys for PPV and fiddle with the rules to make it more entertaining... but I don't think it's impossible.


Imagine if (after years of going down this 'entertainment' route) they did an angle where the legit toughest guy in the company comes out to the ring cut a shoot promo slating the state of wrestling, how he's pissed off with being held back and that he really wants to wrestle for real. That some guys are fed up of the fake pre-determined bullshit and that the real hard bastards backstage were fed-up with some of the untalented fags and junkies making more money and getting more airtime than them. A feud breaks out between the guys who want to change WWE to a MMA promotion and those who are making the big bucks through WWE-style entertainment. A pro-MMA faction develops and Shane McMahon seems open to the idea and is willing to back them and bring in former UFC stars. Exhibition MMA bouts are staged on Raw/SmackDown and the WWE's workers union go on strike, fearing for their jobs.


The feud culminates with a realistic worked-shoot match between the WWE champion and leader of the pro-MMA faction at WrestleMania in order to decide the future direction of WWE. The match ends with a dodgy decision and it's made out that the WWE champion has been screwed. The WWE champion then starts laughing and Vince makes his way to the ring. Vince goes into a rant about how WWE had started falling behind UFC and he needed a new challenge. WWE would turn legit and become the best wrestling company in the world. Vince reveals that he paid off the loser in the 'shoot' match as a final homage to Sports Entertainment. WWE is relaunched.


Probably a stupid idea but they could at least try something different.

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