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Impact Wrestling Discussion **UK SPOILERS**


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I thought this weeks Impact was brilliant and loved the Gut Check segments,. Seems like they are taking it seriously and doing things for real and thought Ric Flair was fantastic throughout the entire thing. His initial burial of Silva backstage was brutal but he genuinely seemed won over after Silva sold himself to the judges. If he can bring that passion into every promo he cuts then Silva could very well have a future. I checked out some of his work in OVW and he's a decent little heel too based on what i've seen...plus he's not as bad in the ring or as green as his tryout suggested, he was clearly just nervous.


Also the Bully Ray and Austin Aries confrontation was great although I hope Austin busting up Bully's lip wasn't an attempt to copy the Lesnar/Cena incident on RAW.


Infact everything was great. The 6 man tag was fun, and there wasn't really anything I disliked although I'm still not overly keen on Anderson...he's just very 'Meh".

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I'll echo everything said above, but I'd also like to add that I've been really impressed with Brooke Tessmacher recently. Considering she's not been wrestling that long, she's excellent. And the finish in the women's tag match was brilliant.


Her bum's not that bad either.

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I re-watched it again last night to see if it held up to my first viewing (it did) and would also like to add that Robbie T probably had his best showing in a TNA ring ever against Devon. Somebody has clearly had a word in his ear (I'd actually wager it was Devon) to be more aggressive in the ring and he really looked the part! Some of his shots on Devon looked pretty hard and he looked 100000x more intimidating because of it. For the first time I actually have some hope for Robbie T! He's never going to captivate the audience with a charismatic promo, but if he carries on producing showings like this, and improving he could very well find himself moving up the card and making a decent name for himself in TNA.


Also I love Robbie E who's a very underrated performer in my eyes. He has a great look, a fun gimmick, he's more than capable in the ring and used correctly can be a fine lower mid card act!


Devon for me is one of the most valuable guys TNA have on the roster right now....no seriously hear me out! Its been said in the past that whilst Bubba has been a bit of a tool backstage, Devon has been quoted as being one of the nicest guys in professional wrestling. Tied in with the fact both he and Bully Ray own a wrestling school, look back at the work they put in with Jesse Neal, who before his release was probably the most over member of INK INC and had come on leaps and bounds from when he first debuted. If I remember didn't Devon put Jesse Neal over in a 1 on 1 match too? He clearly is a company guy who not only works his ass off in the ring, has managed to get himself in the best shape of his career but remains over as hell in the process.


Devon took the clipboard to the head like a champ and clearly had no problems taking some stiff shots from Robbie T all in the name of making him look like the beast he is.


Around the Bound for Glory series there seemed to be this ironic love of Devon when he went on a winning spree, but for me he deserves every positive reaction he gets!


Also It wouldn't surprise me in the least if the whole idea of having the TV title on Devon and having it defended every week is so that guys like Robbie T, Robbie E and id imagine Alex Silva in the not too distant future, get a chance to go up against a veteran to teach them the ropes on live TV. I saw people on here saying hats what NXT should be like with he mixture of the rookies and the veterans and I think this is how TNA are deciding to do it.


On a non Devon related note, I'm starting to like Daniels and Kaz as the creepy/goofy tag team. It suits Daniels so well as he's always come across quite effeminate to me so this new gimmick he has going with Kaz as, lets face it, a bit of a "bitch" suits him well!

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I re-watched it again last night to see if it held up to my first viewing (it did) and would also like to add that Robbie T probably had his best showing in a TNA ring ever against Devon. Somebody has clearly had a word in his ear (I'd actually wager it was Devon) to be more aggressive in the ring and he really looked the part! Some of his shots on Devon looked pretty hard and he looked 100000x more intimidating because of it. For the first time I actually have some hope for Robbie T! He's never going to captivate the audience with a charismatic promo, but if he carries on producing showings like this, and improving he could very well find himself moving up the card and making a decent name for himself in TNA.

Well, he has been at OVW for a few months now and in a top role too so it's not too surprising to see some improvement with him. I agree though, that was one of his best TV matches, if not his best one to date.

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Well, I thought Silva's promo was awful and for Flair to change his mind based on it was hilarious. What Flair was saying in the backstage segment was entirely true. This man will not draw anything. Thankfully, to restore the balance TNA have aparently signed MMA fighter Muhammed 'King Mo' Lawal who is a genuine ass kicker and whom will also be competing for Bellator. That's more like it.

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Final Card for Sacrifice. (although with only 6 matches something else will probably be put on last minute)WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP: LADDER MATCH Rob Van Dam vs. champion Bobby Roode TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP: Daniels and Kazarian vs. Samoa Joe & Magnus Kurt Angle vs. "The Phenomenal" AJ Styles Jeff Hardy vs. Mr. Anderson Bully Ray vs. X Division Champion Austin Aries TELELVISION CHAMPIONSHIP: Robbie E & Robbie T vs. Devon (supposed to be a triple threat but TNA have it written doown like this) KNOCKOUTS CHAMPIONSHIP: Brooke Tessmacher vs. Gail Kim Something similar to how dolph ziggler won a triple threat ladder (TLC 2010??) for the main then

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I don't think he was on this week, but I could be wrong. Past couple of weeks have seen him turn up.


I know I'm in the vast, vast, VAST minority here when I say this. but I quite like Garrett. He's better than Mr. fucking Anderson anyway.


PPV looks pretty bleh, but what TNA PPV doesn't outside the big 3? I'll watch it, but don't have any hopes whatsoever that it will be anything life-changing. Looking forward to the main event, simply because I love Ladder matches and want to see how many more ways they can have Roode slither out of losing the World title.

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Bully Ray certainly has a lot on his plate. As well as being in 2 feuds with Joseph Parke and Austin Aries, he also jumped Matt Morgan!.I have to say, I loved that in-ring segment with Bully and Parke. This new lawyer character has win all over it. Joseph Parke vs David Otunga as a dream match for the future!I wish Devon hadn't squashed Robbie E to the extent he did.

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Sacrifice was cracking, it must be said. Gail Kim and Brooke Tessmacher was even good. Austin Aries vs Bully Ray was belting. I dont think there's anyone better than Aries at the minute. He's consistently blinding. AJ Styles vs Kurt Angle was brilliant as well (as you would expect) and the main event was RVD's best match in years. Great card from top to bottom. Even Crimson's match was kept to a comedy bout. Thumbs up.One thing about it though, during the Jeff Hardy vs Mr. Anderson match, Earl Hebner fucked up the finish and counted Hardy's shoulders to the mat and rang the bell. You could see him apologising afterwards as well. What a daft bastard. All he had to do was keep it going. Nobody seemed to notice the three was made anyway.

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Bully Ray doing a one-man 3D was awesome, he's clearly been watching some Johnny Ace tapes. A damn fine PPV overall. Not a bad match in sight, minimal shenanigans and good finishes. I was listening to Wrestling Observer radio earlier and Bryan/Dave mentioned that this was also the first PPV in ages that neither Dixie or E.Bisch were at. Is that a coincidence?


Earl Hebner's been fucking dreadful for years now. He's always out of place or in the way and messing finishes up.


Also, I hate to admit it but Christopher Daniels has been fantastic recently, and the tag match was fab. It looks like we might be seeing a tag feud between Kaz/Daniels and AJ/Angle which should be cracking; I just hope that they don't forget about Joe and Magnus, they've become such a good team and it'd be a shame if they were taken off TV.


And Joe Park was great, but I shouldn't need to tell you that. I love Joe Park.


EDIT: Ouch.



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