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Impact Wrestling Discussion **UK SPOILERS**


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Peter Criss was in Oz, so he's not meh.


Now Tommy Thayer, that's meh.


I raise that with a Mark St. John.


Gotta love the Stanner for this



He might be a Percy Poopshoot but still, manliness in that brilliant 80's way. Everyone looked gay in the 80's, even Kevin DuBrow.

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Tommy Thayer's shite. He was in a KISS tribute band and on Gene Simmons record label with another shit band before he became a guitar tech and alround slave in the mid-90s for them. He should have a big silver cock drawn on his white face instead of biting of Ace's gimmick. At least Mark St John's shitness was put down to having gammy hands.


Peter Criss is class. Not the best drummer in out of the three (probably the worst), but people loved his voice on those early albums. Their biggest hit in their prime was Beth.

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Tommy Thayer's shite. He was in a KISS tribute band and on Gene Simmons record label with another shit band before he became a guitar tech and alround slave in the mid-90s for them. He should have a big silver cock drawn on his white face instead of biting of Ace's gimmick. At least Mark St John's shitness was put down to having gammy hands.


Peter Criss is class. Not the best drummer in out of the three (probably the worst), but people loved his voice on those early albums. Their biggest hit in their prime was Beth.


Touche on the 'Beth', cracking tune that be. KISS are just fucking wonderful when it comes to making the moolah. There like the Hulkamania boom of rock 'n' roll bands. People who dislike them are music pervs or idiots IMO. Any band that T-Skivone likes is good with the Chilli_D.

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TNA Impact Wrestling star "Cowboy" James Storm noted on Twitter that he suffered a concussion at last week's Impact tapings in Macon, GA. Storm said that the concussion was found after a CT Scan and an MRI, and added that he expects to be out 6-8 weeks. No word on whether this is story line related or a legit injury.

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TNA was class, everyone should watch it. I loved it.


The Highlights!!!

-The main event was a EXCELLENT. The finish was the best I've seen in ages, as far as a finish goes. Its tremendous. The ref avoids a bump by jumping out the ring, but hurt his ankle. Roode falls out the ring. As he's seated against the ring apron, the camera was positioned from behind the beer bottle and all you could see was Roode looking at the bottle with a look on his face, as if he had finally made his decision to use it. Roode then got the bottle and lashed it over Storms head. The fans looked pissed. After the match Roode looked chuffed to bits and had no remorse for what he did. The match was cracking as well. As the match goes on, Roode is begging for Storm to tap out. Roode doesn't want to smash his head in, but he has to. And after the match, he didn't care. I cant believe they never fucked it up.


Look at that camera shot. Excellent.

-Sting is wearing a lovely white tracksuit top with scorpions on it.

-Kid Kash was on commentary being class, as Austin Aries wrestled Football Boy (don't know his name). F-Boy won to set up a match at the PPV, which Aries will win.

-Brooke and Victoria lezzed it up a bit before they lost the belts to Gail Kim and Madison Rayne in a match that wasn't abysmal.

-Rob Terry has been named Robbie T!!! And the segement with the Jersey Shore bloke was actually good. Wont do any business of course, but if they are going to do it, at least it wasn't shit.

-During the Hardy and Anderson (they are pals now) vs Jarrett and Bully Ray, Bully Ray kept shouting "DIE YOU DRUG ADDICT!" at Jeff Hardy. It was hilarious.


"LOL TNA." It was way better than Raw. By a long way. I was listening to that tosspot Alvarez, and he even agrees. He even called the end to the main event the best thing TNA has ever done. Since Septemeber time, Impacts been the best wrestling show on TV by a country mile. Its not perfect, and it might not be doing good business, but as a stand alone form of entertainment, its been class. I cant see how Roode could have came across better if he won at Bound For Glory watching this.

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I still think Roode should have won at at BFG and Ian is a muppet for thinking otherwise but I have to agree with him. Impact has been much the better show for weeks. Some of it still doesn't work and some of the acts are more than tired but they are making way more of what they have.


The move to Sundays has worked out well for me. I watch far more.

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I still think Roode should have won at at BFG and Ian is a muppet for thinking otherwise

I never said I thought otherwise. I've said plenty times, he should have won at Bound For Glory. I'm just not in the camp who thinks its TNA's version of the Katie Vick angle. And don't use the word "Muppet" in a TNA thread. We've discussed them in the Raw thread.

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I still think Roode should have won at at BFG and Ian is a muppet for thinking otherwise

I never said I thought otherwise. I've said plenty times, he should have won at Bound For Glory. I'm just not in the camp who thinks its TNA's version of the Katie Vick angle.

Let you off then, Kermit.


I'm sure Roode will still look like a star come Sunday night. However, they've still pissed away weeks, if not months of story to get to this point, which is a real shame.


-Brooke and Victoria lezzed it up a bit

This has just reminded me of those awful Raws from 2002 (?) where Bischoff would bring in the girls for "HLA". Dire.


Who's Brooke?

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This has just reminded me of those awful Raws from 2002 (?) where Bischoff would bring in the girls for "HLA". Dire.


Who's Brooke?

They didn't actually lez it up. That was an exaggeration. They didn't actually do anything. They did their entrance and tore their t-shirts off to reveal ... wrestling gear! And one of them was Tara, so I don't think that would class as lezzing it up even if they did. She's about 6'2" and looks like she smokes 40 regal a day.

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I agree with Rick in that the thing that has annoyed me a lot is how quick they have got to where they are.


When we go into Turning Point, which will be 4 weeks after Bound For Glory, we'd have seen :-


-Storm beat Angle to win his first TNA World Title.


- Roode become number one contender


-Roode beat Storm to win his first TNA World Title, turning heel in the process.


-James Storm getting his rematch


- A James Storm assault/injury angle


-AJ Styles challenging Roode for the World Title.


That is mental for 4 weeks, like Rick said, im sure when it comes on TV it'll look good etc, and Ian did say what they're doing probably isnt good for business, but is entertaining etc, but man, the things i've put there could of got us to Lockdown at least, theres months and months of story there. Hell they probably could have stretched it out so that Storm didnt get his first rematch till next years Bound For Glory. It's so frustrating, and it's why wrestling will probably never have another 'boom' period etc, everything is just rushed, nothing is built up properly, and, especially with TNA, big things happening lose their effect beacause of it.


Looking forward to watching it all though. A lot better than RAW I agree with as well.

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I thought it would have been better if he hit him and celebrated forgetting all about him, with passing looks with a hint of guilt. I'm not a massive fan of wrestlers acting massively babyface to massively heel. It never makes sense. I would have preferred the announcers saying how desperate he was, and how he's been driven to it and then have the coming weeks - have him try to apologise, only to have Faces come out and shout him down. In life, I had someone shout down my accomplishments as fake, I wouldn't fight to make sure no-one dispute them, I'd be like "Fuck You All" and turn on them too.


It also annoys me how people can be rivals one month, and friends the next. WWE's worse for this, with the whole Triple H-Sheamus and Orton-Cena team-ups but still having Hardy & Anderson team is pretty bad.


Still (from what I've seen), I'm liking it as an alternative to the WWE - now that the brand split's disappeared.

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It also annoys me how people can be rivals one month, and friends the next.

Wrestling is a television show with progressive characters. Wrestling isn't real life, so comparing them to how people act in real life is ridiculous. Wrestling has always been popular for the over the top characters put in a little make believe word based on realistic settings. You need to define characters, not confuse the audience and over expose someone until we finally find out what his motives are. The story is, Roode didn't want to do it but when he did it and got his rewards he said "fuck it, this feels good". Roode's tried to be the nice guy, and he never got this far by being the nice guy. This is the real Bobby Roode, according to the storylines. His thought process is, that he doesn't need James Storm. They couldn't have done this angle any better. It was simple and beautifully portrayed. If Roode came out next week after hitting Storm with a bottle acting like a babyface, he'd have looked like a complete pussy and an absolute moron, and undone the impact of the previous weeks heel turn. This angle needed 100% impact and all the chess pieces to be put in place. They got that. Cant see what else they could have done. Wrestling just needs to be simple, but well done. Not over thought.

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