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Impact Wrestling Discussion **UK SPOILERS**


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Good PPV.Gotta say, Crimson has become far more interesting since becoming a smug and smarmy bragger about his winning streak. I thought he cut a fine promo.As did Joseph Parke.Aries vs Bully Ray was ace! Loved the finish with Aries landing on his feet after the powerbomb and then locking on his submission.

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May 17th Spoilers

*Dark Match: Devon def. Mike Knox*Taped for Xplosion: Eric Young def. GunnerTNA Impact Wrestling - Airing May 17, 2012*Show opens with Bobby Roode coming to the ring for a promo. Roode brags about beating RVD at Sacrifice. Roode wants a celebration party since he's going to become the longest reigning TNA World Champion in history. Roode calls out Hulk Hogan to confirm the celebration party. Hulk comes out and declines Roode's suggestion. Hogan announces that next week on Open Fight Night, Bobby Roode is the chosen champion to defend his World Title. Hogan then announces that tonight there's going to be a series of matches: Bully Ray vs Rob Van Dam, Mr. Anderson vs Jeff Hardy, Kurt Angle vs Samoa Joe, and a battle royal. The winners of the 4 matches will face off in a Fatal 4 Way next week with the winner of that facing Roode in the main event later that night. *Bully Ray def. Rob Van Dam to advance to next week's 4 way.*AJ Styles won a Battle Royal that also included Austin Aries, Robbie E, Robbie T, Devon, Garett Bischoff, Crimson, Magnus, Eric Young, and Gunner. After the match, Hulk Hogan came out and congratulated AJ on advancing to next week's 4 way. AJ then took the mic to explain the Dixie Carter scandal. Before he can continue, Daniels & Kazarian interrupt. Daniels & Kazarian reveal a video on their iPad of Dixie and AJ at a hotel and they go into a room together. Daniels & Kaz talk trash to AJ. He goes after them but they get away. *Gail Kim def. Velvet Sky & Brooke Tessmacher when she stole the pin on Brooke to retain the Knockouts Championship*Jeff Hardy def. Mr. Anderson to advance to next week's 4 way.*Kurt Angle def. Samoa Joe by countering the Muscle Buster into a rollup, to advance to next week's 4 way. So next week it is Bully Ray vs AJ Styles vs Jeff Hardy vs Kurt Angle with the winner facing Roode for the title that night. Bobby Roode did commentary for this match and had words with Angle after the match. Hardy, Bully, and AJ came out and Roode stared down his four potential challengers to end the show.

No Devon title match. good to see they stuck with that as long as they could :D Mike Knox is the bearded fellow we all remember.i'm guessing roode loses the belt tomorrow
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FEAR THE BEARD, Diamond Dust, FEAR. THE. BEARD. (in other words, I like Mike Knox)Looks like a good show. I assume they'll either explain that D-Von doesn't have to defend his title this week since he defended it twice last week or they'll tape two Devon matches at the next tapings.Why do you think they'll take the belt off of Roode in that 4-way, iamtheman? It's clear they're going to have James Storm win it, probably at Bound for Glory.

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Glad to see Mike Knox having a job. Hopefully everything goes better for him in TNA.If Roode stays champ trough these tapings, he'll be the longest reigning world champ in TNA history.

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I think they way they have set it up with a big challenge and two matches in one night makes it look more like someone will overcome all obstacles to win the belt off roode. That person looks likely to be Kurt Angle, I however hope in this case for either a screwy finish then a rematch at Slamiversary in a rematch from BFG or alternatively Angle wins the belt and loses it back at the PPV.My only other school of thought is that this is leading to the return of the King of the Mountain match (although unsure with a ladder match just occurring) with the 4 way being an indicator of whose in the match, although I expect AJ will be replaced by the less interesting Anderson or RVD

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That can't be right, can it? Jarrett used to hold it for months or years at a time. I suppose that was the NWA title though.I guess he should drop it to Storm, that's the right thing to do even though I don't see Storm as the amazing babyface they seem to. Roode was a better babyface IMO.

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I guess he should drop it to Storm, that's the right thing to do even though I don't see Storm as the amazing babyface they seem to. Roode was a better babyface IMO.

But Roode has that Bad Ass quality to him that makes him naturally able to play a heel. Storm being a drinker in a Southern based promotion is just one of those guys the yanks would want to go to a bar with + being one of the few guys who've been in the company since day 1 without leaving means you can build that into a character who cares about doing whats right for the fans. I'm not sure if the fued would've worked as well with Storm as a heel and Roode as a face, Storm usually comes off more goofy than a threat when he's a heel.
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AA vs Bubba was pretty bloody good the other night, kinda thought it would work quite well but never thought it would be that good.Not seen it mentioned but does RVD botch the finish in the main event? Sick looking ankle twist when he fell off the ladder.

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Speaking of longest reigning TNA champions, in 4 days Gail Kim's about to become the longest reigning TNA Knockouts champion.

Gail Kim and Bobby Roode will join Austin Aries as long reigning champions, Aries became the longest reigning TNA X Division Champion a few weeks ago.
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I've not yet seen Sacrifice, but I have to say I've really been enjoying Impact a hell of a lot recently. Hogan's a fantastic GM and things like Open, Fight Night, Gut Check and the Sacrifice 4-way have shown an innovation we've been lulled into not expecting over the last few years in TNA or WWE.Don't give two shits about Hardy, Anderson or Angle at all, but I'm really looking forward to seeing what happens with Styles' revelation, Storm's loss of confidence and Bully Ray basically trying to piss off as many people as is humanly possible. I was especially enjoying the Joseph Park storyline until Abyss' random appearance this week. I was hoping that they'd keep Abyss back for a bit longer, but they could turn it round.Impact's on a roll. Shame it'll make absolutely no difference to the buyrates, ratings or competing against the WWE though.

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Spoilers for 5/24 (Open Fight Night II):

Dark Match: Kazarian (w/ Daniels) defeated Mike Knox. 1. Gail Kim and Madison Rayne defeated ODB and Eric Young. Gail cut a promo before the match. (There seems to be some confusion of whether the Knockouts Tag Titles were on the line or not.)Rob Van Dam called out Gunner, which led to a match.2. Rob Van Dam pinned Gunner. Van Dam flew three-quarters of the way across the ring and won with a Frogsplash.3. Devon and Garett Bischoff fought to a no-contest in a TV Title match. Devon granted Garett this match because Garett eliminated him last week in the battle royal. Devon and Garett shook hands before the match. A few minutes in, the two Robbies hit the ring and had the upper hand for a moment, but Devon and Garett cleared them from the ring.4. Austin Aries defeated Joey Ryan in a Gut Check Challenge. Aries won with a brainbuster. Bully Ray called out Joseph Park from the stands. Park held a trial by fan reaction and the verdict was guilty. Ray punched him in the stomach and then hit him with his chain. He grabbed the mic and laid down in front of Park and yelled not guilty.Bobby Roode came out for the main event. A.J. Styles and Kurt Angle came out. Hulk Hogan came out and selected Styles to face Roode. (Despite yesterday's report, it appears that the winners of yesterday's matches advanced to this week where Hogan would choose who fights for the World Title.5. Bobby Roode defeated A.J. Styles to retain the TNA Title. Roode worked on A.J.'s shoulder throughout the match. After a number of near falls for both men, Roode got the win. Roode had a party for becoming the longest reigning TNA Champion. After confetti and champagne, Hogan came out. The lights went out and Hogan brought out a special guest: Sting! Sting beat Roode out of the ring. Hogan announced the new start time for Impact and announced that the first match on that show will be Roode vs. Sting in a lumberjack match.Xplosion Match: Velvet Sky defeated Angelina Love.

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Impact is really good at the moment. There just seems to be a lot of stuff going on; feuds up and down the card, developing storylines, new faces, initiatives to mix up the sort of tv matches we get. The instant there's a reason for a match, it's going to be better - the wrestlers have a story to hang the match off. Almost every match now on Impact has a reason, even if it's Hogan reaching into his bumbag and snorting up a big line of vitamins and agreeing to give someone a chance.Bully Ray seems to be the lynchpin of everything. So much stuff revolves around him. He's their MVP at the moment. The perfect use of a veteran, dare I say.

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