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Comic Book and Superhero movie & TV discussion.

Bellenda Carlisle

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I'm pretty sure Will Smith is desperate for a hit. What was his last big film?

Im 50/50 on if they'll kill him off in it. The whole point of the squad is that they are expendable so surely some of them are gonna have to die and if they are only going to have time to build up a few characters (Harley and Deadshot) then odds are one of them will get it. Think it all depends of if they want to start a franchise with this movie or just use it as another stepping stone for the new Batman movie.


Edit: If it has to happen i'm hoping for the full on 'Joker saves himself by being a massive shit and sacrificing Harley and makes fan boys cry' story

Edited by chokeout
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Depending on the outcome of this movie (success wise and in terms of the end of the film itself), and the supposed batman solo movie in 2018, I imagine they'll have The Red Hood joining them at some point.

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There's a lot of talk about it being R Rated, but surely not, given the universe it inhabits.

And cunts are cracking up at the thought of a PG-13 rating, because apparently that's what will cause it to fall on it's own sword.

I swear...some people!


Isn't Red Hood due to show up in this?

Edited by Scott Malbranque
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There's a lot of talk about it being R Rated, but surely not, given the universe it inhabits.

And cunts are cracking up at the thought of a PG-13 rating, because apparently that's what will cause it to fall on it's own sword.

I swear...some people!



Not a chance in hell that's happening. Batman is WB's biggest franchise, Think all the last films were pg-13. That's the one thing I doubt they'll piss about with. What do they think the film would benefit from in having a R rating?

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Wouldn't make any sense at all. None...but apparently only an R-Rated comic book movie can lend crdence to its entertainment value.

Now, I'm a huge Deadpool fan and have been for many a year, but I wouldn't have minded a PG-13 Deadpool? Barring the shit Max run, the game and maybe the almost as shit 'Pulp' run, he's never been an explicit, R Rated, adult character, but the only way the fans were accepting this flick was for it to be a hard R. Madness.

I'm all for it though, don't get me wrong, but I would have been just as happy had it been PG...

Edited by Scott Malbranque
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Wouldn't make any sense at all. None...but apparently only an R-Rated comic book movie can lend crdence to its entertainment value.

Now, I'm a huge Deadpool fan and have been for many a year, but I wouldn't have minded a PG-13 Deadpool? Barring the shit Max run, the game and maybe the almost as shit 'Pulp' run, he's never been an explicit, R Rated, adult character, but the only way the fans were accepting this flick was for it to be a hard R. Madness.

I'm all for it though, don't get me wrong, but I would have been just as happy had it been PG...

I think Deadpool should be a R rated film, not because of swearing, but because of the insane amount of violence. When you have a character who is regularly stabbed, shot, disembowelled and decapitated you're going to have to show it.
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Anyone see Ant-Man at the weekend? I enjoyed it, it was good fun, reminded me of the first Iron Man at times, and I liked that it wasn't too bogged down in setting up a dozen future films.


However, I don't think I fully understood the post-credits scene. If someone more versed in these things could explain it to me that'd be great!

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Anyone see Ant-Man at the weekend? I enjoyed it, it was good fun, reminded me of the first Iron Man at times, and I liked that it wasn't too bogged down in setting up a dozen future films.


However, I don't think I fully understood the post-credits scene. If someone more versed in these things could explain it to me that'd be great!


I saw it yesterday and really enjoyed it. A few people have already said it had a totally different feel to the other Marvel films, which it did. It had a few really nice ties into the whole Marvel story as well. Paul Rudd is annoyingly charming and hasn't aged in the last 20 years so I hate him. I wonder if we'll ever find out how much of Edgar Wrights / Joe Cornish's script is still in there.



its not a scene shot specifically for the film, its actually from the next Captain America. I forget what Cap says exactly but he refuses to contact Stark, hinting that they have already had a falling out and Falcon saying he knows a guy is pushing that Ant-Man will be on their side during Civil War


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I loved Ant-Man. I know I already said it, but there's a lot be said for a movie making you smile a lot, and that did it for me.

Chokey said it best regarding the Rudder.


I think Deadpool should be a R rated film, not because of swearing, but because of the insane amount of violence. When you have a character who is regularly stabbed, shot, disembowelled and decapitated you're going to have to show it.



Also, just on this. I really don't think Deadpool needs to be rated R. The Joe Kelly and Fabian Nicieza runs were probably the best to date and weren't all blood, guts, disembowelments and profanity laden pieces.

It's only really when that bluffer Daniel Way and David Lapham got their hands on the character that it all changed course and evolved/regressed, depending on your point of view and preference.

BUT, again, in saying that, I'm happy it's an R Rated flick as I think Reynolds is at his best when let off a leash, and besides the "cock gobbler" line, the trailer looked fucking tremendous.
I just don't think the R Rating was the absolute necessity for Deadpool that everyone is making out.

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its not a scene shot specifically for the film, its actually from the next Captain America. I forget what Cap says exactly but he refuses to contact Stark, hinting that they have already had a falling out and Falcon saying he knows a guy is pushing that Ant-Man will be on their side during Civil War




I haven't seen Ant-Man yet but from what I've read up about that particular scene



Basically its hinting that Bucky Barnes as the Winter Soldier was responsible for the death of Stark's dad, Stark found out that Cap and Falcon knew and were holding him instead of bringing him to justice and that sparks the Civil War story


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