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MMA: Past Fight Discussion

Egg Shen

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yeh i just looked it up, his second fight was against Leopoldo Montenegro in Jungle Fight (its on youtube). Schultz claims the fight was a work and it aint listed on his record on wiki (just sherdog).


I love old MMA tales :)

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All this talk of the early UFC days got me curious about what the old commentators did post-UFC.


I know Bruce Beck wound up doing some work for Showtime boxing around 95. I've got the Showtime version of Benn vs McClellan and Beck is on studio duty with Bobby Czyz doing the pre and post fight analysis.


Brian Kilmeade ended up with a gig on FOX news where he's made a tit of himself more than once. He stormed off set during an interview with Jesse Ventura (its on YouTube) and got in the shit for stupid comments about Muslims in which he actually said - "Not all Muslims are terrorists, but all terrorists, are Muslims". Unbelievable.


Kathy Long is still involved in martial arts and runs a gym in LA. I was surprised to learn she actually had 1 MMA fight in 2009, at the age of 45, and trained with Gene LeBell. She won on points.


Jim Brown (77) and Bill Wallace (67) are still knocking about. And of course Jeff Blatnick died last year.

Edited by wandshogun09
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Jeff Blatnick got it. Called things "Suplays" (He was a massive pro wrestling fan, and Gordon Solie man. In fact did the did the commentary for the USA versions of UWFI on PPV in post production to much critical acclaim at the time (which we got as bushido) and in that wrestling intensive era was like Boycott putting a key into the wicket. "The footing is fast" etc., etc.,


Probably the best analyst the UFC has ever had. Fuck Rogan. Blatnick was fantastic.

Edited by PowerButchi
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BBB was just ruined. By Kimo. Vastly overrated wrestler, and a vastly overrated hardman by Japan.


Moonsault isn't everything folks.

I actually liked him as a wrestler, he was no Vader in the monster stakes mind.


Here is the Kimo fight, BBB just looks dumbfounded like he does not know what to do.



It did not deter his hardman belief though, the interview I saw years ago set in around 1998 where he claimed the Kimo fight was a work he also said he could batter the clique all in one go. Now Hunter and Shawn and maybe even Hall he could have, but Nash? I know Nash has no training or anything but I can picture him being handy in a street fight, I would not mess with the 90's version of Nash if I was BBB.

Edited by jimufctna24
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BBB was just ruined. By Kimo. Vastly overrated wrestler, and a vastly overrated hardman by Japan.


Moonsault isn't everything folks.

I actually liked him as a wrestler, he was no Vader in the monster stakes mind.



Agreed. I always enjoyed watching him, and I only ever saw one of his matches where he did a moonsault. Bam Bam vs. Bret at the first yearly KOTR final is one of my under-rated favourites.

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Mauro Ranallo used to say 'suplay' in Pride as well. I always liked the commentary team of Beck and Blatnick myself.


In fact, if Blatnick was still alive I'd like to see him back in the booth. He was still judging up until 2011ish. And I'd rather have listened to him than Monotone Jon Anik and his "hurtin' for certain" shite.

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I was a bit harsh when I said he was not much of a innovator, as we established he was one of the first to prove in UFC that size did matter. He was also the first monster wrestler, there were other wrestlers before him but he was the one that started the trend of bulked up fuckers. The "godfather of ground and pound" could also be a apt title if you look at that he was the first to use GnP to great effect, but he was not the first to use that strategy.


He also highlighted you have to put the leg work in throughout your career, that losing streak he went on in the late 90's was mainly down to a complacent attitude. He fixed that and became Pride GP Champ in 2000.


I felt he became a bit irrelevant in the years after losing to Nog. The fluke win over Shogun and the losses to Fedor and Cro Cop are the only thing that stand out to me. His last UFC run was not anything to write home about at the box office or in the cage, other than "fuck you Tito, anytime douchebag"


He never will grew as a fighter and stayed limited through his career, but he made use of his primary weapons (his strength and wrestling) He came across as a bit dim (nothing to do with the "meathead" stereotype just how he went about things), but also a nice guy. The moment with his daughters after the 2nd Fedor loss is hard to stomach.


A worthy Hall Of Famer mainly for his early days in UFC and 2000 win in Pride.

Edited by jimufctna24
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Mark Coleman is a fucking legend. Sadly he'll probably be remembered more for the negatives like throwing the Takada fight and carrying on way too long. But he was a huge part of MMA history and the bulk of it was positive.


My brother and my mate met Coleman after UFC 93. He was banged up and disappointed as you'd expect, after the loss to Shogun, but they couldn't speak highly enough of him and how he was with fans. Even at a shitty time, he took time to speak to people and take pictures and stuff. Of all the fighters and MMA folk they met that weekend (including Hendo, Joe Rogan, Buffer, Baroni, I think Lytle, and a few others) Coleman was the one they said was the soundest. It still pisses me off that I missed out on that trip.




Top bloke.


He fought everyone as well. He lost more than he won at the top level but you can't fault him for going up against the best of his era consistently. Fedor twice, Nogueira, Cro Cop, Frye twice, Couture, Shogun twice, Goodridge, Severn, Rizzo, Maurice Smith, Vovchanchyn.


And all of them bar Couture were pretty much in their prime when Coleman fought them.


First ever UFC Heavyweight champion;



Winner of the first ever Pride Grand Prix;



UFC Hall Of Famer;



The 'Godfather of Ground and Pound' nickname is right;








He's got bollocks big enough to step on Wandy's head as well;



Shocked the world by beating Stephan Bonnar at UFC 100;



At the age of 44. One of the best feel-good wins in UFC history. Especially given that it was the 100th show and the build up was quite nostalgia filled.


There's also stuff like this



And this



He's still highly respected among the new breed of fighters as well;



My top 3 memories of Coleman though, are all post-fight stuff;






This was after he beat Igor Vovchanchyn to win the Pride GP in 2000. Probably the greatest post-win celebration ever in MMA. Look how happy the man is.





That's from just after his controversial first fight with Shogun, and the riot after. Coleman at his angry best, ripping into everyone. Throwing out threats to the Chute Boxe lot.


"I got sucker-punched two times out there for no reason. It's bullshit. Silva you got one comin'...little ass Ninja? You better keep your ass down at 185 buddy. Cheating motherfucker. I better watch my language, my Mom's watching.


The few fans that put a little cash on me...alright! And the one's you dumbasses that bet your house...TOO BAD. I told ya not to bet the house. Don't ever bet the house against me. Enough said. I'M BACK. I AIN'T GOIN' NOWHERE. DON'T FORGET MY NAME. QUIT CALLIN' ME AN OLD MAN, I MAY BE LOSING MY HAIR BUT I AIN'T THAT FUCKIN' OLD.


Damnit, I try to get through one interview without saying that word...delete that. Or give me a little beep or something.


I love ya. I love this sport. And I'm just getting started."


Awesome. Watch it.


And 1)


Of course...






A true legend.

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