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Scottish Football Discussion Thread 2010/11

The Cum Doctor

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An interesting (if lengthy) selection of articles which discuss the situation regarding the press coverage of the Old Firm in Scotland;


A journalist writing about another journalist writing about what other journalists aren
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Clearly he was asking why he ran out the dugout to confront Diouf when it was Mjallby who Diouf was involved in an argument with.

No, that's what you think he was asking. There's no "clearly" about it.


That's how it looked though didn't it? That's the way I saw it anyway.


What a fucking game anyways. Raw entertainment.

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Neil Lennon is a horrible, vile CUNT and I don't think anyone outside the scum would shed a tear if he pissed out of Scotland for good. I would be embarrassed if a tosser like that managed us.


Right I'm a Celtic fan who doesnt like Neil Lennon, never have, never will....but apart from completely over-reacting to whatever Mc Coist appeared to say to him at full time can you explain to me what he did wrong tonight?


I asked this last night but notice it hasnt been answered while there have been further posts saying Lennon was a disgrace last night. Once again I'll point out that even as a Celtic fan I dont like Neil Lennon but I really dont understand what he did wrong last night. Mc Coist clearly says something to him which he over-reacted to (stupid in the extreme given his appeal is in front of the SFA today) and the spat with Diouf seem to be started by Diouf. So what exactly did Neil Lennon do last night because the reaction from some on here, on other forums I read and in some of the press would lead me to believe that he killed Walter Smith or something if I hadnt seen the game for myself last night.

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You've answered your own question. His over-reaction caused a massive commotion at the end of a game that didn't need one. I thought he made himself look an absolute tool and let a great institution like Glasgow Celtic Football Club down.

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You've answered your own question. His over-reaction caused a massive commotion at the end of a game that didn't need one. I thought he made himself look an absolute tool and let a great institution like Celtic Football Club down.


But he's the only one who seems to be getting the abuse over all this. What Diouf was playing at going near the Celtic bench I dont know but from what Ive read its been swept under the carpet.


Neil Lennon is a tool, I agree with that. I never wanted him as a player at Celtic Park, I didnt want him as our manager apart from the fact he would put a bit of fight back into a team that was badly needing it. However he seems to be taking the full flack for everything that went on last night and he was by no means the only one involved. The whole thing was a disgrace from start to finish.

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Neil Lennon is a tool, I agree with that. I never wanted him as a player at Celtic Park, I didnt want him as our manager apart from the fact he would put a bit of fight back into a team that was badly needing it.

You must be happy with him as manager now though, yeah?

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Diouf is taking plenty of the flack, as usual (and rightly so). The reason Lennon is getting so much, though, is that we expect it of players to an extent, right or wrong. But last night, Celtic's players all behaved pretty much impeccably, with the arguable exception of Scott Brown who, let's face it, is Scott Brown and in any event wasn't even close to the kind of misbehaviour that the Rangers players displayed. However, the manager of a football team is supposed to be a reasonable, restrained influence on his players, and Lennon proved that he was no such thing. Confronting an idiot like Diouf isn't what the Celtic manager should be doing, especially when Diouf wasn't in his face in the first place. But shoving McCoist? That was beyond ridiculous. As someone mentioned, how are the players supposed to act when the manager sets an example like that? It also shows that his short temper gets in the way of any logical thought - if he'd remembered his tribunal was today at the time, perhaps he'd have behaved differently.


Plus it doesn't help that there are allegations - weak ones I'm sure, and probably false - of him racially abusing Diouf, Bartley and others, with some going so far as to claim the reason he didn't speak to anyone last night was that he was being questioned by police about it. When one behaves as Lennon does, these sorts of things will start to be thrown about.


Additionally, I'd be willing to bet that had Lennon not acted as he did, all the abuse would be being directed at Diouf for being his usual arsehole self.


Anyone know what happens regarding suspensions? Will Diouf/Bougherra/Whittaker be out for next season's Cup or are they banned for the next few games?

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However, the manager of a football team is supposed to be a reasonable, restrained influence on his players, and Lennon proved that he was no such thing. Confronting an idiot like Diouf isn't what the Celtic manager should be doing, especially when Diouf wasn't in his face in the first place. But shoving McCoist? That was beyond ridiculous. As someone mentioned, how are the players supposed to act when the manager sets an example like that? It also shows that his short temper gets in the way of any logical thought - if he'd remembered his tribunal was today at the time, perhaps he'd have behaved differently.

It may be worth asking what McCoist said to him that set him off. Lennon walked across for that handshake as a happy man. He had just eliminated Rangers from the cup.

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Happy to rub it in Ally's face, perhaps? The truth is that nobody knows. Similarly, I can't see why Bartley would change his reaction from 'leave it out' to something altogether more vicious at half-time as Mjallby chases Diouf to have a wee shout. And actually, if you watch the clip again, rather than walking across as a humble 'happy man', Lennon swaggers across as if he's a thousand feet tall.


As I've said before, we'll either find out in the next few days or not until one of them releases a book.

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What a game eh?


I thought Calum Murray was excellent to be honest. Every yellow spot on, even Whittaker's first one. A couple of minutes before Whittaker's yellow, Papac fouled Marc Wilson on the touchline by impeding him as he knocked the ball past him and went to go round him. Quick word in the ear iirc and on we went. When Whittaker does exaclty the same thing in the centre of the park the referee has to show him the yellow or else he risks players thinking that there will never be a sanction for doing what Papac & Whittaker did.


I think Lennon was a little out of order but noweher near the level of the Rangers players. From the first whistle to the last they set out to stop Celtic playing, which is fine btw if it's by fair means, but not by foul, and I mean foul literally. Constant niggly fouls plus some shockingly late and reckless tackles mixed with a load of dissent and we end up with a situation where Rangers made the game almost impossible to referee. The composure Calum Murray should throughout was nothing short of outstanding and it's unfortunate that the Rangers players have now guaranteed him almost no chance of being given the CIS final as on that showing he thoroughly deserves it.


I'm also pretty annoyed that we have Alex Salmond & the SFA coming out and lumping us together as the Old Firm yet again today when there was one party far more at fault than the other last night.

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I'm also pretty annoyed that we have Alex Salmond & the SFA coming out and lumping us together as the Old Firm yet again today when there was one party far more at fault than the other last night.

While this is true, you've only got Lennon to blame. If he shakes hands and walks away, Celtic come off almost scot-free.

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What a game eh?


I thought Calum Murray was excellent to be honest. Every yellow spot on, even Whittaker's first one. A couple of minutes before Whittaker's yellow, Papac fouled Marc Wilson on the touchline by impeding him as he knocked the ball past him and went to go round him. Quick word in the ear iirc and on we went. When Whittaker does exaclty the same thing in the centre of the park the referee has to show him the yellow or else he risks players thinking that there will never be a sanction for doing what Papac & Whittaker did.


I think Lennon was a little out of order but noweher near the level of the Rangers players. From the first whistle to the last they set out to stop Celtic playing, which is fine btw if it's by fair means, but not by foul, and I mean foul literally. Constant niggly fouls plus some shockingly late and reckless tackles mixed with a load of dissent and we end up with a situation where Rangers made the game almost impossible to referee. The composure Calum Murray should throughout was nothing short of outstanding and it's unfortunate that the Rangers players have now guaranteed him almost no chance of being given the CIS final as on that showing he thoroughly deserves it.


I'm also pretty annoyed that we have Alex Salmond & the SFA coming out and lumping us together as the Old Firm yet again today when there was one party far more at fault than the other last night.

Nitpicking a bit, because i agree generally with that, but don't you think Bougherra's shocker which earned him a yellow was a stick-on red? That was extremely nasty imo.


It might not have been your typical studs-showing leg breaker, but it could just as easily put a player out for as long with a ruptured achilles. And what's more, it was entirely deliberate, the ball was long gone.

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What a game eh?


I thought Calum Murray was excellent to be honest. Every yellow spot on, even Whittaker's first one. A couple of minutes before Whittaker's yellow, Papac fouled Marc Wilson on the touchline by impeding him as he knocked the ball past him and went to go round him. Quick word in the ear iirc and on we went. When Whittaker does exaclty the same thing in the centre of the park the referee has to show him the yellow or else he risks players thinking that there will never be a sanction for doing what Papac & Whittaker did.


I think Lennon was a little out of order but noweher near the level of the Rangers players. From the first whistle to the last they set out to stop Celtic playing, which is fine btw if it's by fair means, but not by foul, and I mean foul literally. Constant niggly fouls plus some shockingly late and reckless tackles mixed with a load of dissent and we end up with a situation where Rangers made the game almost impossible to referee. The composure Calum Murray should throughout was nothing short of outstanding and it's unfortunate that the Rangers players have now guaranteed him almost no chance of being given the CIS final as on that showing he thoroughly deserves it.


I'm also pretty annoyed that we have Alex Salmond & the SFA coming out and lumping us together as the Old Firm yet again today when there was one party far more at fault than the other last night.

Nitpicking a bit, because i agree generally with that, but don't you think Bougherra's shocker which earned him a yellow was a stick-on red? That was extremely nasty imo.


It might not have been your typical studs-showing leg breaker, but it could just as easily put a player out for as long with a ruptured achilles. And what's more, it was entirely deliberate, the ball was long gone.


Possibly, I remember watching the replay and saying it was and 'orange' card, between a yellow and a red really. However, given the type of tackle I don't think the referee would have been in a position to deem it red as it's only realy on the replay that it shows up.


Rick, you make a fair point but Lennon IS shaking hands when McCoist says something which inflames him.

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