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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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The sequels build on the 'mythology' of the Cube which is code for back story no one really gives a shit about

Which made the sequels uneccesary and shit. Cube worked when it was this little indie film which left the film open to interpretation. It's like a magic rick once you know how it's done then it loses any interest.


Exactly. It reminds me of the Rob Zombie remake of Halloween which spends the opening explaining what a troubled young boy Michael is. It ruins the film (which is shit anyway) Having him just being evil and not knowing why is far more sinister

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I've never met anyone that does. I think its a urban myth like when people say Kel from Keenan and Kel died in a car crash or Neil Buchanan from Art Attack has cancer. It sounds like it could be true but you know its not

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I believe Richie Freebird voted The Devil's Rejects as his favourite film of all time in the UKFF Top 50, but I don't think it's been medically proved that he is in fact a person as yet.

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Sickboy thinks it's the best horror film of the past decade and regularly says it's the greatest sequel to a terrible original of all time. While the latter may well be true, it's still only three stars at best.

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I've only seen House of a Thousand Corpses which was shit and Devil Rejects which was alright. I avoided everything else he did because one of my friends who is a huge horror fan just trashed the Halloween remake. From what he told me I just refused to watch it myself to see if it was a shit film.

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Its a film thats only memorable for its self indulgent use of Freebird


Anyway I watched the workprint version of Alien3 (or whatever they call it now) on Bluray. Im still not decided on it. Its certainly not a better film than the theatrical version of Alien3 and the original cult/religion sub plot still gets lost in the mix . I like the subtle cleanups they have done on it since the Alien quadrilogy dvd release (the audio on the inserted footage was terrible on that release). I still think theres a good film in there somewhere and its not as much of a mess as some people make it out to be but its just not a great film

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Hey so I watched Existenz the other night for the first time since I saw it back on old dingy VHS in... 1999?


It's an odd little flick, not so much because of the plot but because it's quite ramshackle. It seems like it's held together by thread (even though the budget was apparently decent-enough sized) and it's got a real charm to it, even if it feels that Cronenberg is a bit late in satirising the videogames industry. Still, it has some cool touches (the gun made out of bones that fires teeth is a particular highlight) and Jennifer Jason Leigh is equal parts adorable and goddamn sexy in it. She's 50 now, which kind of blows my mind.

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I've just started watching Cruel Intentions 3 on Crackle, and 5 minutes in it's already the worst film I've watched this year. Does it get any better, is there at least some decent sex scenes, or should I just abandon it now?

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I've just started watching Cruel Intentions 3 on Crackle, and 5 minutes in it's already the worst film I've watched this year. Does it get any better, is there at least some decent sex scenes, or should I just abandon it now?


I told you to watch Take Shelter, why are you watching Cruel Intentions 3 for fuck's sake?

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Recently caught the original Game of Death (all 39 minutes of it) and what a film it could have been if it was finished, Bruce's charisma really shines through even more than it did in the previous movies. You could tell that this was his personal baby and that it had a message to it, sadly it was ruined in 78 when they made the bullshit version with other actors playing Bruce and some of the worst "effects" ever.

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