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Pimp me some BAD TV


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We have a thread in which we discuss what we are watching on TV and what we recommend. So let's have a look at what you shouldn't be watching. Pimp the UKFF some horrific viewing currently on TV or upcoming to the screens.

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We have a thread in which we discuss what we are watching on TV and what we recommend. So let's have a look at what you shouldn't be watching. Pimp the UKFF some horrific viewing currently on TV or upcoming to the screens.


One Tree Hill:

Since my missus gave up work at the start of the year this is her favourite ever programme it is utter bollocks. I have managed just over 2 minutes of watching time on this.


Killer in the family on one of the crime channels:

It is a cracking insight into serial killers but ruined by the woman presenting it or doing it or whatever she is meant to be doing. She is so up on girl power. With her


"I have been going round the country teaching people how to see the early signs of a killer"

"I love myself and I am a woman"

"Yes I am a woman and I smarter than everyone"


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If you're ever having one of those days where you feel a bit ugly or down in the dumps and need to feel good about yourself I heartily suggest watching a few minutes* of Jeremy Kyle. No matter how bad your life is or how unattractive you believe you are Jeremy Kyle always manages to find the ugliest people (inside and outside) to put on display, like

for example.






(* Caution: Never exceed the recommended daily dose. Long term exposure to Jeremy Kyle can turn you in to Daily Mail reader)

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If you're ever having one of those days where you feel a bit ugly or down in the dumps and need to feel good about yourself I heartily suggest watching a few minutes* of Jeremy Kyle. No matter how bad your life is or how unattractive you believe you are Jeremy Kyle always manages to find the ugliest people (inside and outside) to put on display, like
for example.






(* Caution: Never exceed the recommended daily dose. Long term exposure to Jeremy Kyle can turn you in to Daily Mail reader)


Lol classic, what a set of gnashers. Its fun to make fun of others :)

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A scruffy lad from my school was on it once with his family and the exchange -


Him - Ya buzzin'?

Her - ....NOR

Him-...yer ya are


has became somewhat of a meme between my mates.

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When I was in Coral yesterday for some reason they had an interview with Jeremy Kyle about the Cheltenham Gold Cup and someone had hung a proper noose over his head. Unfortunately that's as far as it went.


As for Coming Of Age, Hannah Job is so fit that it is worth watching just for her.

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If you're ever having one of those days where you feel a bit ugly or down in the dumps and need to feel good about yourself I heartily suggest watching a few minutes* of Jeremy Kyle. No matter how bad your life is or how unattractive you believe you are Jeremy Kyle always manages to find the ugliest people (inside and outside) to put on display, like
for example.






(* Caution: Never exceed the recommended daily dose. Long term exposure to Jeremy Kyle can turn you in to Daily Mail reader)


I had a friend on it to once it was on one the the disabled kid shows (she was in my brothers class at the time) but I do think he only does the disabled kid shows to try and say that he is a nice guy really but even then I think he's only done something like 2-3 since his show started.

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I think Jeremy Kyle is great. He's like the Rock when he was a heel - a dick who you're supposed to hate, but can't help but love because the sub human scum on his show are the subject of his angst.

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I'm with Si on this one. Jeremy Kyle, though an arrogant and smug twat, you love to hate him. It also helps all of his guests are usually worse than he is.

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I really enjoy Jeremy Kyle. Thing is, he's such a good heel that often I find myself rooting for his incredibly scummy guests. I hate him even more when he turns face and tries to be nice to the scum, especially the despicable women whose boyfriends are smoking thirty joints a day while nobbing other women, or something similar.


The best shows are the DNA ones, there's a good 50% of them that turn out not to be the Dad so the subsequent anger and tears and heartbreak is fabulous to watch in a morning from a neutral perspective.

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A scruffy lad from my school was on it once with his family and the exchange -


Him - Ya buzzin'?

Her - ....NOR

Him-...yer ya are


has became somewhat of a meme between my mates.

Have you got a link to the segment on Youtube? I like little soundbites like that.

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