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Post of the Year 2010 Now Online


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Caught this fucking pile of pubes on tv earlier on. First thing i see is Johnnyboy running about a gymnastics place doing that gay free running shit spinning off those box horsey things and that, next up we see John running about an empty arena sliding down bannisters and running up walls like a fucking helmet. He then tells us that "free running is good for the soul and the ultimate excercise" don't fucking think so you furrybooted spanner my cat spends all day walking along walls and she's a fat cunt. We then meet John back at Ballet school doing some backflips and he explains to us that "freerunning is the ultimate way to prepare for wrestling and when im not in the ring this is where i hone my craft" well John maybe that would be ok if you were in ROH but how about you try and learn how to work properly you fucking Katy Perry lookalike prick. Finally we see Johnnyboy in another empty arena where he jumps over a popcorn cart for some reason and tells us that "every new arena in every new city brings a different challenge" heres a challenge for you how about you get a haircut and a jacket that doesn't make you look like a woofter. Arsebandit.


All that in the spell of about 5 minutes before i couldn't stomach anymore, i then happily handed the remote over to my bird knowing that whatever she chose to watch couldn'y be half as gay as this shit. I never knew Coronation St Omnibus could be so entertaining... and compared to Ballet with Johnny Nitro it may as well have been a Segal film.

Superb review of the John Morrison DVD Special by CleetusVanDamme.

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Possibly the only one here, but from the "Against The Grain" thread...


- Ric Flair only ever had seven World title reigns, and two of those were in MLW


That made me LITERALLY LOL.

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Another scorcher from Butch


He's never been given a raw deal. Look at his run in WCW. He starts off tagging with the always over Billy Kidman (at that juncture), didn't get over. Then he's turned heel, given three titles and a rub off Carl Oulette, Jacques Rougeau and BRET FUCKING HART in Canada, his own stable, and an anti-USA gimmick, and he still was only really as over as the Harris Brothers. He was the first WCW person to invade, no-one gave two cacks. During the Invasion storyline, no-one really cared about him, then he becomes an Un-American, and was probably the least over of the bunch. Then he starts a tag team with WIlliam Regal, which no-one cares about. Then Sean Morely becomes his tag team partner, and haybales roll across the dirt track. Then he turns face with Goldust and they say he's hung like an Arab Stallion and goes like a sewing machine, and no-one gives a fucking shit.


No-one will ever give a shit about Lance Storm. Apparently his mam didn't even buy him a christmas present because he's not over with her either.


:thumbsup: :thumbsup:

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Another scorcher from Butch


He's never been given a raw deal. Look at his run in WCW. He starts off tagging with the always over Billy Kidman (at that juncture), didn't get over. Then he's turned heel, given three titles and a rub off Carl Oulette, Jacques Rougeau and BRET FUCKING HART in Canada, his own stable, and an anti-USA gimmick, and he still was only really as over as the Harris Brothers. He was the first WCW person to invade, no-one gave two cacks. During the Invasion storyline, no-one really cared about him, then he becomes an Un-American, and was probably the least over of the bunch. Then he starts a tag team with WIlliam Regal, which no-one cares about. Then Sean Morely becomes his tag team partner, and haybales roll across the dirt track. Then he turns face with Goldust and they say he's hung like an Arab Stallion and goes like a sewing machine, and no-one gives a fucking shit.


No-one will ever give a shit about Lance Storm. Apparently his mam didn't even buy him a christmas present because he's not over with her either.


:thumbsup: :thumbsup:


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Don't know if he meant it, don't know if it was trolling, an attempt at being subversive, don't even know if he's just fucking mental to be honest, but it really made me laugh, so in it goes.


I' ll tell you who Darren Young is the spitting image of .




Even better in context too - http://ukff.com/index.php?showtopic=119844

I agree with him actually. In a world without colour and stupid hairstyles, they could pass for twins. Two CAWs developed from the same template.


EDIT - Hmm, okay, when you said "even better" in context I didn't think you meant it changed the whole post entirely. Forget my superfluous agreement then...

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Newms post in the most mental heel turns thread:


Beer Money, 2010.


I literally cannot think of any turn, including the ones already mentioned and ones I may have previously suggested that infuriates and saddens me more. Having seen them on Impact week after week get spine-tingling pops (for that shithole, anyway) and have that New Age Outlaw magic with the entrance, mic work and the BEER......MONEY pose in the middle, the only thing more exciting was seeing them live and experiencing that white hot electricity in person. There was lightyears of time for them to stay face and go on a quest for the Tag gold that the British Invasion kept screwing them out of. Then, if at any point the had to split, I saw huge main event level ability in both Roode as a face and Storm as a heel to allow a feud followed by proper headline runs for both guys.


Then, one week, they decide they'll beat up Jarrett for the "opportunity", and thats it. The whole thing flushed away and now they're competing in the usual three/four team merry-go-round matches with losers like the Guns and whomever Shannon Moore or Rhino decide to team up with one week.


I would go as far to say this turn put such a sour taste in my mouth that I lost some faith with TNA and Hogoff, and it's never fully recovered.

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This post by Vamp yesterday in the "The Greatest Match of All Time" thread - Bottom of Page 4.


I watched Ric Flair vs. Ricky Steamboat from oen of the Clash of the Champions shows the other night and I have to admit to havign a whole new appreciation of that match. Its not the one that people normally get excited about, that being the Wrestle War one, but I think I prefer this slightly earlier match. They work the two out of three falls stipulation perfectly, and while I'm not normally a fan of lengthy epic matches this one is abotu as perfect a worked match as you'll ever see. I don't know if there's ever been a wrestling match, that isn't worked in one of those horrible shoot styles, seem more realistic.


I'd quite like people who are fans of Christopher Daniels to watch it to, as I think it would help them understand the point people make about Daniels not really performing the gimmick he is meant to have. Fans of Daniels normally talk about how fluid a wrestler he is, how perfect in the ring he is, how pretty his moves look, and the same coudl easily be said for Steamboat and Flair back in their day. The difference is that Flair and Steamboat play their characters in the ring. Flair's the cocky twat using dirty tactics and doing whatever it takes to win, Steamboat is the ultimate good guy who runs at you at full pace and keeps going and going. I think that demonstrates the difference between truely great workers, and simply decent workers.

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From the no doubt soon to be closed "what do you wank on" thread:

Casey V, stop being a moron. Masturbation is obviously not gay, whereas eating jizz obviously is. You're trolling in a thread where a 14 year old is lying about what age he got his pubes and talking about how he comes into his own hands and you're still managing to be the most pathetic person in here.
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From the no doubt soon to be closed "what do you wank on" thread:

Casey V, stop being a moron. Masturbation is obviously not gay, whereas eating jizz obviously is. You're trolling in a thread where a 14 year old is lying about what age he got his pubes and talking about how he comes into his own hands and you're still managing to be the most pathetic person in here.


Seconded, and one that made me laugh quite a bit was ...


The match ended when T-Bone was superkicked in the ring by D-Rok


Ouch! :crazy:

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