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Impact Wrestling Discussion **UK SPOILERS**


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I have little sympathy for TNA. It's not like the promotion hasn't exploited their employees over the years.


I imagine Flair is off as well then (he has a contract with Bischoff). The Hogoff regime are probably best to leave, their wages are massive and TNA's business hasn't increased with them there. The one thing they will miss is Bischoff's production, he's added some cool bits to the product.


BFG isn't doing much of a number now though. Non of their matches or wrestlers are that hot and a match they spent two years building isn't happening. It'll still be a decent show.

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However, if they've been under the impression that he'd work the match, it's his fault.

They've promoted it for a full year. He's an independent contractor. He's under no guarentees to do anything with them. If they want to fuck about with storylines which might never happen because he had half his back took out its their fault. He never had a bad thumb. He had career ending surgury. I could tell TNA i could work a match for them if I wanted to. If they decided to run a year long storyline about it how is that the performers fault? Its ridiculous to blame him. TV time is so precious in wrestling. Hogan never turns up to TV tapings. They've essentially booked this storyline without him for a good portion of it. If they have their head in the clouds thinking this was ever going to happen, its the promotions fault. Would WWE ever do this? No. Would the likes Ring of Honor and NWA Hollywood even do this? Booking someone who was in a crippled state in April to wrestle on your top PPV is a move you should never make.


Assuming Bisch, Hogan and Flair do all leave i wonder if Dixie will give Paul E another ring or if she'll just keep on with Russo and whoever else is/was running things backstage

It wasnt Hogan and Bischoff that was the stumbling block. It was Bob Carter wondering why anyone would hand over 10% of a business to someone who had a track record in business comparable to an fatal F1 car crash.

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Yeah. Hogan strikes me as the type of guy to share his final moment with a young tag team...

It could easily be structured in such a way as to put all the final focus onto Hogan; for example it could be some sort of elimination tag with Hogan ending up as the last guy on Team Air Boom and rolling back the years to get the victory with his first contribution of the match, and then of course there would be his triumphant celebrations with not even Air Boom in the ring. The young tag team is merely there in order to facilitate the moment in regards to putting together some form of match. Of course, given how they handled Bret v Vince we could just as likely get Hogan battering the shit out of someone for an eternity but thankfully they did Hogan v Vince when Hogan still had a bit of go in him

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Yeah. Hogan strikes me as the type of guy to share his final moment with a young tag team...

I dont get that at all. Surely if you want the spot light on yourself, you want to be in the ring with a jabroni squad who cant outshine you. If I was Hogan, I wouldnt want to be in there with a Triple H or an Undertaker at this stage of my career. Austin was in there with Piper at WrestleMania 21 and both wrestlers bombed because they were speeding through their catchphrases trying to get themselves over. Its probably the same reason why Hogan and Flair wanted Abyss and Styles by their sides in 2010. They want people to know their role and do as they are told.

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October 6th/9th


Jeremy Borash came out to pump up the crowd, and introduced the announcers and Christi Hemme.


Beer Money came to the ring to open the show. Storm said it's a good thing Hogan is retiring. Storm set up the main event vs. Roode tonight. Roode said he expected to have a good match tonight. He said Fortune is family, and was upset at Angle making this stipulation. Roode said beating AJ and Kazarian helped him to get ready for Angle. Roode asked Storm to help him get ready. Roode said Beer Money was the best tag team in history, and he needed Storm's best. Storm said he would give him a great match and said Roode will be the next champ. Storm said he is going to "bring it" and he might be better than Roode. The crowd popped big for them.


1. Kazarian defeated Gunner. Gunner won a back and forth match with a cross arm breaker and refused to break the hold. The ref reversed the decision and gave the win to Kaz. Kaz needed medical attention after the match.


Mr. Anderson came to the ring. Said he wanted to apologize to the people that mean the most to him, his assholes. He talked about how others kiss ass and get ahead, but he's never been good at it. Talked about Immortal a little and called Bully Ray a douchebag. Rays music hit. Ray said hurry up because he wanted to go to Neyland Stadium and piss on the big "T". Anderson said Ray always gets the upper hand but they're going to have one more match. Ray said Anderson is getting nothing. Anderson proposed a Bound for Glory falls count anywhere match. The crowd popped huge, and Ray left the ring


2. Winter and Madison Rayne (w/Angelina Love) defeated Mickie James and Velvet Sky. Madison pinned Velvet with a rollup after Love distracted Velvet and Madison got a handful in tights. A very short match.


Eric Bischoff made his way to the ring. He made fun of the fans and called out Jeff Hardy. Jeff came to the ring in street clothes. Eric talked about working with the greats. He talked about taking advantage of his opportunity and said Hardy dropped the ball. Eric said Hardy officially was done and he let everyone down. Jeff took the mic and said he wanted to say goodbye. He gave Eric the twist of fate and yelled "Screw you" before running through the crowd when Immortal hit the ring. Jarrett carried Eric backstage


3. Crimson defeated Samoa Joe. Crimson basically spent the entire match getting worked over by Joe, but won with a cheap small package


4. Bobby Roode defeated James Storm. Great back and forth match. Many near falls and high spots including a superplex by Storm that the crowd popped huge for. Both men were tied up in the corner when the ref took a bump and Storm rolled out of the ring. Kurt Angle ran down and attacked Storm at ringside while Roode and the ref were laid out. Angle rolled Storm in the ring and Roode hit a nice fisherman's suplex for the win. After the match the two hugged and left together.


Hogan came out to a huge pop. He said when he woke up this morning it would be the last day of his career. He said he is not going to know what to do anymore. Hulk thanked the fans for everything. He held up the old yellow and red belt and started crying at the "Thank you, Hogan" chant. He said it's time to put Hulkamania to rest.


Stings music hit and he is wearing a red suit with a Hulkamania t-shirt. Hogan said Sting is not welcome out at the ring. Sting said no one is buying the retirement. Hogan said he is officially done. Sting says he knows Hogan better than anyone. Sting said he has some footage to prove it. The video footage showed Hogan talking to Bischoff backstage making fun of the Tennessee fans and saying it was a ploy to sell merchandise. Hogan got crazy heat and went crazy on Sting. He said if Sting wants to fight him, he will and Sting accepted. Sting left the ring to end the first episode.


October 13th/16th


1. RVD and AJ Styles defeated Christopher Daniels and Jerry Lynn. The fight started in the back and continued down to the ring. Some really good spots by AJ. RVD went for rolling thunder but got tripped up by Lynn and took a hard bump on the outside. RVD took a beating but eventually tagged in AJ who cleaned house. Nice high spots in this one too. AJ hit the Styles clash on Lynn to get the pin. Apparently Daniels and AJ are feuding now. Daniels ran from ringside after the match.


Kurt Angle came to the ring and got a lot of heat. He called out Roode. The stage says Bound for Glory, this Sunday. So this is the go-home show for sure. Angle congratulated Roode on beating all members of fortune. Angle said he's not Kaz, AJ Styles or Storm. He went over his accomplishments. Angle wants to know what Roode is going to do without his buddy by his side. Angle said he wishes Roode well and said if he loses he'll shake Roode's hand and step aside.


Roode refused to shake hands with Kurt. He said Angle is the best wrestler in the world, but said he has a bigger heart than Angle and will come out with the championship in the end. Roode said he doesn't want Immortal or Fortune out at ringside. He said he wants to find out who's the best. Kurt agreed and left the ring. Kurt stopped at the middle of the ramp and told Roode he'd be facing Gunner and Jeff Jarrett tonight in a handicap match.


2. Matt Morgan defeated Samoa Joe. A back and forth match between these two. Morgan got the win with a rollup/small package and Joe snapped. He started attacking Morgan's knee. Crimson made the save with a chair as Joe left. Joe said Morgan and Crimson are always saving each other and he was sick of it. He challenged both of them to a triple threat match at Bound for Glory. Morgan and Crimson stared each other down before leaving the ring.


J.B. announced there will be a contact signing tonight between Hogan and Sting

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I would of thought Immortal will get involved in Ray/Anderson, Flair perhaps joining in with Sting + Hogan for a big "retirement" celebration, Storm to be at ringside for the main event perhaps?


That card looks good but by fuck does AJ need to fight someone else than Daniels. This isn't 2005 and it won't be as good as their 30 minute iron man match from Against All Odds.

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It looks to be a good set of shows leading up to BFG and the PPV itself doesn't look too shabby either. RVD/Lynn is going to stink to high heaven, though.


TNA really need a bit of a clear-out soon. They can start with RVD, Abyss, Daniels and Anderson.

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It looks that way. I can't see it being a straight match and there'll probably be a load of run ins and interference from Immortal throughout the match. If they go for a No DQ match then it can give them a few shortcuts which could prove handy. Flair's apparently injured again and needs some more surgery so he definitely won't be involved on the card in a match, but I imagine he could still have some sort of role to play in Hogan/Sting.


I'm intrigued by the card though, there are some good matches on there and provided TNA don't go for silly finishes in a couple of matches, they can have a really good show here.

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So in their biggest PPV the only match four matches which haven't happened on a PPV already (as part of the same fueds) this year are

The Knockouts match (which even I'll admit is a piss break match)

Ink Inc vs Mexican America (which will be poor, infact the best worker in the match is going to be one of the managers)

Roode vs Angle (which should be awesome)

Sting vs Hogan (Which will probably be more embarrassing then Sting/Flair on Impact)


Wow, way to make the show feel special


I think Jarrett might wrestle Kaz (Kaz taking exception to the way Karen Jarrett treats Traci) or Jeff Hardy, but either way, there ain't gonna be much build for it is there?


I think bringing Paul E to replace Hogan/Bischoff (if both of them go) is a good shout as long as they don't leave him in charge of the money

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I think bringing Paul E to replace Hogan/Bischoff (if both of them go) is a good shout as long as they don't leave him in charge of the money

Such a simple smart arse comment to make. Hogan and Bischoff have nothing to do with Heyman's position if he were to join. If Hogan and Bischoff leaves, guess what happens? Nothing. They lose two onscreen characters, but nothing will change. Same old TNA. Same buyrates. Same ratings. Same storylines. Bischoff contributes an idea or two involving himself and deals in the production side and Hogan turns up when he wants to collect his money. This pair have NO say when it comes to promoting events, writing two hour stories, developing characters or anything like that. Hogan and Bischoff have real things to do outside TNA. TNA is Carter ran, Borash and Jarrett promoted and Russo written. As soon as Bischoff and Hogan realised they werent going to get what they wanted, they both went on autopilot. Heyman wouldnt change anything. The shows might be better, but since when has good television equaled good business when Heyman's booked? Its a damaged brand. They are capable of putting on some good shows, but a lot of the audience doesnt want to know.

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