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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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The thing about Girl Next Door that messed with me is how much like a TV movie it seemed. Like a movie of the week, with real nasty evil scenes.

Yeah, I know what you mean. I thought the general performances were better than that type of film though (not that I watch cruddy tv melodramas much), especially the kids.


The problem for me was that whenever I watch a "true story" film I then have to go and read about the real incident, and this one was a particularly horrible, soul-destroying story. Just messed up.

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Did you ever get round to seeing 'Kill List' Gladders?


Not yet, but I just found it on Stagevu so I might watch it tonight.


Slightly off topic but Stagevu and Veehd are fantastic sites. The amount of obscure stuff I've found on them both is great.

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Did you ever get round to seeing 'Kill List' Gladders?


Not yet, but I just found it on Stagevu so I might watch it tonight.


Slightly off topic but Stagevu and Veehd are fantastic sites. The amount of obscure stuff I've found on them both is great.


You introduced me to the former, and I've found some awesome stuff on there, so thanks again. Will be bookmarking Veehd now as well!

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Did you ever get round to seeing 'Kill List' Gladders?


Not yet, but I just found it on Stagevu so I might watch it tonight.


Slightly off topic but Stagevu and Veehd are fantastic sites. The amount of obscure stuff I've found on them both is great.


You introduced me to the former, and I've found some awesome stuff on there, so thanks again. Will be bookmarking Veehd now as well!


Ahhhh well if you use veehd create an account it gets rid of the stupid ad to install a codec.

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Rewatched Aliens last night. It's still a magnificent work but fuck me Newt is terrible.


They come mostly at night... mostly


They mostly come at night....mostly.

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Rewatched Aliens last night. It's still a magnificent work but fuck me Newt is terrible.


They come mostly at night... mostly


They mostly come at night....mostly.


I wasn't double checking. It was coming off the top of my head. I've not seen Aliens properly for ages. But you know getting words slightly in the wrong order is clearly a crime against humanity.


I wasn't aware that the forum was 'The World according to Glastone-arp'

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I wasn't aware that the forum was 'The World according to Glastone-arp'


I think we finally have a contender for 'Peter Stainontrouserforth'.

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The Woman - A small town lawyer finds a feral woman whilst hunting in the woods near his home. He captures her, takes him home to his family & attempts to 'civilise' her. A particularly nasty little horror/thriller. It's slow burning, generally well acted & features an incredibly brave performance by the titular lead. It was far from perfect & I'm still not really sure whether I 'liked' it or not
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I wasn't aware that the forum was 'The World according to Glastone-arp'


I think we finally have a contender for 'Peter Stainontrouserforth'.


Oh God! I never realised. I should have put brackets around (lastone). Silly me. I got something wrong on the internet. As a result I should probably go to the bottom of the garden and eat worms or something :sleeping:

Edited by patdfb
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Fuck off pat, you absolute mong.


On the subject of Aliens and its brothers and sisters, I would like to pose some off-the-top-of-my-head questions to the forum:


- Alien or Aliens? And why?


- Is Sir Ridley Scott a world class filmmaker, only brilliant when the material is strong and challenging or a decent hack who got lucky over the years? His CV has some absolute stinkers and while Alien and Blade Runner are wonderfully crafted works, it's hard to think of a Ridley Scott directing signature that puts him up there with the greats. Plus, I reckon that there's an argument to be made that Blade Runner only works perfectly because its production was so fragmented. Furthermore, would anyone care about Scott's new film if it wasn't tied to this series?


- The theatrical version of Alien omits a scene where Ripley discovers what's left of her crew (including a still alive Dallas who begs for death), confirming that the Alien was abducting them rather than simply killing them. It's in the Director's Cut, and I find it a very curious omission first time round. Sure, intelligent films (sci-fi especially) should never hold the audience's hand and shout the obvious in your face, but this brief scene is important because it shows the true horror of the Alien's intentions and puts Ripley in a more harrowing situation than before. Am I wrong? Is it better left out?


- Is Alien 3 rubbish or an admirable failure? Was killing Hicks and Newt off the right move? It's ballsy as fuck but it robs Ripley of an ending and a family that she earned over two films of absolute personal torture.


- A trivia question: Lance Henriksen and Bill Paxton both have the amazing distinction of being killed onscreen by a Terminator, an Alien and a Predator. Henriksen also meets a grisly end at the hands of another horror icon. Who?

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