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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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Rushmore is just as good, though Life Aquatic still remains my favourite. I got the three of them in a box set for around a tenner online.

If it's "The Wes Anderson Collection" then I too brought that, got it for eight quid which isn't bad for five discs.


Just gone and bought on Play.com. Cant wait for it to arrive, thanks for bringing it to my attention...

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Do you Wes Anderson fans not get a little tired of "quirky" after a while? I don't think I'd watch more than one of his films in a row, put it that way.

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How often do you watch more than one film in a row anyway? Some of y'all seem to have a massive capacity for sitting and watching films.. I get pretty antsy sat in front of films for that long, and my mind wanders and I feel like I'm wasting my time... Unless I'm really hungover, of course.

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Do you Wes Anderson fans not get a little tired of "quirky" after a while? I don't think I'd watch more than one of his films in a row, put it that way.


I sort of feel that way about Tim Burton. I don't even have to watch his films in a row for him to piss me off.


Alright, you like Gothic fairytales with pseudo-Victorian toybox glockenspiel music. We get it.

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Do you Wes Anderson fans not get a little tired of "quirky" after a while? I don't think I'd watch more than one of his films in a row, put it that way.


I don't find his films that "quirky" really, because opposed to other recent "quirky" films like Napoleon Dynamite, Eagle vs Shark and Juno, etc. You can tell the difference between having a "quirky" style and having a film that sells itself just by being "quirky". Anderson's films feature strong characters, strong narrative, strong visuals and for the most part fantastic acting. They don't feature burger phones, pointless but quotable dialogue like Dynamite, or characters that look stupid but have no actual character at all. Admittedly it took me about 2 watches through Life Aquatic before I "got it", but Tenenbaums had me laughing first time through, as did Rushmore.

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I thought Life Aquatic was almost too quirky, for want of a better word. The gunfight on the ship, where Murray calmly walks through a hail of bullets and wastes the baddies. Are we supposed to accept that's part of a film-within-a-film? Then that makes the overarching plot of the film about a film of a film crew trying to make a film. It's too...dreamy, and insubstantial, for me, a bit too much of the time.

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I thought Life Aquatic was almost too quirky, for want of a better word. The gunfight on the ship, where Murray calmly walks through a hail of bullets and wastes the baddies. Are we supposed to accept that's part of a film-within-a-film? Then that makes the overarching plot of the film about a film of a film crew trying to make a film. It's too...dreamy, and insubstantial, for me, a bit too much of the time.


Colour me a little surprised - that movie sounds very "meta", which I thought was right up your street?

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Do you Wes Anderson fans not get a little tired of "quirky" after a while? I don't think I'd watch more than one of his films in a row, put it that way.


I sort of feel that way about Tim Burton. I don't even have to watch his films in a row for him to piss me off.


Alright, you like Gothic fairytales with pseudo-Victorian toybox glockenspiel music. We get it.


I know exactly what you mean. I'm not even slightly interested in the new Alice in Wonderland because it just looks like every other film he's churned out in the last decade or so. Johnny Depp and his wife in a gothic setting. He even made Charlie and the Chocolate Factory dark, ffs.

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Do you Wes Anderson fans not get a little tired of "quirky" after a while? I don't think I'd watch more than one of his films in a row, put it that way.


I sort of feel that way about Tim Burton. I don't even have to watch his films in a row for him to piss me off.


Alright, you like Gothic fairytales with pseudo-Victorian toybox glockenspiel music. We get it.


That's it (except I slightly let him off because that's his "style" and I personally like that style).


How often do you watch more than one film in a row anyway?

On a comedown day I quite like a bit of a marathon - the Die Hard Trilogy or Predator 1/2 or Cannonball Runs or whatever. Don't get to do it so much any more (old) but I wouldn't do a Wes Anderson one.

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  • Paid Members
Do you Wes Anderson fans not get a little tired of "quirky" after a while? I don't think I'd watch more than one of his films in a row, put it that way.


I sort of feel that way about Tim Burton. I don't even have to watch his films in a row for him to piss me off.


Alright, you like Gothic fairytales with pseudo-Victorian toybox glockenspiel music. We get it.


I know exactly what you mean. I'm not even slightly interested in the new Alice in Wonderland because it just looks like every other film he's churned out in the last decade or so. Johnny Depp and his wife in a gothic setting. He even made Charlie and the Chocolate Factory dark, ffs.


That's the thing - as far as I'm concerned, he's effectively queered the pitch for Alice in Wonderland, which is a shame, because if there are any classic stories out there that are perfect for the Burton style, it's that. But now I'm just not interested, because I'm almost certain it'll be nigh-indistinguishable from most of his previous work.

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I thought Life Aquatic was almost too quirky, for want of a better word. The gunfight on the ship, where Murray calmly walks through a hail of bullets and wastes the baddies. Are we supposed to accept that's part of a film-within-a-film? Then that makes the overarching plot of the film about a film of a film crew trying to make a film. It's too...dreamy, and insubstantial, for me, a bit too much of the time.


Colour me a little surprised - that movie sounds very "meta", which I thought was right up your street?

Occasionally, it's right up my street. Just not this time.


If it were a film within a film within a film, then all well and good, but that scene as an example has the entire rest of the crew either tied up or dead. Who was filming it? There's so much of this that I'm fairly sure that's not the case and it's just an example of several scenes which just don't work.

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I don't really understand your complaint. The parts of the movie which were supposed to be part of the documentary the film crew were filming were shot in a completely different style to the movie itself and appeared as cutscenes, if your complaining about who shot the shootout then what about every scene that occurs before they go on the voyage and decide to film it? It's a movie and the invisible camera films the actors acting, I don't really see the problem.

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But I'm the one who's over-analysing?


Like I said before, there are quite a few scenes which are shot in such a way as to have some sort of weird dream-like vibe about them, but they're not part of a dream and there aren't enough of them for it to be a major stylistic point. It's a lurching about in style which can work sometimes, but in the case of this film does not. I was using the example of the shootout as it was freshest in my mind, is all. There are others.


I'm probably one of the few people who watched the thing that this was spoofing as a kid (the films of Jacques Cousteau, which my parents loved) but even with that loving tribute / spoof, it still didn't work. It just felt like it needed another edit, or a slight rewrite, to me.


It's not a Wes Anderson stylistic annoyance on my part either - I love Bottle Rocket and Rushmore.

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