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Impact Wrestling Discussion **UK SPOILERS**


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Let's hope that Hulky's comments about making TNA Impact Wrestling the company a touring entity will actually happen and they can finally say goodbye to that section of their fanbase forever.


It's a shame, because I liked the actual IZ - it reminds me of the smaller arenas you used to see on WcW Worldwide for TV matches. Really, what they need is a venue like that that they can charge entry for. Once the Mutants start having to pay, they won't be able to afford to keep going all the time and ruining shows. We'd only have to put up with their appearance once in a while.

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I think that the promotion has outgrown Orlando, now that they're showing BFG-related house show footage it looks to me as though the promotion could easily leave the Impact Zone and draw well, I don't know whether those people you see in the house show audiences actually paid to see the show but they always seem to be enjoying themselves. The next step TNA, or whatever we're calling it now, takes should definitely be expansion in to new cities, they should forget about trying to compete with Vince and instead focus on getting their product seen by more people.

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I think that the promotion has outgrown Orlando, now that they're showing BFG-related house show footage it looks to me as though the promotion could easily leave the Impact Zone and draw well, I don't know whether those people you see in the house show audiences actually paid to see the show but they always seem to be enjoying themselves. The next step TNA, or whatever we're calling it now, takes should definitely be expansion in to new cities, they should forget about trying to compete with Vince and instead focus on getting their product seen by more people.


That's what they should've been doing from Day One. Then we might have been spared shite gimmicks like the "Voodoo Kin Mafia".

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Hold it right there! I won't hear a bad word said about the Outlaws or any of their subsequent incarnations. Putting aside the McMahon bashing Voodoo Kin Mafia is a cool sounding name.


Nothing wrong with the guys, they were awesome. I'm talking about the actual gimmick they got lumbered with at that specific point, i.e. deliberately giving themselves a contrived name so they could use Vince McMahon's initials, and then basically basing almost everything they did on mocking McMahon and WWE - even showing up at WWE shows and "challenging" them to fights. That sort of thing only works between companies who are about equal - in a much smaller company like TNA, the whole thing was pathetic and small-time.

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To be fair it's not the worst thing TNA have ever done, throughout it's existence the promotion has continually drifted between periods of fantastic television and even longer periods of unwatchable garbage. Since rebranding they've been on a hot streak and aside from one episode a few weeks back in which every match had a stupid screwy finish they've been putting out compelling and entertaining television. I hope more than anything that they've finally found their niche and will continue doing what they've been doing recently.

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I was one of the biggest critics of the decision to keep using Team 3D as singles wrestlers when they did that retirement angle not too long ago, but both guys have done nothing but prove me wrong. There's been enough said about Bully Ray on here recently, and I'll echo all of that love. It's Devon that has surprised me the most, pulling out consistently good matches with pretty much everyone. I'm also enjoying this feud with Pope, it's a perfect example of how to build a perfectly good mid-card feud without them having the same match every week.


I'd love to see Austin Aries win the X-Division Title and feud with Alex Shelley over it. Shelley is always brilliant, and Aries is currently one of the stars of the show for me. I like Brian Kendrick, but I'd prefer to see these two fighting over the title.

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To be fair it's not the worst thing TNA have ever done


No, but it was pretty awful. A waste of the talents of BG and Kip.


throughout it's existence the promotion has continually drifted between periods of fantastic television and even longer periods of unwatchable garbage. Since rebranding they've been on a hot streak and aside from one episode a few weeks back in which every match had a stupid screwy finish they've been putting out compelling and entertaining television. I hope more than anything that they've finally found their niche and will continue doing what they've been doing recently.


Hey, I'm in agreement with you about their recent output. Still think they need to work on making their PPVs more must-see and their main-event feuds more "big-time", though.


I was one of the biggest critics of the decision to keep using Team 3D as singles wrestlers when they did that retirement angle not too long ago, but both guys have done nothing but prove me wrong. There's been enough said about Bully Ray on here recently, and I'll echo all of that love. It's Devon that has surprised me the most, pulling out consistently good matches with pretty much everyone. I'm also enjoying this feud with Pope, it's a perfect example of how to build a perfectly good mid-card feud without them having the same match every week.


Echoed. Also, I'm getting the impression with the Pope feud that they're looking to do a Raven/Sandman-type storyline.


I'd love to see Austin Aries win the X-Division Title and feud with Alex Shelley over it. Shelley is always brilliant, and Aries is currently one of the stars of the show for me. I like Brian Kendrick, but I'd prefer to see these two fighting over the title.


Aries really has improved since I last saw him. I don't think he's amazing, as he's still a bit indy for my liking (same with Shelley, really), but in this he suits the X-Division well, and his character work has been very good.

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Hardcore Justice PPV Results cos it doesnt need its own thread


<-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler


- X Title: Kendrick def. Austin Aries and Alex Shelley

- Knockouts Tag Title: Tessmacher & Tara def. Rosita & Sarita

- BFG Series: The Pope def. Devon

- Knockouts Title: Winter def. Mickie James - new champion!

- BFG Series: Crimson def. RVD by disqualification

- Six Man: Fortune def. Immortal

- Bully Ray def. Mr. Anderson

- Tag Team Title: Beer Money def. Mexican America

- World Title: Kurt Angle def. Sting


God Awful PPV



[close spoiler]




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God Awful PPV




Firstly, that isn't a spoiler, that's an opinion - and how about you let us decide for ourselves?


Secondly, what's to discuss on the basis of just those results?

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That opening 3 way is my candidate for worst match of the year. Kendrick is utter shit anyway, but the other two are capable of so much more.


For those who missed it, it was about 15 minutes of Kendrick getting beat up by Alex Shelley, Austin Aries laying outside, and then Kendrick hitting about 3 dropkicks and getting a fluke win. Boring shit from start to finish.

Kendrick has NO ring psychology at all. He got worked over all match, on his legs in numerous occasions, and the only moves he did were dropkicks and his finish where he runs up the turnbuckle and backflips off it. Can't get across how awful he is at everything.


Rest of the PPV was sloppy and "meh".

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