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Commemorative china

Surf Digby

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  • Paid Members
I don't mean to offend anyone, but isn't it only old people (usually grans) who do this?

Look closely.


Saw a proper one in the co-op the other day. No doubt will be the staple of every car boot stall in the country in 15 years time.

  • Paid Members

I know quite a few sad middle aged women that collect these and think that Michael Buble is a nice young man.


I actually want one of these as it would piss them right off.


Is not mass production rather than limited edition way more popular these days? Having said that my Dad took a mug which commemorates Charles and Dianas wedding to be valued the other week, and he said it is worth next to nothing.

  • Paid Members

Its got William and Kate on one side, and a cat on the other. Phillips talking about selling these down the covered market.

  • Paid Members
Its got William and Kate on one side, and a cat on the other. Phillips talking about selling these down the covered market.


Harry and Kate, mate.

  • Paid Members
Harry and Kate, mate.


Charles dosen't want his face on this


he wants it on this




or possible some pasta sauce


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