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The Metal/Punk/Rock Thread

Egg Shen

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Probably because they've not had a full length album out for over 10 years and haven't got the same size fan base as C&C do. They were massive for a little bit when I was in college when Worship & Tribute came out but they've not been a big name for a long time



I absolutely love Glassjaw but this is bang on. They're only really a band when they can be arsed by the looks of it. Plus, when I finally got to see them a few years back they played to a half empty Academy 1 in Manchester. Probably a combo of not releasing a proper album in 10+ years, constantly flitting between being on hiatus and doing the odd show and Daryl's health problems. I mean, I think I had a ticket to see them 'back in the day' on 3 separate occasions and none of them happened. Fingers crossed they make it over.

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Glassjaw are a strange band, they were one of the poster bands for the whole emo-core movement without ever actually really being active when that shit exploded. They came out with that old Roadrunner Records batch of bands when the nu-metal thing was happening, so hearing something like Glassjaw was pretty revolutionary for me, i remember Kerrang! promoting them as the most intense band ever. I got to see them support Soulfly at the old London Astoria back in the day which was pretty cool.


I lost touch after that really, i never really got the praise Worship & Tribute got and i wasn't digging the ep they put out a few years ago. I might go check out one of those shows though.

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Wow, just wow. That looks like a fantasy booked festival except it's actually happening.


Interesting to see Volbeat on there, I didn't think we'd see them anywhere until the new album is done. It could just be a one off I suppose, or they may be further on with it than thought

Edited by WyattSheepMask
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glad ive got a ticket now.


Im still hoping Volbeat headline Bloodstock. I imagine there'd be a bit of a backlash but they are at that kind of level in this country where i think they'd sit nicely at the top. Great band.

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I'd love to see them play that. They'd play an absolute blinder like they always do and Poulsen knows his stuff. But, it 'll again come down to elite at crying into the cups of mead about them not being ' tr00 metals~!'. They've already been pretending that Twisted Sister are worth having even though they haven't been relevant for nearly 30 years, and even then there were a tonne of others above them. They're in a similar situation to Anthrax and their place in history with regards to thrash. Sure, they were around at the time, but there's a reason why they were opening those Big 4 shows

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Seen Creeper and Boston Manor play Southampton last night. Boston Manor where pretty rubbish. Although I don't know much of there music. Creeper where great though. One of the best bands in the UK at the moment easily. Songs are so easy to pick up and listen to and they smashed them live to. Well worth the £6 ticket. Seeing them with Neck Deep next year to!

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Your taste in general gears more towards the heavier stuff though right Ebb? Brought up on Stone Roses by my Dad for years so to me this is huge. 

Anyone got tips for getting tickets on Friday? Been years since I've had to buy for a show that I know will instantly sell out]? (Standing wise)

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