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The Metal/Punk/Rock Thread

Egg Shen

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I've never been the biggest Mastodon fan. I bought Blood Mountain and Crack The Skye but ive always found them to be a band that i need to be in the mood for, they aint the most easily digestable listens and at times i do find me thinking that i'd love the band to just be a little more straightforward (although i guess some argue that they aint is what makes the band what they are). Anyway's The Hunter for the most part is more straight forward and its fucking brilliant. Some of the stuff here doesn't sound anything like classic-Mastodon but it all sounds f'n killer. Great album.


One of the biggest improvements on the record is the vocals. At first i always felt Mastodon's vocalists let them down, but now there's more confidence and it pays off big time. They now have 3 distictive voices in the band and they all sound better than ever. Some of it even comes off a little like cKy? anyone else feel that?

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YES!I've never been the biggest Mastodon fan. I bought Blood Mountain and Crack The Skye but ive always found them to be a band that i need to be in the mood for, they aint the most easily digestable listens and at times i do find me thinking that i'd love the band to just be a little more straightforward (although i guess some argue that they aint is what makes the band what they are). Anyway's The Hunter for the most part is more straight forward and its fucking brilliant. Some of the stuff here doesn't sound anything like classic-Mastodon but it all sounds f'n killer. Great album. One of the biggest improvements on the record is the vocals. At first i always felt Mastodon's vocalists let them down, but now there's more confidence and it pays off big time. They now have 3 distictive voices in the band and they all sound better than ever. Some of it even comes off a little like cKy? anyone else feel that?

I second everything that Ebb says here. Mastodon have never sounded better than they do on this album. And in a way, its good to see them play it more straight forward. No track goes longer than 5:30, which is a refreshing change. I love a progressive epic as much as anybody, but only if its right in the greater context of the album rather than just having it on there for the sake of it.opeth_heritage.jpgMy mrs ended up getting both the new Mastodon and Opeth albums for our 1st year engagment anniversary, so i got to hear them both a couple of weeks earlier than I was expecting. I love the new Opeth album. Ignore what the fuckin idiots on other sites are saying about how they should "come back when they want to make a real album", just because it doesnt have the death metal growls in it. 'Heritage' is much an Opeth album as anything else that they have put out so far, its good to see the band try go in different directions rather than put out the same thing time and time again. At times beautiful and at times Floyd-like psychodelic, this album is a great body of work. It didn't hurt the band when they put out 'Damnation' and this won't hurt their career either
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ive been waiting to buy the Opeth album until i listen, aint got around to it yet.I bought the Mastodon album in HMV last week though, and frustratingly i came home and looked it up online and find there's a limited edition version, with extra tracks and a bonus dvd available on hmv online that is cheaper than what i paid for the standard cd in store, fuck off!

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Not too keen on Opeth's new one, nothing has really grabbed me, it's by no means a bad album as i believe Opeth can't do much wrong. Perhaps it will be a grower.Need to get on the new Mastodon album though!Still spinning the new Anthrax album, best album i've bought in years, it's just perfect!

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My thoughts on the new Opeth & Mastodon albums.Opeth are an amazingly gifted band and at this point in their career they really should be allowed to do whatever they want and this is obviously the sort of music they feel like making, having said that, I had no preconceptions about this album, I hadn't heard anything about it, all I knew is it was a new album by Opeth, a band I really like. I was enjoying how jazzy it was at first then when I realised there were going to be no dirty vocals I was turned off. Don't get me wrong, it's a good prog rock album, I've just been listening to a lot of extreme metal recently and for me it would've had more impact if they'd gone heavier after a long gap away rather than the direction they went in, good album, just not what I was looking for musically at the moment at all. Good background music but I want a bit more than that from the "Thinking man's Death Metal band".Not such a big fan of Mastodon in general, I LOVE Leviathan, it's one of my favourite albums from the period it was released in, Blood Mountain was good but in my eyes nowhere nearly as good as Leviathan. I never got on the Crack the Skye bandwagon, gave it a few listens but couldn't get into it, I guess I wasn't a big enough fan of the band to go on the journey of them changing their sound with them. When I listened to the Hunter at first I was impressed with how catchy it was, then I realised that's not always a good thing, I think the album is too accessible, to me (and granted I've only given it about 4 listens and I'm not a Mastodon expert) it feels like they've gone a bit radio friendly, obviously the riffs are great as always but it just sounds a bit too clean and American for my tastes, also what's up with those Ozzy Osbourne sounding vocals?2 decent albums by 2 bands that are capable of being a hell of a lot more challenging, I'll listen to the Opeth one sometime when I'm chilling out but when I want to hear Mastodon it will definitely be Leviathan I stick on, not the Hunter.

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I love the new Opeth album. Ignore what the fuckin idiots on other sites are saying about how they should "come back when they want to make a real album", just because it doesnt have the death metal growls in it. 'Heritage' is much an Opeth album as anything else that they have put out so far, its good to see the band try go in different directions rather than put out the same thing time and time again. At times beautiful and at times Floyd-like psychodelic, this album is a great body of work. It didn't hurt the band when they put out 'Damnation' and this won't hurt their career either

I've just loaded that album onto my iPod, so I'll give it a listen on the bus tomorrow morning. I've heard mixed reviews, but I'll judge for myself I reckon.
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I've just loaded that album onto my iPod, so I'll give it a listen on the bus tomorrow morning. I've heard mixed reviews, but I'll judge for myself I reckon.

Definitely give it 3 listens before you decide what you think of it, it won't grab you by the balls on the first listen like some albums do.
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I've just loaded that album onto my iPod, so I'll give it a listen on the bus tomorrow morning. I've heard mixed reviews, but I'll judge for myself I reckon.

Definitely give it 3 listens before you decide what you think of it, it won't grab you by the balls on the first listen like some albums do.
Yeah, I usually give most albums a few listens before deciding if it stays or goes.
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See I actually quite like FFDP, they put on a good show. The new album sounds alright on first listen, but it's nowhere near the levels of some of the other stuff that's been out recently.The new Opeth album is in no way an instant classic, but after a few listens I realised just how good a record it is. Mellow, progressive and really powerful. An excellent effort.One that's maybe slipped under the radar is Graveworm's new one, Fragments of Death. As brutal as you'd expect, really good stuff.And, has anyone heard any of Iced Earth's new stuff with Stu Block on vocals? Sounding great, the album, Dystopia is out on Halloween. Can't wait. Also on Halloween, I'm going to see Faster Pussycat on their first Scottish show since the early 90s. In Bannermans Bar of all places. Promises to be a fun one!

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Iced Earth are a band i used to love I was at uni and they do have a decent discography. However, Jon Schaffer made it abundantly clear that it was his band after Matt Barlow the first time, and Schaffer just seemed to believe his own hype a little bit too much. The Glorious Burden was an ok album and Tim 'Ripper' Owens did a competant job on it (recorded his vocal parts in 2 days). After that with the two-album 'Something Wickid...' concept saga, they just seemed to have delusions of granduer in terms of their importance to the genre

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Does anybody in here actaully listens to metal that, you know, isn't on the mainstream charts?

Not that I have anything against the mainstream, but for fuck sake - 99% of the discussion in this thread is pretty much just about mainstream metal. How's about a little variety?


In other words - check the brilliant debut album of NZ's sludge masters Beastwars: http://beastwars.bandcamp.com/track/red-god

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