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Post of the Year 2010 Now Online


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Good luck finding a post of the month in this lot Rick.


Done! -



This thread has degenerated in a way I'm most pleased about for a lazy Friday afternoon.


Anyway, if you really cared about her, and loved her as a friend or whatever the hell you're calling it, when she was in all of those relationships you should have fucked off out of her life a bit and let her be in an "Us" with somebody else.


And if you really, really loved her as a friend and weren't thinking of your own wang, you'd have been miffed with yourself for being the reason one of her boyfriends bailed on her and (presumably) hurt her feelings. But I'll wager you were the sympathetic ear/shoulder/MSN window every minute she needed it, and secretly felt chuffed the two of you were getting closer over her misery.


But you don't care about her as a friend, you love her and you're happy to go along with the "special friends" line (which I bet she described it as first) as a bit of self-preservation in the hope that one day she will change her mind, suddenly think you're dead fit, and you can go out with each other.


It's such bollocks invented by TV shows scriptwriters when people say things like "Going out with each other would fuck the friendship up", because they saw it on Friends or whatever. It's always because one side loves the other and the other doesn't love back. Going out with somebody after being their friend is ace - it removes so much of the early-relationship shocking-discovery-about-their-personality squabbles. If you break up, that's tough shit and in theory you might end up one friend down, but there's always new friends to be made, and by that point you would obviously not be too arsed about her anyway. So no great loss there. The idea of a load of happy romantic times and sex is never ever ever "fucking things up", unless it relates to incest. The reason you think you have is just not a reason at all, sorry.


So in a nutshell, you're going about this all the wrong way. What you need to do is keep away from her for a month or two and completely reinvent your look. Get down the gym, the barbers, the trendy clothes shops, whatever it is she goes for in those people she actually fancied, steal it. Then return with that personality of yours she already loves so much, and all of a sudden, you're in the baby function junction. It's just like Roger after the summer holidays in Sister Sister. And he pulled twins! Twins!



Particularly for the term "baby function junction" and the comparison to Roger from Sister Sister.

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This thread has degenerated in a way I'm most pleased about for a lazy Friday afternoon.


Anyway, if you really cared about her, and loved her as a friend or whatever the hell you're calling it, when she was in all of those relationships you should have fucked off out of her life a bit and let her be in an "Us" with somebody else.


And if you really, really loved her as a friend and weren't thinking of your own wang, you'd have been miffed with yourself for being the reason one of her boyfriends bailed on her and (presumably) hurt her feelings. But I'll wager you were the sympathetic ear/shoulder/MSN window every minute she needed it, and secretly felt chuffed the two of you were getting closer over her misery.


But you don't care about her as a friend, you love her and you're happy to go along with the "special friends" line (which I bet she described it as first) as a bit of self-preservation in the hope that one day she will change her mind, suddenly think you're dead fit, and you can go out with each other.


It's such bollocks invented by TV shows scriptwriters when people say things like "Going out with each other would fuck the friendship up", because they saw it on Friends or whatever. It's always because one side loves the other and the other doesn't love back. Going out with somebody after being their friend is ace - it removes so much of the early-relationship shocking-discovery-about-their-personality squabbles. If you break up, that's tough shit and in theory you might end up one friend down, but there's always new friends to be made, and by that point you would obviously not be too arsed about her anyway. So no great loss there. The idea of a load of happy romantic times and sex is never ever ever "fucking things up", unless it relates to incest. The reason you think you have is just not a reason at all, sorry.


So in a nutshell, you're going about this all the wrong way. What you need to do is keep away from her for a month or two and completely reinvent your look. Get down the gym, the barbers, the trendy clothes shops, whatever it is she goes for in those people she actually fancied, steal it. Then return with that personality of yours she already loves so much, and all of a sudden, you're in the baby function junction. It's just like Roger after the summer holidays in Sister Sister. And he pulled twins! Twins!



Particularly for the term "baby function junction" and the comparison to Roger from Sister Sister.



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I've just wasted some of my fucking life reading this bullshit, but it'll all be worth it if this Midas fellah answers this question:


Would you let her pitch a loaf on your chin, Mr.Midas sir, is what I want to know?

what the shit is "pitch a loaf on your chin" when it's at home?

Would you let her do a right big smelly shit on your chin?



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