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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

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Jeff Who Lives At Home

I'd heard mixed-to-bad reviews of this, so I had low expectations and was pleasantly surprised. Jason Segel was perfect casting, Ed Helms not so much. It's not particularly funny or cohesive, but if you can stomach indie comedy and you're easily pleased it'll pass the time easily.

Segel and Sarandon stop the film from being bad, Helms' Danny Mcbride impression is just odd.


The Duplass brothers zoom in bullshit is so fucking irritating it took me out of the film every time it happened, {very slight spoiler} at one point they do an dramatic (and out of place) zoom in on Helms just before he jump's into the sea which makes it look like Baywatch.


Has the potential to be this years Greenberg, alot of people are going to love it and some are going to hate it. I hated Greenberg.

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Jason Segel was perfect casting...


I have a full on mancrush on Jason Segel. I even love his singing on the soundtrack of The Muppets.


I love him for the simple reason that he hasn't got veneers.

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Jeff Who Lives At Home

I'd heard mixed-to-bad reviews of this, so I had low expectations and was pleasantly surprised. Jason Segel was perfect casting, Ed Helms not so much. It's not particularly funny or cohesive, but if you can stomach indie comedy and you're easily pleased it'll pass the time easily.


Rock of Ages

Pretty fucking awesome. Great cast, the highlight of which is Tom Cruise. He's superb, and the whole thing rollicks along tremendously. Dodgy accent work from Russell Brand, but that makes it fun.


Rock of Ages was a great film and a terrible film merged together. Tom Cruise, Alec Baldwin, Russell Brand, Paul Giamatti were brilliant. The whole morals vs. rock and roll was awesome. But for some reason half the film was given over to a boy and a girl in an incredibly tired and cliche romance that did nothing fun or memorable. Replace that with more Tom Cruise being brilliant and I'd have loved it.

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Can't believe there's been 3 posts about Rock of Ages and still no comparison between Stacee Jaxx's manager and Paul E Dangerously. Even better, the manager is called Paul and the monkey is called Hey Man.

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Watched 'Faster' last night. It felt abit samey most ofthe way through but once the story started picking up it was a really enjoyable film. The Rock shows he can be a good succeeder to the 80's action stars. Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje was brilliant as The Evangelist.

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Can't believe there's been 3 posts about Rock of Ages and still no comparison between Stacee Jaxx's manager and Paul E Dangerously. Even better, the manager is called Paul and the monkey is called Hey Man.


Is that one of the first times there's been a real wrestling reference in a Hollywood film? Its made me want to watch it all the more! :thumbsup:

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Watched Chronicle yesterday and enjoyed it. I'm currently three minutes into Eden Lake and the main woman's voice is really putting me off. I don't know what exactly it is, but it sounds like it's been redubbed to sound more American or something. Or just shitty ADR. Or she's got an awful voice. Or it's my speakers. I don't know if I'll be able to make it through. It's shot more like an advert than a film as well. I might be thinking that because they're in a car.


Can't believe there's been 3 posts about Rock of Ages and still no comparison between Stacee Jaxx's manager and Paul E Dangerously. Even better, the manager is called Paul and the monkey is called Hey Man.

I did notice his similarity to Paul E when watching, but forgot by the end.


Is that one of the first times there's been a real wrestling reference in a Hollywood film? Its made me want to watch it all the more! :thumbsup:

It's a coincidence.

Edited by King Pitcos
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Eden Lake is appalling.


Re-watched The Mist the other night. It's not without its flaws but on the whole I think it's one of the best horror films in recent memory. A lot of people take aim at the *insert sad trombone here* ending and while you can certainly make the argument that timing-wise, it's almost (darkly) comical, it's still gut-wrenching. The effects, especially in the beginning, occasionally leave a lot to be desired, but the budget is quite low for a studio picture (apparently Frank Darabont was offered a great deal more if he'd agree to change the ending) so you forgive it. As a, 'we're the real monsters' parable it's extremely effective, even if, again, some things happen a little too quickly. The cast are hugely impressive - particuarly Thomas Jane and Marcia Gay Harden - and there's a deeply unsettling feeling throughout. It's quite a nasty little film, but not exploitative, and the characters are mostly elevated from 'victim #3' which is what horror should be about.


Also watched Rococop 2 for the first time. What a mess!

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The ending to The Mist is one of the worst and most ill-judged of all time. The rest of it is excellent.


Robocop 2 is a mess, but still great fun.

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It's amazing how there seems to be no middle ground with that ending. People seem to either completely latch onto it and are hit hard by it or they utterly despise it. I can see both arguments, but I applaud the risk taken.

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Absolutely, I think it was brave to try that but considering all that went before, it made no sense to me. The ending of the book sounded far more plausible and would have set up a sequel, which I would have loved to have seen, nicely.


Laurie Holden is wonderful, though :love:

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Laurie Holden's awful, quite high on my list of things that make The Walking Dead so shit. She looks like someone who made it to the final three for La Femme Nikita and then got depressed and aged badly for fifteen years. She'd have done really well as a pornstar or WWE diva in the mid-nineties.

Edited by King Pitcos
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Can't believe there's been 3 posts about Rock of Ages and still no comparison between Stacee Jaxx's manager and Paul E Dangerously. Even better, the manager is called Paul and the monkey is called Hey Man.


Is that one of the first times there's been a real wrestling reference in a Hollywood film? Its made me want to watch it all the more! :thumbsup:


There were references to wrestling all over The Wrestler.

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