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Impact Wrestling Discussion **UK SPOILERS**


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So TNA is still called TNA then, it's just iMPACT! is now called iMPACT! WRESTLING? Boo!


Not really a fan of the episode. It felt like they rushed all the big reveals by butchering the segments in post-production.


I see Chris Harris is still on the pies. The guy DOES look like a fat lad you find in Gamestation.


On the plus side, Sting is still the man and his 'new look' is fantastic, love the ever changing face paint and cool ring jacket. Also Beer Money are the business.

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On the plus side, Sting is still the man and his 'new look' is fantastic, love the ever changing face paint and cool ring jacket. Also Beer Money are the business.

I get the feeling that Sting is sort of slowly going back to his origins to end his career. He started out the colourful blonde-haired and face-painted bodybuilder, he morphed in the dark and broody "Crow" gimmick, and now he's slowly going back to the colours.

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I didn't think it was a bad episode but it wasn't brilliant. Not into Crimson whatsoever, same can be said for Abyss and the stale Samoa Joe. The 'Because wrestling matters' stuff is valid, but is unbareable when coming from the mouth of a whining Mick Foley and is clearly a 'bash' at WWE. Anderson winning the battle royal had to happen as his one on one match for the title had to come eventually. Also, Tommy Dreamer always manages to get on pay per views without doing fuck all during the tapings, fair play.

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As "Big Suprises" go, Chris Harris, Mick Foley and Chyna are pretty fucking bad.


Add to than another Ken Anderson PPV Main Event coming up and you have a rather depressing show. Why they think a three-way Ken/Sting/RVD feud (that feels like it's been going forever) is the way to go is beyond me! Build a bloody Heel up properly, for Christ's sake.


"We are bringing back wrestling, because wrestling matters. Now here is your main event... a 25 man clusterfuck"

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Add to than another Ken Anderson PPV Main Event coming up and you have a rather depressing show. Why they think a three-way Ken/Sting/RVD feud (that feels like it's been going forever) is the way to go is beyond me! Build a bloody Heel up properly, for Christ's sake.

There's a heel turn coming here I'd imagine. Its either RVD or Anderson. I imagine it's now RVD's turn to get the heel champion run. TNA has always had a strong roster, even if the storylines have been shit. But now, I cant remember a weaker main event roster. They'd be better off, having Angle and Jarrett main events or bring AJ back into the fold. Sting, RVD and Anderson are not only poor on the microphone, they are shite in the ring as well. No chemistry at all.

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Add to than another Ken Anderson PPV Main Event coming up and you have a rather depressing show. Why they think a three-way Ken/Sting/RVD feud (that feels like it's been going forever) is the way to go is beyond me! Build a bloody Heel up properly, for Christ's sake.

There's a heel turn coming here I'd imagine. Its either RVD or Anderson. I imagine it's now RVD's turn to get the heel champion run. TNA has always had a strong roster, even if the storylines have been shit. But now, I cant remember a weaker main event roster. They'd be better off, having Angle and Jarrett main events or bring AJ back into the fold. Sting, RVD and Anderson are not only poor on the microphone, they are shite in the ring as well. No chemistry at all.


Yeah, I'm feeling a Heel turn too, though that's almost a constant feeling with this show.


Frankly, if they were planning on running this 3 way deal so long, they should have turned Ken Heel to join Immortal months ago. At least there'd be clear sides for the fans to choose from, and I could hate Ken for the right reasons perhaps.


All of the matches with these same three have been bloody awful. It's all gone downhill since Kurt decided to move away from the Title scene.


Kurt, AJ, Jarrett, Pope (re-built) and a well booked Roode should be their top guys.

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But now, I cant remember a weaker main event roster.

If anything they have too many main eventers. AJ, Angle, Anderson, Sting, Jarrett, RVD and even Abyss are all former champions who could realistically hold the title again, there's Matt Morgan who has dabbled in the main event scene but so far hasn't captured the title, there's also Steiner and Bully Ray who haven't held the world title in TNA but very well could in the future, there's damaged but salvageable names like Samoa Joe and Pope and let's not forget up and comers like Robert Roode and possibly even Crimson and Hernandez. At the moment it feels like there are too many possible champions and not enough for them to do, Matt Morgan is a prime example of a guy who gets into the title picture only to drop out of it to have a meaningless feud with someone else to give him something to do. Angle is damaged goods in a different way, he's a guy who is too good to even be involved in the title picture at all, that "fighting the top ten" storyline and now this feud with Jarrett are perfect examples of the writers desperately trying to keep Angle busy elsewhere.


I think the company should be trying to raise the prestige of the TV Title, I like Gunner but it's pointless having a title that's only defended once in a blue moon. Put it on someone established who can defend it frequently and make it mean something, then you've got a secondary title that can keep those not directly involved in the main event picture busy.


Looks like they are not allowing Chyna to speak.

Probably for the best, at times she looked like she wasn't entirely sure where she was.

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Unbelievably, Chyna is working without a contract, so if she decides to no-show the ppv or WWE makes her an offer just to stick it to TNA there's absolutely nothing TNA could do about it.


Well its fair enough, it might be a one off appearance, or (and most likely its prob not a one off) they just wanna see if she can do anything, rather than give her a contract and it turns out shes utter shit and they can't get rid of her.


Miss Tessmacher :love:


quite liked Impact, or Impact Wrestling. Lots of talking but, it was always gonna be a heavy talking episode with Jarrett/Angle and the reveal of the Network dude. Mick Foleys promo was really good, the man still has it. Suicide vs Sangrieto was fun for what it was, although how they want people to believe its a brand new luchador from mexico is beyond me, its clearly Red. The Battle Royal was brilliant too, made people look good and furthered feuds. I though Chyna looked decent enough as well, not sure the same can be said for Chris Harris...


so Sacrifice looks like this...


Rob Van Dam vs Sting

Kurt Angle and Chyna vs Jeff Jarrett and Karen Jarrett

Matt Hardy and Braden Walker vs Beer Money

Robbie E vs Brian Kendrick

Abyss vs Crimson

Kazarian vs Max Buck

Mexican America vs Ink Inc

AJ Styles vs Tommy Dreamer

Mickie James vs Madison Rayne


pretty good line up, not a gimmick match in sight!

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Miss Tessmacher :love:

I really can't say enough good things about her. TNA has its faults, many many faults, but as long as they keep coming up with those great ring entrance routines for the Knockouts I'll be happy.

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